
Chained Souls

A boy and his sister orphaned and forgotten soon realizes there family had far more secrets then they cared to know, as they get dragged back into a family blood war that's been going on for hundreds of years, they make many friends and lose some on the way growing stronger mentally and physically, All in efforts to claim the most desired family heirloom that grants whichever family branch overwhelming power and authority over the other branches, only then will the blood war end. : Author, a journey between right and wrong and the thin line in-between and how the MC Armel has to choose which road to take, going through many trails and finding a new home and making new friends and losing some along the way in cruel even grotesque nerve wrenching ways, will these cruel fate's and torment from whom claim themselves and others consider the heroes change him for better or for the worst, after all what exactly is a hero anyway if not a beautiful lie, what is fate if not a twisted truth and can a soul escape these chain's.

Tristen_M_Williams · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Endless Abyss: chapter 12

So how do we get out of here exactly I asked the others, due to neither of them saying anything I assume sticking to the path would had been a good idea I guess hmm, hey guys we need to find the path.