
Discussion with Duayne

I turned to Duayne and ask, "Can I ask you questions about this book?"

"Sure." He replied.

"Brother and cousins, you can stay there and continue your discussion."

The three of them just hung their heads low. I feel like I love teasing them now.

"You love teasing them, aren't you?" Duayne questioned me as we return to the table.

"Hahaha! You got me their big brother Duayne." I wink at him.

"Your a mischievous one, little Evie." He then patted my head.

"Did Skylur tell you something?"

"Something about you wanting a little brother? Hahaha. Did you read a book about that?"

"No, I was just teasing Skylur. His reaction amuses me."

"Don't tease them so much. They just want to treat you preciously."

"Okay." I just nodded my head. Duayne appears to understand my true self.

"So, what was your question regarding the book? I bet it's about the author, right?"

"Your right. It's about the author's prayer at the beginning of the book. Do you have any information or idea what kind of sin he committed?"

"I was also very curious when I first read the book. That's why I research everything about the ancient species. First, let me ask you a question."

"Fire away." I nudge my hand forward.

"Hahaha! Little Evie, do you know about the religion of the ancient species?"

"No. I just know that when the Kraevia Empire was established, the first emperor was the one who asks the gods to give us our religion today."

"Correct. But you know that we have a lot of collections about the world's history. But we only have limited knowledge regarding the ancient species because most of the records about them were destroyed when the Demon Army started their terror."

Duayne paused and took a sip of water and continued his explanation.

"According to my father, before the Demon Army started their nefarious deeds, the ancient species have one religion. The foundation of this religion was based on the 11 rules that were given by the gods."

"What's the name of their religion." I eagerly inquired.

"Rakokhi is the name of their religion. With a dozen main gods and a hierarchy of minor gods. Their main teachings revolve around helping each other and virtues, and these teachings are often passed on through monthly town gatherings and communal praying sessions.

Rakokhi's teachings come from 11 rules written by the gods and supposedly marked the beginning of enlightened life in the world.

Most of their religious symbols are represented in the form of vases, paintings, and tattoos. Being an antiquated religion, Rakokhi has transformed into different variations, but some are merely short-term groups out for personal gain. Rakokhi is met with mutual respect by every ancient species part of this religion."

"Can I assume that because of those different variations, they started to not follow the 11 rules?"

I agree that whatever world that a human or whatever species living there, you cannot remove their lust for power. Because every being that was born has greed inside us.

The choice to satisfy that greed to have power or to help everyone depends on that being. Maybe the Demon Army uses that short-term group by tempting them for more power.

"Your assumption is correct, little Evie. The Demon Army uses that personal gain to break each species apart."

"This Demon Army seems to be very manipulative. They used the people's greed to turn their backs on one another."

"Yes, and they slowly destroyed the trust of each species to one another. I ask my father if he could estimate when this book was written. He said that this book may be one of the earliest records of the ancient species."

"Does this mean that the author of this book was from a clan of an ancient species?"

"Most of the clue points in that direction."

We paused talking as I saw Iskender and Wymund enter the garden. It looks like they have already finished their lessons. They immediately run in my direction.

"Little Evie, is it true that Sire will be our older brother now?" Iskender excitedly ask.

"Yes. Did mother tell you about it brother Iskender?" I gently nodded.

"Mother told Wymund and me before we go here."

I turned to Wymund and greeted him,

"Good day brother Wymund." I smiled at him.

Wymund reaches for his pockets and offered candy to me.

"Are you okay now, sister?"

I accepted the candy and opened it. It was a milk flavor penghou candy! I excitedly unwrap it and put it inside my mouth.

"Thanks, brother Wymund."

"Welcome to our house, brother Duayne." Iskender greeted Duayne.

"Thank you, little brother. How were your classes today, little brother Wymund?"

"It was okay. I was so excited about today's gathering." Wymund sincerely replied to him.

It appears that my brothers have already known Duayne. I thought he only know Skylur.

"We will go and greet our cousins now," Iskender said, and they walk in Skylur's direction.

I turned back to Duayne and ask him,

"Can the Demon Army and an Ancient Demon join hands together?"

"Well, each Ancient Demon's have different kinds of personality. I know some well-known Ancient Demons that seem to have colluded with the Demon Army and those that just like to stay idle."

"I also know them. There are a total of 10 Ancient Demons that were born in ancient times. The most famous are the 4 Ancient Demons that joined the Demon Army. Their names are Veneth, Sazaran, Azimar, and Branath."

"Correct. The other 6 were not known by the public because they haven't announced their identity. The 4 of them became famous for their different territory that houses the Demon Army. Each one of them has a different title they hold."

Here's your daily dose of little Evie's cuteness.

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