
Chapter 8 The Third Son of the Han Family

Translator: 549690339


Zhan Yun's heart trembled when he heard An'an's words. Although An'an was often bullied while with him, she seldom called others "bad people."

Whenever An'an was bullied, she always blamed herself, saying that she was the one at fault, that she had caused trouble. She hardly ever accused others of being wicked women.

So, something must have happened!

Zhan Yun immediately became anxious, "An'an, what did she do to you?"

An'an's face was full of grievance, "An'an was very good. When Daddy went to borrow money, An'an didn't cry. An'an just waited for Daddy."

Zhan Yun touched An'an's little head but didn't say a word.

Then An'an blinked her eyes, pitifully, "Later, that bad woman came to draw blood, and An'an didn't cry then either."

At this point, An'an's little nose began to twitch, as though she was about to cry, "But the bad woman said she would drain all of An'an's blood. She said Daddy didn't want An'an anymore, said that she would cut open An'an's belly and sell all the things inside. That's when An'an cried."

"What!" Zhan Yun, after hearing this, was furious beyond control.

At that moment, Zhan Yun's fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes looked as if they could devour someone!

Yet, Zhan Yun struggled to control his expression; he didn't want to scare An'an.

However, inside, Zhan Yun swore a silent oath, "Very well, Tang Yan! I will make sure your life is worse than death!"

Even though Zhan Yun's expression showed little change, An'an could feel his anger.

So, An'an's little hand grabbed onto Zhan Yun again, "But it's okay now, a big sister came to comfort An'an and even gave An'an a little gift."

At this moment, An'an pulled out a fluffy keychain from her little blanket nest.

It was a small, white bunny, which An'an placed next to her pillow, treasuring it dearly.

Zhan Yun knew that the big sister An'an spoke of was Doctor Xia Qu.

The VIP ward of the hospital was crowded with people, not just the patient's family members, but even several of the hospital's leaders were squeezed in there.

Right now, everyone was nervously watching the old man on the bed, whose identity was far too unique and critical. A misstep could mean disaster; should he die in the hospital, someone would surely pay dearly!

The old man was named Han Yuting, the Family Head of the Han Family.

If someone said the name Han ruled Peiyang City, no one would object.

Han Yuting could be said to be the person of the highest power and status in Peiyang City, without a peer.

However, at this moment, Han Yuting's ears kept bleeding. His throat involuntarily emitted a harsh "he he" sound as he endured pain that could scarcely be imagined by ordinary people.

Even the most powerful person, faced with disease, is just an ordinary old man.

Xia Qu sat next to the bed, a stethoscope around her neck, looking terribly upset, her forehead covered with fine beads of sweat.

Several nurses stood around the bed, not daring to make any moves. They were all staring nervously at Xia Qu, waiting for her orders.

However, at this moment, Xia Qu's heart was ice-cold; she already knew what the illness was.

Doyle's Syndrome, an extremely rare acute disease with an unknown cause. Each year, less than ten cases are identified worldwide!

This acute illness, once manifested, causes both ears to bleed and the throat to suppurate and leads to death within two hours.

Fortunately, this disease isn't incurable.

Up to now, there was only one imported medication that could cure this disease instantly.


However, this drug, due to its expensive research and development costs and its extremely scarce consumption, is very costly, costing eighty million yuan per dose!

For the old master lying on the sickbed, money was not the issue, it was time that was critical!

Director Lin had said that the life-saving drug was already airborne, but it would take over four hours to arrive.

More than an hour had already passed since the old master's illness struck, and if no measures were taken, there was a fear that he would not survive until the arrival of the medication.

Buying time for the old master was the consensus of all doctors.

But the problem was, after the onset of this disease, it was very difficult to delay.

Using the wrong medicine could lead to the old master's sudden death, and no one could afford that responsibility.

At this moment, Lin Guosheng feigned concern in a low voice, "Dr. Xia, how is it? Has the condition been... diagnosed?"

A surge of resentment filled Xia Qu's heart, "Diagnosed? The hospital surely knew what the disease was all along, didn't they? Didn't you just say that the life-saving medicine would still take four hours to arrive?"

Lin Guosheng's expression stiffened, but then, with a stern face, he said, "What four hours? Right now, no one knows the severity of the old master's condition. Tell us quickly, what exactly is the illness!"

Upon hearing this, Xia Qu understood. Although the hospital had already diagnosed the disease, they had not dared to inform the family of the old master and had been concealing the truth.

In that moment, everyone's gaze fell on Xia Qu, awaiting her judgment.

Xia Qu knew what everyone was waiting for; they merely wanted to hear from her mouth that the old master probably couldn't wait for that medication.

Xia Qu dared not speak recklessly. Her neck stiff, she turned her head and glanced at the patient's relatives.

At the moment, the three sons of the Han family elder were all in front of the sickbed. These three sons, not only could Xia Qu not afford to provoke, but even the hospital itself couldn't.

Some said that the three sons of the Han family resembled the trio of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei from the Three Kingdoms; their personalities were completely different, yet they worked together in solidarity.

The eldest son, Han Yongtao, was composed and respected, the chairman of the local business association. Everyone of importance in the city looked to him as a leader and the recognized successor of the Han family.

The second son, Han Yonghua, was gentle and refined, the leading figure of the real estate industry in Peiyang City. It was said that half the buildings in Peiyang City belonged to Yonghua Real Estate.

The third son, Han Yongbao, was impetuous and hot-tempered. He ran hotels and supermarkets; eighty percent of the five-star hotels in Peiyang City bore the Han surname, and almost half of the large supermarkets in the city were under Han Yongbao's name.

Among the three, Han Yongbao had the worst temper, known as Lord Bao, and nicknamed Fierce Zhang Fei.

Throughout Peiyang City, ordinary people would tremble in fear at the mention of Lord Bao, a figure said to quiet crying children at night.

Xia Qu realized that if the elder Han were to truly die in the hospital, the hospital might as well close its doors; the Han family had the means to shut it down.

As for her own fate, Xia Qu didn't even dare to think about it.

And in that moment, the youngest, Han Yongbao, shouted directly, "What's the delay? Spit it out! What exactly is going on with my dad's condition?"

Lin Guosheng also urged hastily, "Dr. Xia, please speak up, we're all waiting for your diagnosis."

In that instant, Xia Qu felt an immense bitterness in her heart; she had no other choice, she was a doctor, and her professional ethics compelled her to be truthful.

Finally, Xia Qu shook her head at the people with difficulty, "I'm sorry...."

No sooner had Dr. Xia Qu's voice fallen than Han Yongbao erupted.

He stepped forward to the hospital bed like an arrow and grabbed Dr. Xia Qu's collar, his expression ferocious, "What did you say? Sorry? Are you asking for death?"

"I..." Dr. Xia Qu trembled all over in fear, not daring to reply.

Han Yongbao gnashed his teeth and roared, "I tell you, if my dad dies in your hands, I will make you remarry every night and spend your lifetime without clothes to wear!"

At these words, Xia Qu turned pale with fear; Han Yongbao was someone who would act on his threats!