
Champion of the Netori Goddess

If a depraved 'Goddess' offers you a choice between becoming her champion, and being extinguished forever... what will you choose? Notes - Support the author on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=116426820 This work began as a way to practice writing smut. Expect lewd degeneracy - like holding hands, and a bare minimum of plot. Tags include - Netori, Keeping the Bloodline Pure, Breeding Kink, Yandere If you're an Issei stan, I would rather you didn't read this novel, please.

Mahou_Shonen · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Miki #3 [R-18]

The next morning, Sunday.

Sosuke blanched when he realized that he woke up quite later than usual. He left his mother's bedroom, where he went to sleep at night… and dragged himself to the hall where he saw Miki doing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Mama, the alarm clock in your room isn't working." 

Pausing in surprise, she turned and smiled sheepishly. "Ah, So-chan… You see, I thought So-chan looked so cute while sleeping that I turned off the alarm, thinking to let you sleep longer…"

He blinked, before huffing as he walked up to her and hugged her from behind. "Mmhm… and it definitely has nothing to do with how Mama is doing the dishes even though it's my turn today?"


He shook his head fondly before asking as he looked around. "Where are Papa and Ise?"

"Hmm? Oh, they went outside. Remember how Ise-chan had been clamoring for a new game?"

"Oh yeah, Boobie Warriors 3," Sosuke said, as he innocently sent Issei to his death, yet again.

Miki's face twitched as she clenched the rolling pin that she was about to wash. "Does Daddy know?"

He nodded. 

She smiled sweetly at him… while the rolling pin cracked slightly. "I see. So-chan, shall the both of us go out to eat today?"

He nodded rapidly and asked with slight excitement. "Can we go to that new restaurant? I've been wanting to talk to their chef ever since the last time."

She ruffled his hair in amusement. "Alright."

"Thank you, Mama." He smiled happily before pausing. "Did Papa and Issei say they were going to eat outside?"

"Hmm? No, Daddy said he had gained weight lately so he's trying dieting." She lied with a straight face. 

"And Issei?"

"What about Issei~?"

Sosuke blinked as he saw his mother smile… the same smile she had whenever his little brother was going to be spanked. 

He shook his head, while making a mental note to buy a soothing cream when outside, and said. "I see. Mm, I'll just… go take a bath, then."


Sosuke hummed a tune as he shed his clothes and put them into the laundry hamper. He then walked into the inner bathroom, sat down on the bath stool, and turned the knob for the shower head, letting the stream of hot water wash over his body.

<I still don't get why you did something so seemingly needless.>

The goddess watched in interest as the boy stiffened momentarily, before resuming washing his body as if nothing had happened, and yet… she noticed his slightly changed demeanor, as well as how his cheeks started to flush crimson. Another person could attribute it to the hot water pouring over him, but no… she was sure of a fact.

Her champion was embarrassed for some reason. 

She grinned, realizing that something amusing lay ahead, and waited patiently for the boy to open up. Finally, he turned the showerhead off and sat motionlessly for a moment, before an odd look came upon his face. He asked.

"Are you really a goddess?"

She expressed confusion at the sudden doubt of her identity.

"Shouldn't you already have known what was going to happen yesterday? Why are you so surprised by everything?"

<Hmm? Oh, so this is why you're confused. You can think of it in manner – The 'me' that focused on only you like a mortal avatar. So no peeking ahead, or looking into your mind. Because things will become boring way. This way, everything brand new for me too… So~ hurry up and explain.>

"Oh…" He nodded and then opened his mouth to speak… before shutting it close. His gaze seemed to want to burn a hole into the floor, and he hesitated for a while before whispering in a mosquito-like voice. 

"I panicked."

<Excuse me?> She blurted out upon receiving the unexpected answer.

The blush on his face traveled to his ears and his neck, and he spoke aggrievedly. "I couldn't help it, okay? I… I don't think I could keep up the pretense, day in and day out. I'd slip up, sooner or later… if not immediately. And when I did… how would Mom react? I didn't know… and got afraid, I suppose."

