
Ceo and his billionaire wife

Stella Parker, an ambitious businesswoman at the peak of her career at the age of 25 was determined to make a name for herself while refusing to accept any form of defeat... she wanted to be the absolute best in everything, especially when it came to the greedy world of 'business'. Her outspoken personality and sassy character no doubt earned her a measure of fame amid rivals in the industry. But when it came to the famous Los Angeles-based hot and devilishly charming CEO, Ethan Woods, he understood the true meaning of persuasion by force... to seize one's own power. Because of his aggressive behavior and obstinate demeanor, he was indeed quite popular among those in the business circle. With these two dominating personalities going head to head, one despising woman and the other rejecting the mere thought of falling in love, what will be the outcome of their story? Will they be able to continue as sworn rivals, battling fierce competition at every corner? Or will they hopelessly surrender to the desires of the heart? Follow the exciting journey of a contract among two CEOS in... "LOVE or VENGENCE."

Ritika_Mishra_4111 · Urban
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20 Chs

Identity Revealed

"Ethan's point of view,"

"Have you forgotten how to behave properly? Why did you enter this manner without my consent?"

I questioned angrily as I berated the idiot Steve who was standing in front of me.

"Sorry, Mr. Woods; we've located the owner of that property."

When Steve saw my irate face, he answered by gulping down his saliva.

"Can't you wait a little longer, idiot? I've lost the game I previously won because of you second time." I muttered while staring at my gaming computer screen.

"Sorry, Mr. Woods; once I learned about that land, I could not contain my excitement. You will probably be as shocked as I was to learn who the landowner is when you hear her name." He adjusted his glasses and continued.

"Alright, really? What about the landowner is so unique that it would startle me to learn about it?" I looked up at Steve, my hand on my chin, and asked.

"Stella Parker.

Miss Parker is the land's proprietor."I could see by the look on his face that he was genuinely delighted at the moment. I'm confused about whether he's relieved that the land's rightful owner has been identified or relieved that Stella Parker has claimed ownership. Whatever the cause of my idiot P.A.'s joy, I must encounter Stella Parker once again.

"Don't you find this shocking, Mr. Woods?" Steve gave me a startled expression.

After four years in the position of my assistant, I am no closer to understanding why Steve keeps pushing the limits I set for him. I have repeatedly told him he is my employee and that I am his boss; therefore, I don't understand why he keeps forgetting this.

"Should I reiterate that you have no right to ask me questions?" I asked angrily while staring at him.

"Sorry, Mr. Woods."

As soon as he heard my harsh voice, the exuberant expressions on his face vanished totally.

I was having a great time seeing his face's changing expressions. After all, he made a big mistake by telling my grandmother about Stella, and I'll make Steve pay for it at any chance I get.

"Instead of standing here and staring at my face, it would be better if you focused on the pending work."I motioned for him to leave my office with my eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. Woods." He spoke in a hushed tone.

I had the impression that he was holding his breath in front of me as I watched his quick feet and that he would take a deep breath as soon as he left my office.

Am I that horrific?

I don't think I'm at all frightening. I have petrified Stella Parker of my wrath if this was the truth, but she spoke to me without flinching and met my eyes while we conversed.

When I thought of the shine in her eyes, I smiled.

How can I smile when I think of that obstinate girl?

Miss Parker keeps coming across my path, and I don't know why. I was simply using her as a tool of vengeance until this point, but I must use all means necessary to take that piece of land from her.

After all, the success of my project depends on that piece of land.

When I heard my phone ring, I broke off the chat with my subconscious and turned to face the screen of my phone.

"Hello, Mr. Woods." As I answered the call, Jack's grating voice rang in my ears.

"What's the update?" I instruct him to speak about work in simple words because I was not at all interested in listening to his foolishness at this moment.

"We have found the cold devil." With a serious tone in his voice, he responded.

"What are you waiting for? Tell me about that immediately." The tension that Jack built up was very annoying to me.

"Relax, why are you getting so fired up? I'll tell you about the cold devil, but first, you should tell me who this lady standing with you on the cover of the business magazine is." I wanted to punch him in the face when I heard his mocking tone, but if I didn't respond to his inquiry right away, he will not give me anything about the Cold Devil.

"She is an old rival." I closed my fist tightly to suppress my rage.

"Oh, but seeing the two of you together, it doesn't seem like you two have issues with one another." He is currently making me anxious. He has no right to make fun of me in this way, especially not in the name of Stella Parker.

Many people have asked me foolish questions about this stupid business magazine, and I've exhausted my patience in answering them.

"Shut up; if you don't stop your blather and tell me the true name of the cold devil directly, you will fully know my ire." I yelled at him.

"Cool down. I was simply kidding with you.

When are you going to learn to rein in your rage?

It's none other than the woman posing with you in the business magazine who plays the racing game named Cold Devil." He responded to my questions by inhaling deeply.


That's impossible.

Stella Parker cannot be the Cold Devil." I listened to Jack and still could not believe what I was hearing.


What about this is so surprising?"

"Stella Parker is not someone I will ever lose to. How did she dare to defeat me? Why does she keep crossing my path?"

"Ethan, what are you murmuring? I comprehend nothing." Jack asked in a confused tone after hearing me out.

"Nothing; thank you, Jack, for the information." Before he could annoy me anymore with his pointless questions, I ended the conversation.

"Steve, please instruct your team to purchase Miss Parker's land as quickly as workable." I had no control over my wrath ever since I realized Miss Parker was the Cold Devil.

How could she muster the strength to confront me, after all?

Does she want to defeat me in a racing game to make up for the loss she suffered that day?

"Mr. Woods, despite our team's best efforts, Miss Parker refused to sell the property at any cost." Steve's voice wavered slightly when he answered my query.

"You people are just making excuses; what else is there to do? I don't understand why I pay you guys a salary if you're just going to work or make up reasons not to." I yelled and slammed the phone's receiver.

"Stella Parker, you've gotten on my last nerve, and now I must show you the merciless, vicious face of Ethan Woods. Now that you've crossed my path in every way, you'll have to face me everywhere from now on."