
Ceo and his billionaire wife

Stella Parker, an ambitious businesswoman at the peak of her career at the age of 25 was determined to make a name for herself while refusing to accept any form of defeat... she wanted to be the absolute best in everything, especially when it came to the greedy world of 'business'. Her outspoken personality and sassy character no doubt earned her a measure of fame amid rivals in the industry. But when it came to the famous Los Angeles-based hot and devilishly charming CEO, Ethan Woods, he understood the true meaning of persuasion by force... to seize one's own power. Because of his aggressive behavior and obstinate demeanor, he was indeed quite popular among those in the business circle. With these two dominating personalities going head to head, one despising woman and the other rejecting the mere thought of falling in love, what will be the outcome of their story? Will they be able to continue as sworn rivals, battling fierce competition at every corner? Or will they hopelessly surrender to the desires of the heart? Follow the exciting journey of a contract among two CEOS in... "LOVE or VENGENCE."

Ritika_Mishra_4111 · Urban
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20 Chs

Face to face

"Stella's point of view,"

"Stella, we're not going to a bike race; we're going to a charity ball."

Avery struggled to control her laughter as soon as she saw me after I had finished getting ready and emerged from my room.

"When did I tell you we would attend a bike race?"

She put her hand over her mouth as if to suppress her laughter when she saw me, but the sound of her chuckle still made its way into my ear.

"Simply by observing your leather jacket and tall boots, anyone can deduce this."

It was difficult for me to tell from the tone of her voice whether she was teasing me right now like a friend or was expressing her concern as my P.A.

"P.A., darling. Why don't you just tell me how to dress for the charity ball if you're so worried about how I look?"

I aimed my irritated gaze at her and murmured.

'You follow me."

After seeing me again, she cast a disapproving glance in my direction.


Why are you giving me such furious glances when you know well that I don't attend such events and parties?" With my jacket off and tossed to the side, I inquired.

"Who would think that the CEO of Parker Industries would not even know what kind of attire is appropriate for parties?"

She motioned for me to change clothes as she pulled the golden chiffon short gown out of my closet.

She is well aware of the fact that I no longer enjoy wearing short dresses at all, but she touched the ones I had not touched since my breakup that was stored in that area of my closet.

I gave her an angry look.

"Stella, you need to get ready quickly because we need to be at the charity ball on time, and I don't want to hear any excuses from you."

Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm her boss or if she's my boss. It's not uncommon for her to exert too much control over me, but I never want to upset my best friend by rejecting her advice.

"Wow, Stella, short dresses still flatter every curve on your body."

"Can we leave now?"

Avery is giving me a full-body stare that makes me believe that if she were a boy, she would already swoon over me.

"Why did you ask Robin to drive that car?"

When I saw Robin seated in the driver's seat of the car parked in front, I became quite irate with Avery.

"Sit calmly on the back sheet, as you will represent the Parker Industry there."

We sat in the back of the car together after she grabbed my hand.

"There are a lot of photographers here, but you didn't explain why."

I've never had a day as annoying as today. My nerves are being jangled by everyone I see this morning. Right now, I'm not in the mood or have the time to pose for these photographers and answer their ridiculous questions for their magazine.

"Stella, such a huge charity ball, will undoubtedly attract the media."

Avery's expression was utterly oblivious.

"Turn the car in a different direction, Robin; there must be another way to get into the ballroom."

Seeing so many camera lights makes me uncomfortable.

Even before I enter the ballroom, I want to turn around and leave.

I wouldn't have come here at all if I hadn't had to meet that moron and the mysterious Ethan Woods.

"Robin, what the hell are you doing?" Robin applied the brakes in an unexpected move.

"I'm sorry, madam.

Somebody has just abruptly pulled over in front of us."

Robin responded in a terrified tone after seeing my angry face in the mirror in front of him.

"Who had the guts to block Stella Parker's way?"

I didn't want to face the paparazzi, but the man in the car in front of me has put my nerves to the test. That obstinate motorist isn't backing up and allowing my car to pass so that we can leave, nor is he moving forward and leaving my car's side.

I guess I'll have to meet this arrogant man in person and ask him what the heck is wrong with him.

I stepped out of my car after opening the door and kept my feet firmly on the ground.

The entire paparazzi crew, as well as the full camera's attention, was directed at me. However, I was attempting to see the man seated in the car in front of me through the car's closed windows.

"Miss Parker, please turn to the right."

Do they believe I've come to this charity ball to do modeling?

The car's door suddenly opened, and half the photographers rushed up to the man getting out of the car.

"Please move out of my way if your photo shoot is finished."

I want to confront that man and make him pay for his arrogance, but the media has badly surrounded me. However, the paparazzi allowed me access to the man because of my icy demeanor and authoritative tone.

"Mr., what's the matter?"

I could still not see the man's face because he was facing the opposite way.

"Excuse me, are you talking to me?" The man turned and glanced at me.

One could tell by the sound of his voice that he was overly haughty. But I'm not sure why I kept staring at his face. His cleanly groomed jet black hair, broad forehead, strong jawline, and light beard all made him look striking.

But his deep blue eyes caught my attention. He was trying to challenge me, as I could see by the glint in his eyes.

With the help of my high heels, I could perfectly make eye contact with his eyes despite his height of 6 feet. By following Avery's advice, I now feel the positive effects of wearing high heels.

"Are you speaking to me, Miss?" He asked, with his eyes rolling at my body.


I cannot believe you dared to block my driveway.

Now move your car out of my path." In a furious tone, I told him.

I do not know why my body is buzzing strangely because of the intense gaze he has on me from head to toe.

However, judging by the sight in his eyes, he is not praising or adoringly gazing at me; rather, it appears as though he is gazing at something very filthy.

"And what if I don't get my car out of here?"

I want to punch his arrogant but attractive face right now after hearing his haughty words.

What the hell are you talking about? He's not even remotely attractive.

Stop lying. He resembles a Greek god exactly.

Why, therefore, do you frequently forget that not everything that glitters is gold? I brought up my past traumas to stop my subconscious from admiring the disrespectful man in front of me.

"Then you will regret it for the rest of your life, thinking that you screwed up with the wrong girl."

"If that's the case, I'm going to enjoy myself immensely by screwing you." When he heard me, his face broke out in a sly grin.


What a killer smile.

With his smile, he can kill anyone.

Not again; I don't understand why she keeps drooling over this haughty man or what has occurred to my subconscious after seeing him.

"Mr. Woods and Miss Parker. Could you assemble as a couple for a photo shoot for our magazine's cover?"

"What exactly did you say, Mr. Woods?" After hearing the paparazzi, I was shocked to see the snobbish man standing in front of me.

"Miss Parker, I did not know our formal introduction would be this exciting."

He placed one hand on my waist and whispered while leaning in close to my ear.

Shivers were popping up all over my body from his touch, and I had no thought that a whisper could have such an effect on someone else until now.

"Ethan Woods, I did not know you'd dare to obstruct my path in this way.

I will soon force you to pay for your brazen behavior."

In the same way that he had moved his face close to mine, I responded to him in a low voice by doing the same.

"Stella Parker, you won't soon forget this evening's encounter."

"Ethan Woods: I, too, won't let you forget this evening's encounter."

Faced with the camera, I forced a grin, despite my inner fury.