
Chapter 6 Xia Qu

Translator: 549690339

Seeing An'an vomit blood, Tang Yan seemed to grasp some sort of incriminating evidence.

At that moment, Tang Yan screamed, "Everyone saw this, right? The child's vomiting blood has nothing to do with our hospital; it's all because of Zhan Yun recklessly needling the child!"

Some family members of other patients quickly echoed, "Yes, we can testify!"

"What a sin, how could a child end up with such a father!"

"The child is so pitiful."

Around them, everyone thought An'an was done for.

However, Zhan Yun and Doctor Xia Qu paid no mind to Tang Yan or anyone else around them.

At that moment, Doctor Xia Qu gently touched An'an's tiny wrist and quickly, her expression turned into one of surprise, "Hm? The child's pulse has stabilized!"

As Doctor Xia Qu's voice fell, An'an's little face regained color at a visible pace, and soon, her expression became very peaceful, and she fell soundly asleep...

Seeing this scene, Doctor Xia Qu couldn't help but look at Zhan Yun in amazement and asked him, "Did you stabilize the condition?"

Zhan Yun nodded, "To be precise, it should be cured."

"Cured?" Xia Qu's face was filled with disbelief.

Then, Xia Qu said, "No, I have to be responsible for An'an's health, let's take some blood for a test."

Having said that, Xia Qu hurriedly collected a blood sample and, without calling Tang Yan, rushed off to the laboratory for testing.

Tang Yan stood there, her expression changing unpredictably, thinking angrily, "Cured? How could it be cured? Why won't you just die? Why!"

Some of the surrounding family members also wore faces of disbelief, one of them quietly questioning, "It's cured just like that? Impossible!"

"I also think it's impossible, just a few silver needles, not ginseng or snow lotus, how could it be cured just like that."

"Silver needles detoxifying should be plausible, right? After all, it is a legacy left by our ancestors, quite miraculous."

"I believe in silver needles detoxifying, but Zhan Yun doing it, haha, I don't believe!"

"Exactly, just a useless loser, if he really had such ability, why would he become a live-in son-in-law."

"Perhaps the child is having a final moment of lucidity."

All around, there was a buzz of private whispers, with no one believing that Zhan Yun could save An'an.

But in a little while, Xia Qu returned.

At that moment, Xia Qu's face was beaming like the sun as she burst through the door, exclaiming, "A miracle! The toxins in An'an's body have decreased by sixty percent, how did you do it?"

Hearing this statement, everyone was stunned and looked at Zhan Yun with disbelief.

Zhan Yun had really saved An'an; he could detoxify!

Tang Yan's expression was one of unwillingness, but there was nothing she could do except be angry.

Doctor Xia Qu was very excited and curious; as a very responsible doctor, she had never seen acupuncture for detoxification. To her, it was as if she had discovered a new world.

"Can you explain to me how exactly you did it?" Xia Qu asked Zhan Yun with great interest.

"This is acupuncture. As long as the silver needles stay on An'an's acupoints for half an hour, allowing the qi and blood to circulate for a cycle, the toxins in An'an's body can mostly be cleared."

"Really!" Xia Qu's tone revealed her surprise.

Zhan Yun nodded slightly.

"Then, what do you call the technique you just performed? It looks different from any acupuncture I've seen before," asked Xia Qu.

"This is the Reverse Pulse Eight Needles Technique, capable of neutralizing all poisons."

"Neutralize all poisons?" Xia Qu exclaimed in disbelief. She didn't have many doubts, after all, An'an's example was vividly in front of her.

And this exclamation, when heard by the relatives of patients around her, was quite something.

If just a movement of the needle could neutralize all poisons, and since all these patients were suffering from poisoning, if they could ask Zhan Yun for help, wouldn't they no longer need to stay in the hospital?

Many people thought of this, and suddenly, there was a stir among them; many people's gazes towards Zhan Yun changed, each one of them wanting to beseech Zhan Yun for assistance.

Just then, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and a balding middle-aged doctor in a white coat entered.

