
Chapter 9 Xia Qu Seeks Help

Translator: 549690339

Xia Qu was terrified, grabbed by the collar by Han Yongbao, she didn't dare utter half a word, trembling all over.

Lin Guosheng's eyes lit up with malicious delight as he sneered to himself, "Xia Qu, Xia Qu, don't blame me for being ruthless. What does it matter if you're pretty? If you won't play with me, I'll hand you over to the Han Family. Let's see how you'll act so high and mighty then."

The hospital director was decent enough; he approached Han Yongbao, bowing submissively, "Boss Han, Boss Han, please, calm down..."

Han Yongbao didn't even think before striking back with a slap, hitting the director hard on the face, sending him staggering back several steps, leaving a dark handprint on his cheek.

Then, holding Xia Qu by one hand, Han Yongbao pointed at the director's nose with the other and cursed, "Son of a bitch, I'm telling you, if anything happens to my dad, I'll make your entire hospital pay with their lives!"

The next moment, Han Yongbao pointed at the nose of every medical staff member:



"And you—"

"None of you will escape!"

At this moment, Lin Guosheng's mind went blank. He had thought that offering up Xia Qu as a shield would be enough, but to his surprise, Han Yongbao seemed unwilling to spare anyone.

Finally, the hospital director spoke the truth, "Boss Han, Boss Han, please listen, the old man needs a specific medicine that's already on its way by plane, but it will take four hours to arrive at the hospital."

Upon hearing this, Han Yongbao's expression turned vicious as he stared at Xia Qu, "You, a female doctor, aren't being honest. Why didn't you tell the truth?"

Xia Qu felt greatly wronged as, in reality, it was other hospital staff who had deceived Han Yongbao. Why was she being blamed? She was just called in on short notice.

At this point, all Xia Qu could say was, "But I can't keep the old master alive for four hours."

The hospital director was startled by Xia Qu's words and shouted harshly, "Stop talking!"

"Let her speak!" Han Yongtao, the eldest son of the Han Family, finally spoke up with a dark expression.

Han Yongtao was no fool; another female doctor had initially been examining the old master, and then suddenly, it was Xia Qu. Without even thinking, Han Yongtao knew that the hospital staff were playing some trick.

However, he was not interested in the hospital's messy internal affairs. All he needed to know was the truth about his father's condition.

The room grew quiet, and Han Yongbao finally released Xia Qu.

Xia Qu hurriedly explained the old master's condition to Han Yongtao, and the hospital's executives didn't dare to intervene.

It didn't take long for the three Han brothers to finally understand what was going on.

At that moment, with an extremely grim expression, Han Yongtao fell silent for a few minutes before finally speaking calmly, "I don't care how you do it, you must save my father's life."

There were no threats, no rage, just that calm statement, but it sent chills down the spine of the hospital director.

He had heard that no one in Peiyang City had ever seen Han Yongtao lose his temper, because those who had were no longer around.

But the hospital director was helpless, he was an expert, and he understood that there was no solution for this kind of disease.

This disease could only be cured by that specific medicine, and nobody else's efforts mattered; it was sheer bad luck for whoever was involved.

For a moment, everyone in the hospital was brow-furrowed, and no one could think of a good solution.

Seeing several hospital staff lost in thought, Han Yongtao's face turned sullen as he said, "What, you all just want to dawdle here, waiting for my father to expire?"

Xia Qu shuddered in fear. Right after, the image of Zhan Yun suddenly appeared in her mind.

In that moment, Xia Qu had an intense intuition—Zhan Yun! Zhan Yun must be able to save the old master of the Han Family!

Xia Qu had never seen such a miraculous display of acupuncture skills; Zhan Yun would certainly be able to help.

With this thought in mind, Xia Qu hastily spoke up, "Although our hospital is incapable, there is one person who might save the old master."

Han Yongtao turned his head to look at Xia Qu, "Who?"

"Zhan Yun!" Xia Qu said.

Elder brother Han Yongtao slightly frowned, "Hmm? This name...sounds vaguely familiar."

Second brother Han Yonghua said in a low voice, "I remember, some years ago, a foolish lad became a live-in son-in-law at the Feng Family; that kid seemed to be called Zhan Yun. It couldn't be a coincidence of names."

Han Yongtao didn't care about these side matters; he directly reprimanded Xia Qu harshly, "If you know someone can save him, then what are you waiting for? Why aren't you quickly inviting him?"

Xia Qu hurriedly left the sickroom and ran swiftly towards Zhan Yun's ordinary ward, praying internally as she ran, "You must not have left..."

Soon, Xia Qu pushed open the door of that ordinary ward, and upon seeing Zhan Yun sitting on the bed playing with An'an, she hastily shouted, "Zhan Yun, can you help me with something?"

As Xia Qu's voice fell, everyone in the ward looked towards Zhan Yun—Dr. Xia Qu was actually seeking Zhan Yun's help; this was too unexpected!

Zhan Yun stood up immediately and looked at Xia Qu, "What's the matter?"

Xia Qu approached An'an's bedside, "Apart from detoxification, do you know any other medical techniques? A patient's condition is extremely critical and their life is in danger at any moment."

The Star Tower had already reminded Zhan Yun, telling him that he was Xia Qu's benefactor; he naturally knew that he would definitely be able to help Xia Qu. So, Zhan Yun said, "Let's go and take a look!"

Seeing Zhan Yun's agreement, Xia Qu quickly said, "Take An'an with you, and come with me!"

Before long, Zhan Yun, carrying An'an, appeared at the entrance of the VIP ward. The gaze of several people inside the room instantly fell upon Zhan Yun.

"It really is you!" The third brother, Han Yongbao, clearly recognized Zhan Yun; because in Peiyang City, Zhan Yun was somewhat a "celebrity." There were many live-in sons-in-law, but there was only one who made a joke of himself like Zhan Yun did.

After recognizing Zhan Yun, Han Yongbao became immediately enraged.

At that moment, Han Yongbao strode towards the entrance and pointed his finger at Xia Qu's nose and bellowed, "You wretched woman, are you trying to humiliate our Han Family? Are you seeking death?"

As he spoke, Han Yongbao moved towards Xia Qu, raised his palm, and swung it towards her.

In Han Yongbao's view, Xia Qu most likely knew she couldn't save the old Han patriarch and, therefore, blatantly giving up, she sought out this worthless son-in-law to embarrass the Han Family.

Han Yongbao couldn't tolerate this; he needed to properly teach this despicable woman a lesson.

Xia Qu hadn't expected Han Yongbao to be so explosive. At this moment, she was completely frightened and stood motionless, closing her eyes, bracing for the hit.

An'an in Zhan Yun's arms also cried out in fear; the third brother, Han Yongbao, was too frightening.

However, the anticipated sharp sound of the slap didn't come. When Han Yongbao's hand was mid-swing, a hand materialized out of nowhere and clutched Han Yongbao's wrist.

This vexed slap, which was meant to land on Xia Qu's face, was stopped midair.

Quickly, Xia Qu opened her eyes.

Zhan Yun had saved her!

Zhan Yun's slender, clean hand had blocked the slap!

At this moment, Xia Qu suddenly felt the urge to cry.

It was too much bullying; she was sincerely trying to help, yet Han Yongbao treated her like this.

Fortunately, Zhan Yun was there; Xia Qu gently turned her head to look at him, moved in her heart.