
Chapter 57

After that encounter with the tall lesbian, Sam realized that it would be reckless to go into a fight without using his points. He had saved them up for too long, so that he could polish his skills. But now was the time to use them.

[+Agility up to 30]

[Tier 3]

[Strength up to 26]

[HP 800/800]

With stats like this, he wouldn't have to worry if he got a fatal attack, as he would survive it.

Not only did Sam use his affinity points, but he also used his skill points.

[Wind Footwork up to level 10]

[Skill Reached max level]

[New Skill Unlocked]

[Lightning Footwork.

Double Speed of Wind Footwork Increase speed by 3 folds

100 MP/Min]

[Mirage Swords up to level 7]

He doubted that even with all of the upgrades, he would match the speed of someone who cut through a full army without them realizing it, meaning that she was faster than a bullet. So he upgraded his other skill.

Four red swords emerged from thin air. Feeling that he could control them with his mind alone, Sam made them revolve around him.

'This skill is for defense and attack.'

While thinking, a couple of puppets approached him. They were cut by the mirage swords easily.

Sam grabbed the Curse Devil glove and wore it. Now, it was time for him to head to the headquarters.

'Let me try my last skill.'

A series of lightning bolts danced around his legs. When he moved, he vanished, leaving a trail of lightning behind him. Sam could barely believe the speed he had achieved. The combination of an additional 10 points, which was like 20 points from tier one, plus a new movement skill, made him move faster than he expected. Most of the objects seemed motionless when he moved.

'My name is Sam Alan, and I'm the fastest man alive... I mean, the other person is a woman, and a fiend on top of that.'

When he stopped in front of the Public Safety building, he turned his head.

Apparently, the mirage swords that he had around his body managed to cut a few cars and objects on his way.

Sam smiled. 'This is a nice combination of two skills,' he thought, before entering inside and running.

Inside this building, Sam could sense a lot of devilish auras.

Denji was one of them.

"Seriously, man, how many assassins did they hire?" He shrugged before entering inside and running up the stairs. When he reached the top floor, he found Denji there. He was opening his arms widely, with a bunch of citizens behind him and a few puppets crawling around.

A blonde man with a pale face was hiding behind Denji and giving him a funny look. By funny, he meant a mix of fear and cunning. One was an act, and the other was genuine. That man had a needle with him, and he was about to poke Denji.

Now, a needle does nothing unless it has something to do with a devil, such as the Curse Devil.

The Curse Devil was one of the strongest devils, and his strength mainly came from the abilities associated with its name, which made it an unpredictable assassin.

Sam pointed his finger forward. A red sword left his side and flew toward the needle.

Denji saw that sword and bent down, dodging it.

The man behind him, however, didn't dodge it.

[Killing an ex-Soviet Assassin +50,000 exp]

"Hey, that was uncalled for," shouted Denji when he saw Sam.

"You were almost killed," Sam said before turning his head in one direction. "Curse Devil, I swear, if you interfere here, I'll personally hunt you down."

Lips appeared from nowhere.

"Hoho..." they laughed. "Now you got a bit stronger. You think you can threaten me."

"You've seen it yourself," Sam shrugged. "I've been feeding the Fox Devil a lot of strong devils lately. I don't think he'd have a problem eating you as well. And, you know, I'm capable of seeing you, feeling you, and certainly, killing you."

"Come on, Sam. You know that I have a contract. If I don't obey them, I will die."

"In that case," Sam smiled. "Why don't we make a deal: 20 years, and you let me know who has a contract with you and where they are?"

The lips curled up into a smile. "Deal. As for your question, it's a woman called Santa Claus. She can transfer her mind through the puppets she creates. Also, she's willing to use a bunch of children as a sacrifice to the Hell Devil."

"Hell Devil, I see," Sam said. When someone hears his words, they may end up thinking that he had an idea. The truth was, he had no idea that there was a Hell Devil in the first place. "Is he strong?"

"Devils born in Hell. He governs Hell," replied the Curse Devil before vanishing into thin air. "Well, if you die, you'll end up there anyway."

"Hey, but I'm a good citizen," Sam tilted his head.

Sam suddenly stopped when he could see a red pattern on a wall. It belonged to a woman.

It took him a second to realize what that was.

Santa Claus.

Because of his contract with the Curse Devil, he got to know her place.

"Santa Claus, so that's her name. Guess there will be no gifts for good boys this year." Sam unsheathed his sword and walked through the crowd, looking for Santa Claus.

But someone followed him. "Oy, where are you going? What's happening here!?" It was Denji.

Sam turned to him and said, "There are a bunch of assassins who want your heart, like Reze."

"Are they hot girls?" Denji asked.

Man, this dude was hopeless.

"By heart, it literally means your heart. And they're not girls."

"Oh, I get it. By the way, when will we go to the Red Light District?"

"Don't you know your way?"

"I know. But I'm not allowed an allowance, and Aki isn't giving me enough."

"That's too bad. Use your hand, it's free."

"I know. But can't you just pay? I swear, I'll pay you back." Denji said, joining his hands together.

Sam stopped in front of a room where Santa Claus was standing, a thin woman who looked like she was about to die. "You see that woman, don't let her touch you. Also, kill her."

"Ah? And why don't you do that?" asked Denji.

A feeling of a fiend approaching at blinding speed hit Sam.

"Because." Sam quickly pushed his sheath. "Someone beyond your level is attacking us."

A blonde woman appeared from nowhere, pressing a blade against him.

"Impressive reaction speed," she said. "Not impressed, still."

"Oy, Sam, who's that old lady," asked Denji, earning himself a frown from the so called 'Old lady'.

'She doesn't look old. around 30.'

"Your mom," replied the blonde woman.

Denji opened his eyes wide. "Mom?"

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