The goddess blinked in surprise at the surprisingly passionate reason, and then–

<Hmm, I see~> She smiled widely, instantly realizing the implication of his words, and carefully provoked him further. <But… you do know that I could very easily make a <em>small change in your Mama… make her think that your behavior was normal, right?>

Sosuke instantly stiffened, his arm pausing mid-air, clenching the bottle of shampoo in his hand. He bit his bottom lip and muttered softly. "I… I would like it if you didn't mess with Mom's mind any more than what you have."

<Snrrk. > 

She couldn't help it. A snort of laughter escaped her throat, before–

<Hehe… hehehehehe… ahahahahaha!> She started giggling, which evolved into a peal of wild laughter, and a wide grin almost split her face.

<My~ > She spoke intermittently, her laughter not ceasing. <I hadn't thought that… that you would be affected… so much by your new memories… that– Phew!>

She took a deep breath, then exhaled loudly. <To think that you'd rather endanger yourself than lie to her… Did you Mama wouldn't love anymore, eh, So-chan with the Mama-complex?> 

A low, strangled whine escaped his throat as he embarrassedly hid his face in his hands. "This is all your fault," he retorted weakly.

<Hey, don't blame your Oedipus complex upon me!> She snickered before asking. <But still, I'll bite. How is this my fault?>

He huffed in derision. "You could have made me regain my memories when I was older, and things would have been smooth sailing… but no! You perverted thing just had to watch Shota Lewds."

She just cheered heartily. <And what a gloriously lewd start it was! A cute, actually innocent shota begins to fall into depravity along with his beloved mother~ By the way, you're wrong about one thing… <em>I haven't messed with your Mama's mind at all.>

Sosuke paused in his motion of shampooing his hair and huffed. "Don't lie to me. What was last night all about, then?"

<Hmm? That was just your Mama finding out about her fetish. Nothing to do with me, no sir~> 

She scoffed upon seeing his unbelieving face.

<Brat I'm not lying. Your entire family is full of lewd, degenerate perverts. You already know about your brother. I just told you Mom. dad… do why he can't get it up?>

"No, and I would rather not know." He said with disgust.

She giggled perversely. <I think you already know the answer… don't you?>

His face cramped, and he muttered, "Did you reincarnate me into a Hentai version of DxD?"

She snorted in disdain. <Silly champion~ The real thing was always a Hentai. Instead, the you saw watered-down version. After all, life doesn't have cock-blocking editors or censorship laws~>


<I still haven't told you about your grandparents.~>

"Please don't…" He groaned in fear.

She chuckled amusedly. <Hmm~ Alright. I won't… Still, for my cute champion, who let me experience such a delicious scene yesterday, your benevolent goddess will give you treat. See yourself, how lewd Mama is.>

Sosuke opened his mouth to ask what she meant by that, only to come to a standstill, as he heard someone's footsteps. A moment later, he saw a very naked Hyoudou Miki, entering the bathroom… even though he clearly remembered locking the door.

<Have fun~>


"M-mama?" Sosuke muttered in surprise, seeing Miki just nonchalantly walk up to his side. She took the shower head into her hands and said, "Close your eyes So-chan," before starting to wash the shampoo out of his hair.

When she finished rinsing his hair, she grabbed the bath sponge, squirted some body wash into it, and started scrubbing his back with practiced motions. 

"Hmm~ What is it So-chan?" She asked as she saw Sosuke peek back hesitantly.

"W–What? Why are you here?" He asked shyly, while his legs involuntarily glued themselves shut.

"Ara~ Do you want Mama to leave, then?"

He whined softly. "Th–that's not what I meant. I–"

He stopped upon hearing the giggling voice of Miki, who crept closer, kissing his cheek. "Fufu~ Mama was only teasing you." 

She squealed inwardly seeing his cute pouting face, her arms wrapped around him, pulling him into an embrace as she said, "Mama went to take a bath as well but the shower in my bathroom isn't working. Then I thought, it has been a while since I took a bath with So-chan… and here I am. You don't mind, do you?"

She smiled happily upon seeing him shake his head slowly, which unknowingly became a smirk as his body shivered from her breasts being pressed against his back. She then resumed scrubbing his back as well as his arms, for a while longer… before calling out.

"And done~ Turn around, So-chan. I'll do your front as well."

