
Ceo and his billionaire wife

Stella Parker, an ambitious businesswoman at the peak of her career at the age of 25 was determined to make a name for herself while refusing to accept any form of defeat... she wanted to be the absolute best in everything, especially when it came to the greedy world of 'business'. Her outspoken personality and sassy character no doubt earned her a measure of fame amid rivals in the industry. But when it came to the famous Los Angeles-based hot and devilishly charming CEO, Ethan Woods, he understood the true meaning of persuasion by force... to seize one's own power. Because of his aggressive behavior and obstinate demeanor, he was indeed quite popular among those in the business circle. With these two dominating personalities going head to head, one despising woman and the other rejecting the mere thought of falling in love, what will be the outcome of their story? Will they be able to continue as sworn rivals, battling fierce competition at every corner? Or will they hopelessly surrender to the desires of the heart? Follow the exciting journey of a contract among two CEOS in... "LOVE or VENGENCE."

Ritika_Mishra_4111 · Urban
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20 Chs

Unsatisfactory Victory

"Ethan's point of view,"

"Congratulations, Miss Parker; you'll defeat me with ease."

She kept removing my pawns from the chessboard, and I couldn't help but smile as I watched her competitive game.

I could tell she was perplexed and wanted to know the reason behind my smile by the look on her face, which was full of curiosity.

"It would be preferable if you focused on the game rather than engaged in a pointless conversation with me." She was throwing daggers at me with her enraged gaze.

She slapped my cheek in front of everyone a while earlier, so I don't understand why I am smiling maniacally at her instead of getting angry. I do not even know what would happen to that person if they performed the same conduct with me in her place, but I do not understand why I did not respond to her action?

Because you know that your animosity caused you to underestimate her talent.

It's like she has hijacked my subconscious, and I do not know how it happened. He is not prepared to hear any negative remarks about Miss Parker.

I don't care if she is well-versed in the financial industry; she must have gathered all this data to make a good impression on Mr. Chang.

In your male-dominated egotism, you are babbling gibberish.

Believe it or not, the woman in front of you can compete with you.

You should shut up, stop your nonsense, and concentrate on her wrong moves. She has to know the repercussions of crossing Ethan Woods' path.

Therefore, I'm going to do everything in my power to win this game and this business deal. She insulted me in front of everyone, and I want to respond—not with words, but with actions.

"Mr. Woods. Saving your king is a better option than grinning at me." Following this declaration, she positioned her queen in front of my king as a warning for me to surrender the game.

"Be patient, Miss Parker."

I put my rook in front to protect my king. The clouds of victory on her face suddenly grew hazy when she noticed my movement.

"What happened, Miss Parker?

Do you require my help in any way?" My one action altered the entire game's trajectory.

She ignored my advice and, after carefully monitoring her pawns, she gave up her queen to protect her king. The game changed completely when her queen left the chessboard, making her king my goal.

Miss Parker has finally given up and allowed me to sign the deal with Mr. Chang. When I saw her king trapped and defenseless inside the chessboard, I felt relieved. At that moment, I could feel her in the position of her captive and powerless king. Who is left with no choice but to give up in my presence?

She retorted, "Not so easily," and made her next move.

My grandfather taught me certain chess strategies, and today I was feeling quite proud of him. He taught me that chess is a game played in the mind, not on a board. In the beginning, I purposefully allowed some of my pawns to perish to confuse the player in front of me with my game's strategy.

Miss Parker is undoubtedly a very skilled player, yet she also lost her winning game after so readily sacrificing her queen.

Are you complimenting her?

Once more, my subconscious attempted to enrage me.

No, I just find her game-playing skills to be impressive. I'd like to enjoy my victory in the game, so please quit constantly complimenting her.

"Checkmate, Miss Parker." As soon as the game ended, the folks in the charity hall began congratulating me. Today I was feeling very elated because she will finally know what it's like to lose. When you are on the verge of winning.

"Mr. Woods, Congratulations, It would be a pleasure for Chang Industry to collaborate with Woods Construction." Mr. Chang stated as he reached out to me with the contract paper.

"Thankyou, Mr. Chang. I'm hoping that working with you can help Woods Construction grow." I extended to Steve the contract document I had just snatched from his grasp.

"Why don't you give me your congratulations on winning?" I looked at Steve with a raised brow and asked.

"Yes, yes absolutely, and congratulations on your winning, Mr. Woods." Steve responded apprehensively.

I could see by the bewildered expression on his face that he was thinking a lot of questions, but was doing his best to hold them back.

"Congratulations, Mr. Woods." When I heard Miss Parker's voice, I turned around right away.

"I'm delighted, Miss Parker. I was ecstatic to defeat you." It compelled me to tell her how happy I was in words because I could not control myself.

"Don't be too ecstatic about your victory, because this is only the beginning. I'm not the type to give up easily." Her voice remained confident.

I wonder if she's acting tough for me or if she truly is that tough.

Was she not at all affected by her defeat?

How is it that she treats me like nothing has happened? Her self-assured smile and the glint in her hazel eyes troubled me.The allure of her eyes kept dragging me back to her. I'm not sure why she came to congratulate me, because I wouldn't have done so if I had been the one who lost the game.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Miss Parker. You are still grinning despite your company losing a significant deal." The confidence on her face deeply troubled me.

I used a lot of effort to see the anguish of defeat in her eyes and to make her understand how terrible it feels to lose, but seeing her smile makes me feel as though all my efforts were in vain.

"Mr. Woods. Perhaps you forget that I recently stated that the game had only begun and that I wouldn't give up so quickly." I finally noticed the rage in her eyes. But it perplexed me why she did not give up as quickly as the other girls.

There's something unique about her I haven't seen in any other female before.

"Mr. Woods, we have to leave right away." Steve approached me and whispered in my ear in a low voice.

"I'm hoping to see you again soon, Miss Parker." I made a lot of attempts to conceal my happiness, but I once again failed. After all, I've had my revenge for the defeat she inflicted on me in my city two years ago.

"Mr. Woods, I truly pray we never cross paths again." It blatantly filled her speech with hatred.

"It's impossible, Miss Parker. You will visit me once more soon, and this time it will be of your own free will. I'll wait for you." I gave her angry face one last glance before exiting the ballroom. My subconscious was drawn to her again after seeing the tip of her nose turn red with fury. Before my subconscious completely takes over, I praise Miss Parker. I should have left right away.

It should thrill me with my win, but I feel like it's not complete today. This is something that is upsetting me. I keep having the feeling that Miss Parker won this game even though she lost because I keep thinking back to the smile on her face.