

The prelude to Draconic Inclination

Zeesuhs · Fantasie
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6 Chs


The expedition party ventured into the infected areas. The atmosphere hung heavy with an otherworldly aura, and the adventurers pressed forward, guided by Monti's insights and the collective determination to unravel the mysteries of the Astral Blight. As they traversed the eerie landscape, the Blight's influence became more pronounced. Unearthly creatures lurked in the shadows, and the very ground beneath their feet seemed to pulse with energy. Monti, at the forefront of the group, relied on his telekinetic abilities to navigate the unpredictable terrain. The team encountered pockets of resistance, battling Blighted entities that emerged from the warped reality. Each skirmish tested their mettle, and the adventurers pressed on, driven by the urgent need to gather another sample of the Astral Blight .

Amidst the chaos, the expedition faced not only the external threats but also the internal struggles of the team members. Trust wavered, and the Blight's insidious influence sought to exploit the fears and insecurities that lurked within each adventurer's heart. In the midst of the Blighted landscape, Aelarion found himself separated from his expedition team. The eerie silence pressed in around him as he navigated the twisted terrain alone, a seed of doubt taking root in his mind. Suspicion gnawed at him—had his comrades purposefully left him to face the Blight's dangers alone? As Aelarion ventured deeper into the Blighted landscape, the shadows seemed to whisper accusations, and the air itself carried the weight of distrust. In a moment of solitude, he couldn't help but voice his concerns to the empty expanse.

Aelarion muttered, "This outcome does not surprise me. I bet you the leaders got into their heads, told them to abandon me as soon as possible." The ominous landscape provided no answers, only an eerie silence that seemed to amplify the doubts echoing in his mind. A distant rustle of corrupted flora caught his attention, and he clenched his fists in frustration. "Regardless of their intentions, I must prove my worth. I won't let the Blight or their doubts consume me. I have to save Sera." Yet, as he pressed on, the looming presence of the Blight intensified. As he carefully collected specimens, the air grew heavy with an unsettling energy. Unseen eyes seemed to watch his every move, and a sense of foreboding hung in the air. Then, in the shadows, a creature born of the Blight's corruption emerged. Its form was a grotesque amalgamation of twisted limbs and malevolent energy. Aelarion, caught off guard, faced a perilous encounter with the embodiment of the cosmic threat they sought to understand. The creature's movements were unpredictable, fueled by the chaotic energies of the Blight.

In the harrowing struggle that ensued, Aelarion fought not only for his life but also for the hope of returning Seraphina to normal. The Blight's influence, once a distant threat, now manifested in a tangible and ferocious form. As Aelarion grappled with the creature, the shadows around them seemed to pulse with an ominous rhythm, as if the very fabric of reality shivered in response to their battle. In the desperate dance against the Blight-spawn, Aelarion harnessed the primal forces around him. He summoned barriers of ethereal energy to deflect the creature's attacks. Swiftly adapting, he conjured luminous pathways made of shimmering arcane energy, guiding the creature away from the Blighted areas so it can lose strength. The Blight creature struggled outside the infected areas, providing Aelarion with a momentary advantage.

However, Aelarion found himself facing a limitation—he lacked a strong offensive against the Blight creature. He channeled the flames within him, creating bursts of controlled fire. The searing heat lashed out at the Blight creature, creating a dance of light and shadows on the battleground. Yet, the Blight creature, relentless and formidable, pushed Aelarion to his limits. Despite his valiant efforts, he suffered a grievous wound, the Blight-spawns' insidious tendrils pierced him. In this moment of peril, Aelarion faced the true magnitude of the cosmic struggle against the encroaching darkness.

As the creature withdrew, leaving Aelarion alone in the desolate landscape. Amidst Aelarion's labored breaths and the twisted echoes of the Blighted landscape, mocking laughter emerged from the shadows. The very people who had ventured with him, comrades turned tormentors, reveled in his vulnerability. Their voices, laden with disdain, sliced through the air. "Look at him, pathetic and wounded. Aelarion, the 'mighty' mage, reduced to a cosmic plaything," Lex sneered. "He thought he could lead us? What a joke! Can't even protect himself," Malia chimed in with a derisive tone. As Aelarion clutched his corrupted wound, his gaze met the faces of those who had left him behind. Each mocking word felt like a dagger, adding to the pain that already consumed him. Amid the cruel laughter, one person, perhaps moved by a shred of empathy, stepped forward. "Hold on, let me try healing him. There might be a chance," he said, his voice betraying a hint of compassion.

However, before any healing magic could be invoked, a callous figure intervened. "He's a lost cause Imago. We can't waste our time and resources on someone who failed us," Lex declared, forcefully pulling the healer away. The laughter persisted, a chorus of cruelty that mingled with the ethereal whispers of the Blighted landscape. Aelarion, betrayed and wounded, faced the harsh reality of his solitude. The cosmic struggle against the Astral Blight mirrored the internal battle within him, as darkness closed in from every side.

In the throes of agony and betrayal, Aelarion's consciousness teetered on the edge of oblivion. The laughter of those who had forsaken him echoed like a haunting melody in the desolate expanse of the Blighted landscape. Just as darkness threatened to consume him, an otherworldly presence materialized—the progenitor seed, the origin of the Astral Blight. It offered Aelarion a choice, a pact that could change the course of his destiny. However, the cosmic forces at play acknowledged the limitations of Aelarion's human form. Desperation clouding his judgment, Aelarion wished to understand the intricacies of the Blight, to have his magic molded after its essence so that he might have a chance to save Seraphina. The seed, recognizing the sincerity in his plea, granted his wish. In a transformative surge of energy, Aelarion's body underwent a profound metamorphosis. He emerged as a new entity—a blighted slime, a vessel pulsing with the raw power of the Astral Blight. The seed named him Astrageldon, entrusting him with the responsibility of protecting Ledenieon as the new cosmic guardian.

