
Chapter 7 An'an Wakes Up

Translator: 549690339

Zhan Yun sat patiently beside An'an's hospital bed, carefully guarding her.

Just then, a middle-aged woman approached Zhan Yun, "Big brother, is it convenient to have a word?"

"Inconvenient!" Zhan Yun said directly.

Just a moment ago, everyone in the room had been mocking Zhan Yun, even making An'an cry several times. Zhan Yun had no desire to interact with these people at all.

The middle-aged woman was taken aback, then with a face full of disdain, she said, "You, how can you be so ungrateful! I'm talking to you because I think you're worth it."

Zhan Yun sneered, "Think I'm worth it? Do I need it? Who do you think you are!"

"You..." The middle-aged woman's tone stalled.

Zhan Yun hummed dismissively, "So you just want me to cure your family member, what for? Everyone was just mocking me and secretly laughing when they saw my daughter's condition flare up, and now you expect me to treat you. Do you think I'm that cheap?"

The woman's face flushed with embarrassment, but soon, she spoke in an innocent tone, "What's wrong with you? What's the harm in lifting a finger to help? It's the hospital's needles, not costing you anything."

Her words resonated with many people, and soon someone echoed, "Yeah, how can you be so lacking in compassion!"

"No wonder people consider you a waste. You have some skill but don't want to benefit the public, selfish and pitiable!"

"Just knows some acupuncture, and now you think you're somebody."

"If someone is content being a waste, who can do anything about it."

People around whispered amongst themselves. Their voices weren't very loud, but Zhan Yun heard them clearly.

At that moment, Zhan Yun sneered, glanced at everyone around him, and said with a face full of mockery, "Do I owe you anything?"

As soon as Zhan Yun spoke, everyone in the ward fell silent.

Then Zhan Yun snorted, "Not treating you makes me content to be a waste? How come all of your faces are so big!"

In another corner of the ward, a middle-aged man suddenly said in a deep voice, "Just tell us what your conditions are to help."

"You want me to help? Fine, five hundred thousand!" Zhan Yun stated his price plainly.

After Zhan Yun named his price, the middle-aged woman immediately screamed, "Five hundred thousand? Are you trying to rob us?"

Tang Yan then said sarcastically, "Heh, just a blind cat running into a dead rat, saved his own daughter, and now claims to cure all poisons. Who are you fooling?"

"If you don't believe it, you don't have to beg me," Zhan Yun said with an indifferent face.

Having said that, Zhan Yun turned his head, no longer paying any attention to the people around him.

Tang Yan curled her lip, "Even if you really can cure poison, it's not worth five hundred thousand! You're so greedy, no wonder you groveled so low to become a son-in-law!"

Zhan Yun sneered, "When An'an was poisoned, wasn't your hospital also asking for five hundred thousand? How come when I ask for the same amount, I'm greedy?"

"I..." Tang Yan was at a loss for words.

The people around quieted down, many of them regretting that if they had spoken a word in support of Zhan Yun just now, he might have helped them with the poison. But regretfully, there are no medicines for regret in this world.

Seeing that no one was bothering him anymore, Zhan Yun finally sat down and looked down at An'an beside him.

At this moment, An'an was sound asleep, looking very peaceful.

Several minutes later, as An'an lay on the hospital bed, her neck moved slightly. Zhan Yun hurried to check her pulse, and just after he placed his hand on An'an's wrist, the Xingxiu Tower instantly gave Zhan Yun a message: The patient has fully recovered, the needles can be removed!

Zhan Yun rejoiced in his heart. To remove the needles meant to extract the needles from the patient's body.

At this moment, Zhan Yun followed the order and method of the Reverse Pulse Eight Needles Technique to remove the silver needles from An'an's body. As the last needle was pulled out, An'an, who was lying on the hospital bed, finally woke up.

An'an showed a sweet smile, "Daddy, An'an is better now."

With An'an's words, the gloom in Zhan Yun's heart dissipated instantly. At this moment, Zhan Yun felt that nothing else mattered, as long as An'an was healthy, which was better than anything.

Zhan Yun then pinched An'an's little face, "Is An'an hungry? Daddy will go buy you some food."

An'an nodded subconsciously, but then, she shook her head nervously, her eyes pleadingly looking at Zhan Yun, "An'an is not hungry, An'an doesn't want bought food, An'an likes the porridge Daddy cooks..."

Hearing this, Zhan Yun's eyes moistened.

An'an had grown accustomed to poverty with him. After joining the Feng Family, they never gave Zhan Yun money for formula. The food An'an ate the most was porridge.

So Zhan Yun placed An'an's little hand on his face and swore in his heart while holding her hand, "An'an, Daddy is no longer useless, Daddy has the Xingxiu Tower now. In the future, I will definitely make a lot of money for An'an and won't let An'an suffer anymore."

Tang Yan's expression turned grim. She detested the brief warmth between An'an and Zhan Yun.

At this moment, with a hardened heart, Tang Yan approached Zhan Yun and An'an, looking at An'an sarcastically, "The child just woke up and needs a checkup. Let's draw some blood."

After saying that, Tang Yan, with a smirk on her face, somehow produced a syringe as thick as a child's arm.

In fact, Tang Yan didn't intend to check An'an; she simply wanted to scare her.

Indeed, as soon as An'an saw the syringe in Tang Yan's hand, she was frightened and burst into tears.

Zhan Yun, of course, knew that Tang Yan was not so kind-hearted. He abruptly stood up and pushed Tang Yan back several steps.

Then, Zhan Yun said to Tang Yan with an icy tone, "Tang Yan, you're courting death!"

At that moment, Zhan Yun clenched his fists. He was incredibly angry and emitted a dangerous aura.

The Xingxiu Tower seemed to feel Zhan Yun's rage and actually transmitted a set of brief martial arts movements to him.

Zhan Yun knew that this was a basic Cultivation Method from the Xingxiu Tower, and if he wanted to strike Tang Yan, he could render her unable to care for herself in an instant.

Though Zhan Yun was shaking with anger, he held himself back. He couldn't act in front of An'an; he didn't want to frighten her.

Meanwhile, Tang Yan was terrified by Zhan Yun's imposing manner, and that extreme fear returned.

So Tang Yan quickly stepped back, her complexion deathly pale.

The next moment, Tang Yan turned and fled. She didn't want to stay there any longer; facing Zhan Yun, she suddenly felt very insecure.

An'an was still crying, and all Zhan Yun could do was take a deep breath and slowly console her.

But in Zhan Yun's heart, there was a chilling resolve, "Tang Yan, you'd better not give me a chance, or I will make you wish for death!"

An'an was very sensible. After Tang Yan left, she gradually stopped crying.

Then, somewhat fearfully, An'an said to Zhan Yun, "Daddy, I'm not afraid of getting an injection, but I'm scared of her, she's a bad woman."

"A bad woman?" Zhan Yun was shocked in his heart!