
Chained Souls

A boy and his sister orphaned and forgotten soon realizes there family had far more secrets then they cared to know, as they get dragged back into a family blood war that's been going on for hundreds of years, they make many friends and lose some on the way growing stronger mentally and physically, All in efforts to claim the most desired family heirloom that grants whichever family branch overwhelming power and authority over the other branches, only then will the blood war end. : Author, a journey between right and wrong and the thin line in-between and how the MC Armel has to choose which road to take, going through many trails and finding a new home and making new friends and losing some along the way in cruel even grotesque nerve wrenching ways, will these cruel fate's and torment from whom claim themselves and others consider the heroes change him for better or for the worst, after all what exactly is a hero anyway if not a beautiful lie, what is fate if not a twisted truth and can a soul escape these chain's.

Tristen_M_Williams · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Arrival, chapter 7

the whole flight Armel was wondering what had gotten into "Dracul" he was acting strange in deep thought with that same look of worry, while Iris and Ben spent most of there time staring out the windows, look at that that lake is huge, and look at all the different bird's iv never seen one of those before, this had gone on for a couple hours, but now they were about to land.

we've arrived as a big smile appeared on Dracul's face, here said Armel this can't be right, how do you have so much money, he said dumb founded, they had pulled up at a castle, everyone else was speechless, immediately got out and started to check the place out looking at the towers, arches and elaborate designs like gargoyles and stained glass windows, it even had a bridge.

welcome to your new home, and they all looked back at Dracul, thank you this is the best birthday present ever screamed Iris giving him a hug, Dracul was rubbing his head, he didn't know it was there birthday, he thought as he laughed to himself.

I'll show you around, it will take a few hours so we better get started, no one questioned this, there was the bridge that leed them past the surrounding outer walls, into a court yard with walk paths with all kinds of fruit trees going along them, and almost like a fruit tree Forest, there was the main building witch towered above all the rest of the buildings, it was truly Grand.

as Dracul explained everything Armel noticed the knight armor displays and walked over to one, he quickly realized they weren't the usual displays a castle would have he's seen plenty on tv or the internet, these were taller than the average person and looked more like half human and half wolf designs with the helmet in the shape of a wolf's Head with elaborate carvings as did the rest of the armor, the helmet had a very thick and long main coming out the top and going down to the lower back, each set of armor had different color hair, and the abdomen was very top heavy, curved towards the bottom in a way that just wasn't natural.

please don't touch Dracul said loudly as soon as he noticed Armel looking at the armor displays, there...he thought for a second, there very expensive he spat out quickly, they come in set's and I'd hate to replace them, Armel backed up and they all continue the tour.

later after the tour was over they were at there last stop, there new bed rooms all down the same hallway, well I hope y'all enjoyed the tour, y'all try to get some rest, breakfast is at seven and Armel I haven't forgotten are deal, we will talk after breakfast.

after all the kids went to bed Dracul had went to the opposite side of the castle were his room was located, after entering the dark room the door closed behind him, and a voice chimed in it was very raspy and snappy butt with a little bit of a childish sound to it that boy is different the voice said, Armel I already told you that, no the other one, Ben Dracul said confused what do you mean, my men smelled him the second he got out of the car, I already know who he is and I want to speak with him now.

"Now" you can't, not yet Dracul said demandingly, not till I have informed them of everything, you would give them all heart attack's if they saw you, what are you trying to say the voice said offended, I know Ben's family my people and his worked together in the past in the 5th century, my race owed his family a huge Dept, so they swore they and there descendants will aid his family when needed, this was there way to settle the debt, what family does he belong to exclaimed Dracul puzzled then proceeded too turned on the light.

please feel free to drop me a comment or post a review I'll even comment you back, FYI, this novel has lore and just for those few, who likes to research stuff online to look deeper into a story.

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