
Ceo and his billionaire wife

Stella Parker, an ambitious businesswoman at the peak of her career at the age of 25 was determined to make a name for herself while refusing to accept any form of defeat... she wanted to be the absolute best in everything, especially when it came to the greedy world of 'business'. Her outspoken personality and sassy character no doubt earned her a measure of fame amid rivals in the industry. But when it came to the famous Los Angeles-based hot and devilishly charming CEO, Ethan Woods, he understood the true meaning of persuasion by force... to seize one's own power. Because of his aggressive behavior and obstinate demeanor, he was indeed quite popular among those in the business circle. With these two dominating personalities going head to head, one despising woman and the other rejecting the mere thought of falling in love, what will be the outcome of their story? Will they be able to continue as sworn rivals, battling fierce competition at every corner? Or will they hopelessly surrender to the desires of the heart? Follow the exciting journey of a contract among two CEOS in... "LOVE or VENGENCE."

Ritika_Mishra_4111 · Urban
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20 Chs

Cold Devil

"Stella's point of view,"

"What happened?" I looked for the source of the stress that was concealed beneath the troubled expression on her face.

"Stella, Woods construction based on New York City, has been given the contract for the project our company has been working on for years.

Not only this, the client has also canceled two ongoing projects with our company and both projects are currently being handled by Woods Construction."


How can things be this way? Only our business was qualified to receive the project; no other business in California could have met the contract's requirements in full."

Why someone coming to California from New York City, which is so far away, would be so interested in signing this contract baffles me.

"Avery, I need every detail about wood construction as soon as workable." Avery nodded in agreement after hearing me and then left me in my office.

The news that Avery told me a while ago has caused a lot of turmoil in my thoughts. I abruptly took the project on which I had been working day and night from me. I could not focus on my other tasks, now i really need a break so I turned on my gaming computer and began playing NFS Most Wanted, one of my favorite racing games.

But right now, it seems like my luck is constantly up against me. I do not know who the flaming shark is also attempting to defeat me in the racing game. But because I am also the cold devil of the racing world, I won't go down without a fight. I eventually prevailed in the racing game after much effort and concentration. The fiery shark, though, gave me a tough fight. Before I could praise the flaming shark for its fierce competition, Avery entered my office.

"Hey Avery, any updates on the CEO of Woods Construction?" I tried interpreting her facial expressions to figure out what was going through her head.

"No, despite my best efforts, the sour CEO divulges nothing about himself.

He even refused to meet you, despite my request to speak with his PA to arrange a formal meeting." Her voice was agitated.

Since he should have professionalism in him, how is it possible for him to act in such a manner? I must meet him because I want to understand why he wants to harm my business.

"Avery, please provide me his PA's number so I may call him and try to set up the meeting."

"Are you sure?" She obviously could not trust me based on the perplexed expression on her face.

"Yes, I want to meet Mr. Woods, and I'll go to any lengths to make it happen." I motioned for her to make a phone call to Mr. Woods' P.A.

"I'd like to speak with Ethan Woods." As soon as he answered the call, I made my point quite plain.

"May I ask who you are?"

"Stella Parker from parker industries," I was attempting to keep my temper under control and speak normally.

"I'm sorry, Miss Parker, but Mr. Woods is currently unavailable."

" But its really urgent, I want talk yo him,"

The other side went silent without provide any response after listening me.

After all, why didn't he end the call? I put my cell phone up to my ear out of pure curiosity to find out what was happening on the other side.

"Let me know how I may assist you, Miss Parker." A powerful voice suddenly penetrated my ears.

"Mr. woods?" I asked in a perplexed tone.

"Yes, Miss Parker, seems you recognized my voice very well." When I heard his arrogant voice, I simultaneously wanted to end the call, but my business came before my ego.

"I'd like to meet you." I ignored his comment and make my point clear to him.

"I apologize, Miss Parker, but I cannot meet you since I will be quite busy for the next three months." His words made it obvious that he was purposefully agitating me.

But why?

"But I'm determined to meet you." I declared it with authority.

"Well, if thats the case then, you can meet me tonight at the charity ball event if you are desperate to do so."


I haven't even met this man yet, and I already despise him.

"Sorry, but I cant meet you there,I often avoid social gatherings like that. I'd like to meet you in person, so please find another way."

"I'm sorry, Miss Parker, but I'm unable to assist you with this." His arrogant voice clearly indicated that he enjoying this moment.

He is such a jerk.

"Okay, I'm ready to see you at the charity ball tonight." I clenched my fist furiously and ended the conversation.

"Are you certain?

You're going to the charity ball event this evening to meet Mr. Woods, right?" Avery's eyes were wide as she stared at me in shock.

"Yes, I have no other choice but this."I inhaled deeply and attempted to control the growing tempest of rage inside of me.

"We admit that the man who persuaded Stella Parker to attend the social gathering on a phone is no ordinary man; he possesses some extraordinary power." I was growing angrier as I noticed the sly smile on her face.

"Stop the nonsense and give me all the details about Ethan Woods and Woods Construction." I said, while furiously arching my brows.

"As you wish, Miss Parker." Her toothy grin was screaming for me to rip out her teeth. She truly frustrates me. I always tell people not to hire their best friend to be their assistant for this reason.

"Stella, I emailed you all the information got from internet about Woods' construction." This is what Avery said as she left my office.

As soon as I clicked on the CEO of Woods Construction's contact information. There was no further information provided, save his name and accomplishments.

"Ethan Woods, New York City's top businessman.

Ethan Woods, Now that you've concealed your identity, my desire to meet you has grown even stronger. "

I muttered under my breath and put the iPad to sleep.