"It– it's fine… I can do it myself. After all… mama has… has to bathe as well, right?"

She blinked before giggling softly as she gently pulled his arm. "Ara~ It's fine~ Let me do it today, So-chan. No need to feel shy~"

Sosuke could only surrender to his fate. Hesitantly and awkwardly, he dragged himself around on the stool and faced Miki, who began to gently scrub his chest. She hummed softly as her arms slowly, meticulously moved southwards, before–

"Move your legs, So-chan," she asked him.

"B… But–" He protested weakly.

"I get that you feel shy, but it's important to keep that place clean as well." She said in a serious tone that didn't match with her thoughts that were slowly turning lewd.

He slowly, hesitantly parted his legs, causing his slightly leaking erection to be finally visible.

"Cute~" She blurted out involuntarily… causing Sosuke to flush crimson in mortification.

"Mama!" He protested loudly, only to receive an unrepentant smile from Miki.

"What? It's true… every part of So-chan is cute for Mama~" She giggled before her soapy hand gave his penis a languid tug, causing Sosuke to gasp in pleasure. She hummed. "Mama did promise yesterday that she'd take care of this~ Just as well. I'll also check whether So-chan has been keeping it clean. Two birds with one stone~"

She looked up at his flushed face and noticed his gaze on her breasts. A thought occurred to her, and a racy smile graced her lips as she cooed softly and handed Sosuke the sponge. "How about you clean Mama as well, So-chan~?"

"O–oh…" He mumbled incoherently and fumbled with the showerhead for a moment before a stream of water started soaking up Miki's skin, who looked into his eyes while her right hand jerked him off at a steadily building pace.

Upon turning off the water, she smiled encouragingly and led his hands forwards… where he slowly, carefully began to soap up her wet boobs. A soft moan escaped her lips as his fingers brushed against her stiff nipple… causing Sosuke to be startled and drop the sponge.

She giggled and dropped down to her knees. Hefting her breasts in her hands, she enveloped his dick between the valley of her breasts and cooed. "I suppose this will be enough for now. Let Mama take care of the rest~"

She looked intensely into his eyes as she started to move her breasts, and whispered sensually. "Does it feel good, So-chan? Do Mama's boobs feel good for you?"

"Mm… it feels good, mama…" Sosuke said as he gasped loudly, causing Miki to happily increase her pace. 

The lewd sounds of their wet bodies reverberated in the small room, causing the pair's faces to be flushed with desire. Miki stared at the glans that was peeking from the top of her breasts… and her tongue involuntarily exited her mouth as she remembered something from last night. 

Of how she had secretly licked her hand clean.

She bent down, and a string of her saliva fell upon the glans… before she gave it a quick, tentative lick. Surprisingly, she couldn't taste any soap, only an unnaturally delicious taste… one that she remembered from last night… and wanted more of.

"M–mama?! W–wha–" 

"Shh… So-chan. Mama is making sure So-chan is clean down there~" She said before her tongue slathered his penis' head with saliva as she gave it long licks, accompanied by quick smoochs. Precum started leaking freely from the slit, and she kept licking it off… before she eventually engulfed the entire tip into her mouth.

A loud moan left Sosuke's throat as his body trembled fiercely. His body leaned back involuntarily, and his hips rose slightly, only to end up driving his member further down her mouth. Surprised only for a moment, Miki held it in position for a moment, as he tongue bathed his length with her saliva… before pulling back to the sounds of his gasps. She then kept alternating between licking the tip and sucking on it, while her hands kneaded her breasts along his length, until finally–

"Oh~ Are you going to spurt like yesterday, So-chan~? Do it~ Let it out~ Spurt your juice on mama~ Ahn~❤!"

His hot seed spurted onto her face, tongue, and breasts. Miki shivered in pleasure before she gulped, and then licked herself clean… of her So-chan's tasty fluids with a delirious smile on her face. She looked up, to find Sosuke staring at her wide-eyed, his cheeks ablaze with embarrassment. She smiled sensually as she looked into his eyes and took his dick back into her mouth, sucking and slurping on his sensitive tip, before releasing it with a pop. She winked cheekily and said–

"See, So-chan? All clean~" 


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