Aelarion awoke with a start, the surroundings were alien, a reflection of the visions that had haunted his dreams—the realm overtaken by the Astral Blight. Confused and disoriented, he surveyed his new form, realizing that he was no longer the mage known as Aelarion but something else entirely. Pulsating with the essence of the Astral Blight, he questioned the nature of his transformation, wondering why he, once a powerful mage, had become this otherworldly entity. The memories of his previous existence were hazy, fragmented, as if obscured by a fog. Aelarion, now Astrageldon, grappled with the enigma of his metamorphosis, trying to piece together the threads of his past and understand the purpose bestowed upon him in this blighted realm.

As Aelarion navigated the blighted landscapes, he encountered a peculiar entity at the center of the infection— The Blighted Nexus. The Nexus recognized Aelarion as the new 'seed'. Aelarion, bewildered and seeking answers, questioned why he remained in this blight and why he was deemed the new 'seed'. The Nexus revealed that their fates were intertwined. The cosmic energies had woven them together. It unveiled the purpose of Aelarion's presence as the new 'seed.' As the master, Aelarion held unparalleled control over the Astral Infection. The inhabitants of the Blight, once hostile entities, would now heed Aelarion's presence. He had become a guardian, tasked with the responsibility of nurturing and maintaining the delicate balance within the Astral Infection and Cetza.

Aelarion, his form pulsating with the energy of the Astral Blight, gazed upon the Blighted Nexus with a mixture of confusion and determination. "Why was this infection brought here? What purpose does it serve?" he inquired, his voice resonating within the barren expanse. The Nexus responded with an ethereal voice that echoed in Aelarion's mind. "The Blight is not merely a force of destruction; it is a cosmic phenomenon. You, Astrageldon, are the chosen guardian, destined to guide and shape the Astral Infection."

Aelarion, perplexed, sought further clarification. "Guide and shape? But at what cost? The Blight brings suffering and chaos." The Nexus's response carried a cryptic wisdom, "Balance requires sacrifice, and through the ebb and flow of the Astral Infection, a new equilibrium shall be forged. Your role is to weave the threads of order within the chaos." Doubt lingered within Aelarion as he grappled with the weight of his newfound purpose. "And what of those who suffer, those consumed by the Blight? Are they mere casualties in this?" The Nexus's response was both distant and haunting, "Suffering is the catalyst for evolution. In this crucible called, resilience is born through trial and failure. Your path is one of challenges and choices, Astrageldon" 

The Nexus, sensing Aelarion's lingering questions, pulsated with an eerie glow before revealing the forgotten truth within the cosmic tapestry. "Aelarion, your metamorphosis is not a mere twist of fate but a convergence of destiny. The Astral Blight was not native to Pangaia; it was a byproduct of an audacious spell cast by Argos, a powerful Demon Lord. Her ambition sought to harness cosmic energies for unparalleled magical prowess. Yet, the complexities of the spell birthed an unintended consequence – the Astral Blight." Aelarion absorbed the revelation, realizing the intricate connection between the cosmic upheaval and the Demon Lord's machinations. 

As he traversed the blighted landscapes, the weight of his purpose mingled with the echoes of a forgotten past, shaping the destiny of a realm caught in the cosmic turbulence. Astrageldon, now armed with the knowledge of Argos's involvement in the creation of the Astral Blight, treaded cautiously through the blighted landscapes. The revelation underscored the potential dangers lurking in the shadows. Aware that Argos might seek to exploit or control the very force she had set loose, Astrageldon endeavored to steer clear of her path.

Embracing his newfound role as the guardian of the Blight, Astrageldon ventured deeper into the blighted landscapes. As he traversed, he marveled at the strange harmony that unfolded — the once-hostile entities, now recognizing him as their master, began to flock to his side. The creatures moved in a mesmerizing dance, their movements synchronized with the energies that pulsed within Astrageldon. Amazement etched across his formless countenance, Astrageldon witnessed the inhabitants of the Blight converging around him. In this curious communion, Astrageldon felt a strange sense of unity with the very essence he had sought to understand and control. 

As Astrageldon delved deeper into the blighted realm, the memories of his past life, of Aelarion, resurfaced with an unexpected clarity. The image of Seraphina, her eyes a reflection of concern and caution, played in the recesses of his consciousness. The weight of their shared history and the sacrifice he had made for her safety resurfaced. In a moment of inspiration, Astrageldon felt the desire to bridge the gap between his formless form and the tangible world. Focusing his newfound powers, he initiated a transformation, weaving the threads of magic to adopt a more physical form. As the energies coalesced, he emerged from the arcane vortex as a male lycanthrope.

In this anthropomorphic form, he found solace in the ability to traverse the realms in a manner more relatable to the beings he once called allies. An idea sparked in the depths of his mind. With a purposeful intent, he drew upon his aura to create a cosmic slime, a creature born from the essence of the Astral Infection and infused with a fraction of his own powers. The cosmic slime pulsated with the aura bestowed upon it. Astrageldon observed with a mixture of curiosity and paternal pride as the creature squirmed around in its new environment. As Astrageldon observed the slime's existence, he sensed an opportunity to grant it more than what it was given. Focusing his intentions, he bestowed upon the creature a name – Mona. With the naming, a transformation ensued. The slime pulsated with more aura, gaining sentience, a distinct personality and a humanoid form like its creator. Mona, now a sentient entity, expressed her curiosity with a playful demeanor. Like a child discovering the world for the first time, she explored her surroundings with a gleam of fascination in her eyes.