
CEO stoles my first kiss

Everyone loves Stella, a young woman who works in her father's grocery store. However, her family warns her that if she can't find a job, she will get married. To postpone getting married, Stella starts working at an advertising agency. But she has no idea what her new position will entail. Ferit is his company's CEO, and he is a charming, wise, and polished man. Ferit notices Stella's predicament because she constantly manages to get into difficulties, and a wonderful love tale begins.

Khadija_Mayo · Urban
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45 Chs

Stella's first meeting with Ferit childhood friend

Stella quickly took out her bag from the cabinet and ran out of the company downstairs to Ferit.

She was running straight out of the company and was looking for Ferit.

Ferit called from behind, "Where are you going?"

Ferit was sitting on a heavy bike wearing goggles over his eyes and a steel bird helmet on his head.

As she turned her face back, she looked at the bike in surprise and asked her, "What is this?"

Ferit smiled and asked, "My motorbike. Do you have a problem with it?"

Stella looked at his bike shrugging her shoulders and said, "No, why would I?"

Ferit smiles and holds the second helmet to Stella, she was worriedly holding it and trying to wear it.

Ferit smilingly extended his hand towards her, Stella held his hand and he made her sit on the bike with the help of his hand.

Ferit started the bike and smiled and turned his face towards the back and told Stella, "Hold me"

Stella looked at her and asked, "What did you say?"

Feri again said, "Hold me tightly"

She moves both her hands toward Ferit, and holds him on his chest Ferit started speeding the bike as soon as the bike started, Stella screamed and held him even harder.

After a while, Ferit stopped his bike in front of his friend's company. Stella had closed her eyes tightly and was sitting holding him tightly.

Ferit smilingly put his hand on her hands and said to her, "Stella?"

Stella closed her eyes tightly, and said while afraid, "I won't do it again."

Ferit smiled and said, "We're here. Shall we take another spin?"

Amina opened her eyes in fear and looked around and immediately spoke, "No...No.."

Are you okay?" Ferit immediately asked when Stella started breathing heavily.

"I am now...I almost died, Why do you want to kill me? Stella asked while opening her helmet.

And angrily tried to take off the helmet and spoke angrily, "How do I get out of this thing?"

Ferit came to her and said, "Let me help you. Don't worry, I know how"

And started removing the helmet from her head.

Then he got down from the bike and started putting Stella's and his helmet in one place and fixed his hair with both hands and went inside.

Aron is Ferit's childhood friend, Ferit comes to his company as soon as it is important, as As Aron turned his face back, he's very happy to see Ferit in front of him and speaks, "Wow! Ferit, What a pleasant surprise" and they both of them hugged.

Stella looked at Aron and immediately said, "Hello. I am Stella."

Aron smiled and said, "I am Aron. Nice to meet you."

Aron looked at Ferit and pointed to his office and asked, "Come in. Anything to drink?"

Ferit looked at Stella and asked her, "Tea would b nice"

Stella immediately said, "Tea? yes, Okay."

Ferit and Stella entered Aron's office with him. Stella sat on the couch.

Feri and Aron were coming inside with their hands on each other's shoulders. Aron said to him, "Just one call? You would have called me once and told me before coming."

Feri said, "It was very sudden."

Aron immediately came to Stella and told her, "We went to school together. Has he told you anything about us?"

Stella was looking at him silently, he said again, Murat, Ferit, the bunch of us. We were inseparable and he was the naughtiest one of all, but he never got caught, right?"

Ferit was listening to him and seeing things in his office and started smiling.

After a while, a man came in with three cups of tea. And he placed the cups of tea on the table. Ferit saw the cup of tea and sat on the sofa. They started drinking tea.

Aron looked at both of them and asked them, "So, What are your wedding plans?"

Stella immediately said, "I don't have any plans. I don't like to plan too far ahead. Maybe one day, we'll see."

Aron confusedly looked at Ferit and said, "Am...I didn't know...I saw the ring and when you two showed up here together..."

Stella nervously looked at the ring. Ferit immediately looked at Aron and told her, "Stella works for the company. We're here for an urgent printing job."

Aron got upset and said, "I see. You're not here for me, just business" and he got up from his seat and sat on the table in front of Ferit and again told him, "All the machines are in use. And I can't interrupt them."

Ferit smiled and told him, "I need this for tomorrow morning. I'll stay overnight if I have to. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

Aron looked at Stella who was innocently looking at him, he said, alright. but, you'll have to wait. I can't right now. Only in about an hour."

Ferit take a sip of tea and said, "Alright, Thanks."

Aron smiling looked at Stella and said, "Stella, there is only one person, I've ever been jealous of, and that was Ferit. All of us settled into our homes and business...but he carried on with his adventures, Asia, Africa, Austrialia...no one could pin him down...He was free as a bird.

Ferit immediately said, "Like an eagle"

As Ferit said, "eagle" Stella starting cough badly. Ferit looked at Stella and asked, "Are you okay?"

Stella shocked looked at him, Ferit again said, "Maybe we should go for a walk and get some fresh air" Ferit extended his hand towards Stella, She took his hand and went out.

Julia and her father were coming from their grocery shop, her father worriedly looked at her and said, "Your mother's silence is scaring me."

Julia replied to her dad, "Me too. Maybe she missed and she'll talk to us when she sees us"

Her father worriedly replied, "I hope so, my darling."

Suddenly, he stopped and surprisingly looked at his house door, the foam was coming from his house.

Tears coming to his eyes, he looked at Julia and asked, "Ju...Julia, what's going on here?"

Julia nervously said, "I don't know, Dad. Why is foam coming out from the door?"