
CEO Daddy, Let's Get Mommy

Divorce!? She wants a divorce after three years of marriage.  She was given money, luxury, and house everything. But all these things are nothing to her, after all, she is royal blood. She has seen everything.  Everything he is giving to her are the things which are left to him by her mercy.  When she found he was dumped by his ex. She clung to him and forced him to marry her. But in the end, she is treated like trash even after loving him for years. He even bought his late Ex's son home. But She didn't show any hostility to him. She treated him like her own.  But in the end, she only received his spite. She is tired of this relationship. Now, she wants to be free and pursue her dreams.  But little did she not know he didn't want to divorce her.  Arthur Garcia, a royal from the Garcia family married Esther Benjamin, who is the royal heiress from the Benjamin Family. But she leaves him without even saying goodbye. When Arthur goes back to get her back he got to know there is already someone with her. But he forgot that there is already someone with him too. ______ After her initiative to divorce, he unleashed the dangerous beast inside him which almost took her life. But that acted as her trigger while it started unleashing some of the real her. While she was finding herself, she met with her destiny. But she was not ready to accept her destiny. By the time she got an idea of who she was, she realizes that she doesn't belong human realm. Her son... was not even a human. While her destiny who was supposed to be a CEO was actually a..... What's her destiny? If her son is not a human what he is? What is her real self? If she doesn't belong to the human realm where does she belong to? ----------- Hello...  The work is original, not a translated work or anything. The cover is not mine. I found it on google. And editing is done by me. The credits go to the original artists. The story genre will change after the first volume. This book has elements of magical realism and some elements from Hindu Mythology. There would be few words and sentences from Sanskrit, A Dravidian Language. Check the tags before reading the story further. The cover of this book is doesn't belong to me. The credits go to the original artist. The editing is done by me. Also... this book didn't have great or fine English. If you are looking for good English this book is not your cup of tea. Discord: priyabolagani#5884 Instagram: priyabolagani

priyabolagani · Urban
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375 Chs

Little Reggie

"Take care of the office work. Work overtime for one month. I am heading home!" He said. 

"I won't come here for a few days. Take care of the things properly, " he spat out harshly. 

"Okay, Lord Garcia, " P. A. Nicholas said. 

"And as for the matter of you pursuing her. Let's discuss it after I return!" He said viciously. 

The moment Arthur left. P. A. Nicholas slumped onto the chair like a lifeless doll. 

'Lady Garcia, I did all these things for you. But see I'm paying a prize. Sobs, ' he cried. 

A small stream is made by his tears. 

'Why it had to be me? Why am I the one who gets punished always? Sobs. God is unfair!' He cried. 

'It's because you use your mouth too much!' His consciousness pointed at him harshly. 

'You shut your mouth and sleep' he bit out harshly. 

'Sobs! I will resign to my fate' 

With that, he continued to do his work. 



When P. A. Nicholas saw Lady Garcia didn't want to use the Garcia family people. He immediately made the guards follow her quietly. He received a phone call saying that Lady Garcia is visiting the cemetery where the Brunette family members are buried. He asked them to take a video. He wanted to see if she was going to smash their tombs or curse them. But she did the opposite. He is stunned at her actions. He who wanted to rush to the presidential office and pass the information delayed the time. He waited till their men did his thing. 

He knows someone is helping the Garcia Empire at the start. But he didn't know it's lady Garcia. 

When he heard her voice and saw the video. He felt very sorry for her. The life and luxury which is experienced by the Garcia family are given at the mercy of Lady Garcia. But no one recognizes it. 

He saw her crumbling down as she chased after Lord Garcia. 

Too bad, she got his attention at her departure. But still, he doesn't think they will reconcile. Because earlier when she handed him the documents he saw her eyes are lifeless. There is no spark of light in her eyes. There was no confidence or joy when she came here. 

Her eyes are shallow like an endless pit. There are no emotions in it. There is no warmth, no twinkle, no cheeriness of hers, there is nothing. They are lifeless. They are blank. 

The Lady Garcia whom he knows is completely different from now. 

He doesn't know what to do. 

He picked his phone and dialed it to a number. And also sent a video that his men sent him earlier. 

"This is all I can do for you, Lady Garcia, " P. A. Nicholas mumbled before continuing to bury himself in the work. 


In Garcia's Palace...

Esther Benjamin took a warm shower. She felt a little better. But a searing headache hit her. Her nose started running. She immediately called a maid and asked for the medicine. 

She took some medicinal herbs. It's so bitter but she still drank it. 

Her mouth is very bitter. She felt like she lost her sense of taste. But still, she didn't say anything. She went to Regan's room. Only to find him doing his homework. 

Regan heard her footsteps and looked at the door. 

"Mommy!!!" He called her. 

"Ayya, I don't want to disturb my little Reggie. Do your homework?" She said. 

"Reggie is sad, " little Reggie said. 

"Why is Reggie sad?" Esther asked. 

"Because, Reggie's momma didn't come to pick little Reggie, " he said with a bullied face. 

"Aww, it's momma's fault. Momma is struck in rain. So, I sent my uncle to pick you up. See momma has a cold and a headache. She took a very bitter drink and came to you, " she said with a disgusted face when she mentioned the medicine. 

"Ohh, momma, is it bitter?" He asked. 

She nodded. 

"Wait!" He said and disappeared from her. 

He rummaged his bag and found something. He ran to her side and gave it to her. 

"Momma! Eat this! Your mouth will be better anymore, " he said. 

"Aww, My Reggie is an adult now. Momma is proud of you, " she said as she ruffled his hair lovingly. 

She ate the candy he gave her. The moment she took it into his mouth it melted, sweetness filled in her mouth. 

She smiled at him after she swallowed it. 

"Hmm, Mommy is hungry. Will Reggie join her?" She asked. 

"Of course! Reggie loves eating food with momma!" He said and was about to exit the room. 

But Esther caught his collar and dragged him back with a stern look. 

"Did you forget something?" She asked as she squinted her eyes at him. 

He blinked innocently at her. 

Regan has beautiful chocolaty eyes like his mother Lucy Clark. He has a chubby face. He has chubby cheeks making everyone pinch him. He is not fat but chubby. His white skin made him look like a cute ball. He inherited all the best qualities of his mother and father. 

"Let's finish homework, " she said. 

"Momma! Reggie doesn't know how to paint, " he said with a sad expression. 

"Did you forget momma? You have a momma she will help you. Momma is a painter!" She said. 

"Then will momma help Reggie?" He asked with clear and bright eyes as he looked at her earnestly. 

"Of course!" She said. 



When Arthur entered the house he saw Esther entering little Reggie's room. He stayed a little far and watched their interaction. 

Her every action made him more guilty. He couldn't help but wonder. 

'Why does she have to do all these things?' He asked himself. 

'Because she loves you, ' his inner conscience said to him. 

'No! No!' He screamed in his head. 

'She shouldn't love me. She has to leave me. I love Lucy Clark. Only she has the right to be in my heart! No! No!' He screamed in his head. 

'Then why are you here?' His inner self asked him. 

He is stunned at the question. 


New Update!!!!

okay now, the question is why do you think Arthur came?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

And don't forget to vote.