
Ceo and his billionaire wife

Stella Parker, an ambitious businesswoman at the peak of her career at the age of 25 was determined to make a name for herself while refusing to accept any form of defeat... she wanted to be the absolute best in everything, especially when it came to the greedy world of 'business'. Her outspoken personality and sassy character no doubt earned her a measure of fame amid rivals in the industry. But when it came to the famous Los Angeles-based hot and devilishly charming CEO, Ethan Woods, he understood the true meaning of persuasion by force... to seize one's own power. Because of his aggressive behavior and obstinate demeanor, he was indeed quite popular among those in the business circle. With these two dominating personalities going head to head, one despising woman and the other rejecting the mere thought of falling in love, what will be the outcome of their story? Will they be able to continue as sworn rivals, battling fierce competition at every corner? Or will they hopelessly surrender to the desires of the heart? Follow the exciting journey of a contract among two CEOS in... "LOVE or VENGENCE."

Ritika_Mishra_4111 · Urban
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20 Chs

Interest Rate

"Stella's point of view,"

'Whoa, Miss Parker, what just happened?

Were you listening to us while you were far away from us?"

His nasty grin made it obvious to me he was doing all of this on purpose.

Then why?

I had to question him why he intends to start his company in California, which is so far away from New York, and that too, by stealing all of my company's contracts.

"You cannot impose such terms on Mr. Chang because our business will work with his California-based company."

I glared at the haughty man who was in front of me.

"Miss Parker, as of right now, your business has not agreed with Chang Industries, so Mr. Chang will accept offers from anyone."

"Mr. Chang, I'm correct, aren't I?"

Oh, so he's trying to entangle me in a web of stuff to show me how clever he is now?

"However, they have already agreed to work with our organization before accepting your offer."

I cast a hopeful gaze on Mr. Chang's way.

"Don't you think Mr. Chang will gain more by working with my business? Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you wouldn't be familiar with company financing.

What else would one expect from a woman?

You can just attract people with your smile, but you are still building your name and the name of your business in the business world by using such cheap techniques."

This time, I could see nothing but hatred in his eyes. But I could not comprehend the cause of his excessive animosity.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner?" I yelled and smacked his cheek in response.

"Miss Parker, you are still unaware of my courage." He put his hand on his cheek and smiled in response.

He is a shameless jerk; if I were in his shoes, I would have left the ballroom in fear of my insult, but he is still standing there, smirking at me.

My interest has now grown much more in learning the reason for his arrival.

"Every choice you make will have a monetary price attached to it, and you'll be expected to pay it in full, plus interest."


While he is questioning my gender and my business knowledge, he feels I made a mistake by slapping him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Woods; I dislike making investments in places with low-interest rates."

As I listened to him, my mind was encouraging me to smack his face again, this time with more force than before, not because I wanted to start a fight with him but because I wanted to change his mind about women's financial expertise.

"Oh, high-interest rates.

Do you even understand what an interest rate means?"

Such an egotistical guy.

"Then, Mr. Woods, What do you think of Chang Industries' financial statements? Do you believe that the announcement of a partnership with prestigious firms from major American cities has caused the market for Chinese construction to explode?

On the balance sheet of Chang Industries, there has been a profit of $5 billion in property and equipment compared to last year. While Mr. Chang is putting in 30% of the total, American construction firms will put in the remaining 70%. Because Mr. Chang's true motivation for making this investment is to increase the value of his company's stock price on the Chinese stock market and to give it a global reputation. In contrast, the American Construction Company will invest 70% before receiving 100% of the profit from revenue.

Mr. Change will benefit as predicted from this arrangement, but for us, it is more like a long-term investment program that includes statements of earnings, statements of stockholders' equity, statements of cash flows, notes to financial statements, contract costs, and stockholders' equity. Every term, including administrative expenses, contract earnings, completed contracts, and contracts in progress, needs to be carefully tracked."

"Mr. Chang If I'm mistaken, please correct me."

"You're entirely correct, Miss Parker." Mr. Chang's voice made it clear that he had little awareness of his company's finances.

Like many business owners, he finds enjoyment simply in studying the company's annual profit and share growth graph.

"What gives you such a deep understanding of the financial world?" The relief I was experiencing at this very moment by shattering that proud man's ego was no less than a trophy I had won in a race.

I don't want to brag in front of a ballroom full of business people, but the finance department on which name he is criticizing me in front of everyone does not know what significance I have in the same finance sector.

"Well, Mr. Chang disclosed to me all the information about his business secrets because of my alluring smile." As I watched his bewildered countenance, I could not help but giggle.

His forehead veins tightened with rage as soon as he heard my response.

"So, Mr. Chang, what decision did you make?" I asked, looking intently at Mr. Chang.

"Well, Miss Parker, you both have very accurate knowledge of business, so I am finding it very difficult to decide.

Mr. Woods is skilled at taking all kinds of risks in business, whereas you decide after giving various issues a lot of thought. Both traits are essential for a successful business owner. I, therefore, want to cooperate with both of you."


And you want me to be the partner of this conceited man? I can't even take a deep breath around him."

How can Mr. Chang has forgotten everything that transpired a while back.

"I never thought I would agree to anything with you, Miss Parker, but I agree with you on this point-I don't want to do business with this overconfident woman."


Did he say I was overconfident?

"Mr. Chang, You have to pick one of us or the other."

"For me, this will be challenging."

His gaze was on us as if he were weighing the two of us together on a scale.

After a prolonged period of stillness, he took a big breath, called his P.A. nearby, and spoke to her. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't read Mr. Chang's facial expression, but I believe that, like me, he is skilled at masking his emotions.

His PA soon arrived with a chessboard for us.

"The two of you who win the chess match will have a written contract between us, and I'll go one step further and form a partnership with the winner worth not just 30% but also 50%." Mr. Chang replied as he swung the chess board towards us.

Wow, what a unique way?

"How does the game of chess relate to business?"

Using people to my advantage and then getting rid of them when their usefulness has expired is not in keeping with Stella Parker's primary strategy.


Are you frightened?"

Oh God, do something about the haughtiness of this man.

Why does he believe I'll be afraid of him?

"Not at all."

However, if he had held a competition in polo or some bike racing, I might have been able to enjoy myself a little more than just a boring game of chess.

"Then why are you still waiting?

Start the game." Mr. Chang exclaimed with great excitement.

All the business owners in the ballroom were now focused on us rather than the party.

What the hell is going on?

Because this crazy man, forced me to attend the idiotic charity event. After unintentionally having to deal with the media, I thought that being here at least wasn't a waste of my valuable time, but that working with Mr. Chang would benefit me. So this man came here and ruined all of my work.

I'm currently putting off all of my crucial work to sit next to this guy and play a pointless game of chess. This man is seriously getting on my nerves.

"Good luck, Miss Parker."

After all, what's his problem?

Did he forget I slapped him on the cheek a few minutes ago?

Why won't he simply play his game while sitting quietly like a rival?

"Shut up. It's better to focus on the game rather than on me."

I said, removing his one knight from the chessboard.

I'm not sure why he's grinning so broadly as he watches my moves, but something seems off about how he can be so pleased with my every move, yet his pawns are continuously leaving the game.