
CEO Prisoner

Everything that happens has a reason. That's what happened to Hanna Silvan. But unfortunately, she is already trapped in a place where there were a lot of voices crying from the girls because of her stupidity. How stupid the girl she was, she trusted a man she just met, but who would have thought she had been framed. Hanna felt that she was the only one who understand everything. Turns out, she was wrong. The man never had any feeling. She regrets, but what can have happened and now just waiting for his turn. After the man was satisfied, he would kick her. No one asked the girls to believe in Edgar Odilio, someone who made a breakthrough to make it easier to have a lover. Over time, what Edgar Odilio did turned out to be just to trap girls to be employed in his club, but Edgar Odilio suddenly jumped right in when he saw one of the girls. He was sure that the girl would be of great benefit to him. Will Edgar Odilio get caught up in his plans or will Hanna Silvan die and destroy at the hands of Edgar Odilio?

noviaaryani · Urban
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22 Chs


Edgar's friends who had finished the dinner at the Odilio residence said goodbye to the Odilio family.

"You guys be careful on the road," said Agatha.

"Okay, thank you!" Leo and Frank replied.

They got into their respective cars to go back to their own homes.

"Can the application be used tomorrow?" Edgar asked Max.

"Yes. Are there any additional features that you would like to include?" Max asked.

"No need, that's all. We'll launch tomorrow," Edgar replied.

"Don't forget for promotion the application," said Max.

"That's for sure. You have also told to the marketing people," replied Edgar.

"Okay," said Max.


At the Silvan family's apartment, Hanna has already cooked her dinner because her mother and father are at home, so she automatically eat lonely. Hanna who had finished cooking put the food on the table, then she picked up the video call from Victor.

"Hello, Victor," said Hanna waving at the phone screen.

"Hello, Hanna. What are you doing?" asked Victor.

"I want to eat, Victor," Hanna replied.

"Oh, okay. Hanna, don't forget to rest after you eat. Don't sleep too late," said Victor.

"Okay, Victor. Are you only want asking that?" Hanna replied, she waving at the screen.

"Yeah, Hanna. I just want to check on you," said Victor.

"So sweet," Hanna replied with sweet smile.

"I know, Hanna. I miss you even though we just met," said Victor.

"I eat first, later we will talk again," replied Hanna.

"Okay. Bye, see you later," said Victor.


After Hanna finished eating, she washed the dishes and went to her room. She wants to watch a movie first before going to bed while looking at his cellphone. She looked at the Victor contact from her phone and the photo suddenly disappear, she was curious and then called that man.

"Why I can't call him?" Hannah asked herself.

Hanna tried to call Victor's cell phone many times, but only the operator spoke. She shook Her head, she was so overthinking right now.

"Hopefully Victor's phone will active tomorrow," Hanna muttered.

Hanna turned off her phone. She chose to rest.


Hanna's parents and sister soon returned to the apartment. They saw that Hanna was not in the living room and guessed that she had already rested.

"Your sister must be asleep," said Elsa.

"Mom doesn't seem to know that if my sister comes home from work, she have to eat first. Then she get bathing, always busy with the film at television, and chatting with strangers," replied Niko, roll his eyes.

"You advise your sister. If you are looking for a boyfriend or friend, that's not the way to do it," said Elsa, shaking her head.

"She'll give up on himself when she's been ghosted," replied Niko.

"Don't let your sister's heartbroken with someone who never her seen," said Elsa.

"Enough, you guys are talking about Hanna all the time and it doesn't end," said Louis.

"Sorry. What do you want me to do?" Elsa asked.

"We've already eaten, please prepare warm water for me. I want to take a shower," answered Louis.

"Okay," Elsa replied.

Nico said goodbye to his room. It was late at night and all members of the Silvan family decided to rest so that they could return to their activities tomorrow.


Towards morning, Hanna directly looked at her cellphone. Her shoulders immediately dropped when she felt she was being ghosted.