This man had a gloomy expression. As soon as he entered, he shouted, "Xia Qu, what are you doing here? I've been looking for you for two rounds!"

"Director Lin? What do you need me for?" This was Lin Guosheng, the director of Xia Qu's department.

At this moment, Lin Guosheng looked morose, "Quick, go to the VIP ward, the elder of the Han Family has had an attack, he's nearly gone. The special medicine he needs is still on the airplane, it will take at least four more hours to arrive!"

Xia Qu's expression stiffened, "The VIP ward? Isn't Zhao Panpan the attending physician over there?"

Lin Guosheng showed impatience, "Doctor Zhao has a family emergency, and I'm temporarily assigning you as the elder's attending physician."

Xia Qu turned pale, she wasn't stupid; if the elder of the Han Family was hanging by a thread and they were replacing the attending physician at this critical moment, it was like they were gearing up to dump the blame on her.

Lin Guosheng then urgrehed loudly, "Enough with the nonsense, hurry up. If the elder of the Han Family dies in our hospital, you won't need to work here anymore. Just pack up and leave."

Xia Qu glanced at Lin Guosheng, her expression outraged, wishing she could pluck out the few remaining hairs on this balding man's head!

At this time, Xia Qu's face showed scorn, "Director Lin, when the elder of the Han Family was admitted, wasn't it Doctor Zhao Panpan who actively requested the assignment? What family emergency does she have now?"

Xia Qu had seen with her own eyes how Zhao Panpan had ingratiated herself with Lin Guosheng to become the attending physician for the Han Family elder, even climbing into Lin Guosheng's bed.

Previously, Lin Guosheng had also hinted to Xia Qu that if she were willing to do the same as Zhao Panpan, he would give the opportunity to Xia Qu.

But Xia Qu found Lin Guosheng repulsive and turned him down outright.

To think that now, with the Han Family elder in crisis and Zhao Panpan gone, Lin Guosheng actually wanted to switch Xia Qu to be the attending physician. It was clearly a setup to harm Xia Qu, and naturally, she didn't want to go.

Lin Guosheng, however, sneered, "Xia Qu, the hospital has its rules and regulations. It's normal for the attending physician to change due to an emergency. If you're picking and choosing and don't go, then I'll just have to file a report and have you fired."

"You—" Xia Qu's expression stiffened, she knew Lin Guosheng was someone who meant what he said and had already fired several female colleagues.

But Xia Qu didn't want to lose this job; her parents were in poor health and couldn't earn much money, and she had a younger sister in college. Xia Qu needed this job.

So, Xia Qu could only stand up, "Fine, I'll go!"

"That's more like it!" Lin Guosheng looked pleased with himself and followed Xia Qu out.

Everyone in the ward understood what was going on, and many couldn't help but sigh. Everyone rather liked Doctor Xia Qu.

Tang Yan muttered under her breath with a sneer, "Humph! It's finally your turn to be unlucky. Thinking you're so great because you're a doctor, bossing me around every day, now you've offended Director Lin. Pack up and scram."

Zhan Yun watched Xia Qu's retreating figure and felt a stir within, "Could it be that Doctor Xia Qu is really going to be unlucky?"

As this thought crossed Zhan Yun's mind, the Xingxiu Tower suddenly flashed with starlight, and a message was conveyed to Zhan Yun: Xia Qu was being schemed against and might face disaster.

Zhan Yun was startled and immediately understood what the Xingxiu Tower's basic physiognomy meant.

It turns out, as long as he cared about someone and wanted to know about their fortune, the Xingxiu Tower would immediately provide an answer.

At that moment, Zhan Yun thought, "How can I help Xia Qu avoid disaster?"

The Xingxiu Tower provided an answer, "Xia Qu needs the help of a noble person, but she will find her noble person on her own, and that person is you. All you need to do is wait here."

Wait? Zhan Yun understood, and so he sat down by An'an's bedside, patiently watching over the sleeping An'an, settling into calmness.