"Is it because I'm just a waitress in a cafe? If so, why did Victor approach me? As soon as I started to feel comfortable, he kept away from me," Hanna muttered wearily.

Hanna went to the bathroom to clean herself first. After that, she stepped into the dining room to have breakfast with her family.


In a luxurious mansion that used to work on a new project in the form of the Odilio family's business, Edgar and his co-workers with his younger brother have arrived at the mansion which Edgar had deliberately bought for their new project. The mansion was named Couple Mansion because of their efforts to take care of single people to get a partner.

"What time is it launched today? Directly or what?" Max asked.

"Just as soon as it's finished. I have also ordered people to advertise to promote this application," replied Edgar.

Jacob who had just arrived smiled as he listened to their conversation.

"Our Cimi app has been promoted on television," said Jacob.

"That's great," Max replied.

Max looked at his computer which started to download and saw the security system of the application is satisfied.

"If we make this application, can we use other people's photos or not?" asked Edgar.

"Why? Do you want to try it? You shouldn't be able to use their photos, so people will trust our application," Max replied.

"Everyone believes, Max. Take it easy," said Edgar.

"That's for sure, especially since people are going to love our app because it's trusted," Jacob replied as he sat on the couch and crossed his legs.

"I want to try it, but you make my face invisible there. Can only I hold access to monitor the performance of our application too?" asked Edgar.

"Okay," Max replied.

Frank and Gisel who was his lover and assistant were also there.

"It sucks being single when you play this application. If the person is real, if it's a liar, it's a headache," said Gisel.

"Honey, don't come along. You're my girlfriend," Frank replied.

"That's enough. It's good for you to be allowed to bring your girlfriend here, even though you're making me dizzy here," said Max, squinting his eyes.

"Of course I bring my girlfriend, no my neighbour," Frank replied.

"Well, you guys want to talk about business or want to argue about unimportant things?" said Edgar.

"See, your brother's mad," Frank said.

Max just kept quiet and went back to work, while Edgar went to study. He also had to take care of other businesses.


Hanna who was still at home heard the sound of an incoming message and there was Victor's name plastered on her cellphone. She raised an eyebrow, but she was reluctant to open the message because she was already annoyed when she remembered that Victor blocked her number last night. Another message came in beside the greeting, but Hanna kept the message silent.

"Hanna, are you working today? Why are you busy looking at your phone?" Elsa asked.

"Yes, in a moment. Where's daddy?" Hanna asked.

"Your father and brother have gone first. They have a business," Elsa replied.

"That sucks," Hanna replied.

"Yes, you are also careful on the road. Tonight I will try to eat together, our family has rarely gathered together," said Elsa.

"Yes," Hanna replied.

Hanna helps her mother wash the dishes. After that, he said goodbye to Elsa to work. He took the train to the workplace.


When Hanna was at the station, many people were talking about matchmaking apps making her curious and looking for the app on her cellphone store and then downloading the app.

"It's fine to try another app," Hanna muttered.

The sound of the cellphone ringing made Hanna realize that Victor had sent a lot of messages to her. Hanna saw victor suddenly called immediately picked it up.

"What?" Hanna asked.

"Hanna, where have you been? Why haven't my messages been answered?" asked Victor.

"Last night you blocked my phone number, why are you now unblocked my phone number now? You want to ghost me?" Hannah asked.

"Hanna, what are you talking about? I'll video call you," Victor replied.

"Yes, what do you want?" Hannah asked.

"Do you think we're compatible as a couple?" asked Victor.

"Why are you asking me? I know I'm not a rich person like you, so you don't need to be confused. You want to go, just go," Hanna replied.

Hanna turned off her cellphone when she arrived. She stepped into the cafe where she worked.

"Hi, Hanna," Adel greeted when she saw Hanna had arrived.

Adel saw Hanna just silent and passed her with an annoyed face to be surprised.