
Chapter 5 Reverse Pulse Eight Needles Technique

Translator: 549690339

Xia Qu furrowed her brows in surprise as she looked at Zhan Yun, "You understand?"

Then, Xia Qu, somewhat agitated, said, "Do you have any idea that if there is no money for treatment, An'an might die!"

Tang Yan displayed a face full of contempt, "Who cares what he does? A child stuck with such a father is doomed!"

"Shut up!" Xia Qu shouted at Tang Yan once more.

Next, Xia Qu bit her lip and suggested to Zhan Yun, "Here's what we can do—if you have a lot of friends, perhaps I can help you with some paperwork, start a crowdfund or something to tide us over for now. We can't just wait for An'an to die."

Zhan Yun was very grateful to Xia Qu in his heart. She was a good doctor, who not only treated him with respect but also took the initiative to offer help—such good doctors were rare these days.

But Tang Yan kept giving Zhan Yun dirty looks, and at that moment, she even snorted, "Dr. Xia, you don't need to be so nice to him. What kind of friends can he possibly have."

Zhan Yun glanced at Tang Yan, this nurse was detestable. Once he saved An'an, he would definitely make her regret it!

Thus, Zhan Yun said to Xia Qu, "Don't worry, I have a way."

"You have a way?" Xia Qu frowned, looking at Zhan Yun with a mixture of skepticism and hope.

Tang Yan continued to mutter sarcastically, "Ha, what could he possibly do? He's nothing but a freeloader, a son-in-law living off a woman. The Feng Family doesn't care about him. He and his daughter will die poor. Living off a woman isn't so easy, huh? With no ability of his own, his child can only suffer and be aggrieved. It would be cleaner if they just died."

This time, Xia Qu did not reprimand Tang Yan.

Although Tang Yan's words were harsh, it was a cruel reality of the world—lovely children with poor parents could only watch helplessly as they leave this world.

Just then, An'an lying on the hospital bed suddenly convulsed; she foamed at the mouth, and her entire face turned deathly pale.

The sudden turn of events left everyone in the room stiff with shock, and Xia Qu quickly returned to the bedside, covering An'an's forehead with her hand, her expression anxious, "This is bad, the poison in the child's body has erupted prematurely!"

Then, Xia Qu said with agony on her face, "It's horrible—if the poison erupts like this, even if there is an antidote, it'll be too late!"

Despite saying this, Xia Qu didn't give up on An'an. She adjusted An'an's position while commanding Zhan Yun, "Quick, massage the child's abdomen and chest. Now, we can only try to alleviate the child's pain this way, to make her passing less difficult."

Zhan Yun was shocked, but he didn't follow Xia Qu's instructions, instead, he hurriedly placed his hand on An'an's wrist.

"Ha, pretending and posturing, now he's trying to take a pulse like a doctor!" Tang Yan, far from helping, snidely ridiculed Zhan Yun.

Zhan Yun had no time to deal with her; he calmed his mind, feeling An'an's pulse.

At that moment, An'an's pulse was chaotically disturbed, but fortunately, her heartbeat was still relatively strong.

It was then that the Star Tower suddenly transmitted a message to Zhan Yun: The Reverse Pulse Eight Needles Technique could save her, requiring fifty-six silver needles.

With this news, Zhan Yun was overjoyed!

Immediately, Zhan Yun called out, "Silver needles, quick, get fifty-six silver needles!"

"Huh?" Xia Qu was taken aback.

Zhan Yun, with an urgent expression, exclaimed, "Get the silver needles! Silver needles! Don't you understand? The silver needles used for acupuncture!"

Although Xia Qu didn't believe Zhan Yun had any solution, she was out of options and had to try anything, even grasping at straws.

So Xia Qu turned her head and shouted at Tang Yan, "Quick, go get the silver needles used in Chinese medicine!"

Tang Yan pursed her lips, her feet as if nailed to the floor, unmoved.

Seeing Tang Yan's reaction, Xia Qu immediately rose and ran herself to fetch the silver needles.

In the hospital room, most people shook their heads; no one believed that Zhan Yun could save An'an. Even Dr. Xia had said there was no hope—how could anyone else have a solution?

As for Tang Yan, she wore a cold smile, her heart satisfied. The more frantic Zhan Yun became, the more delighted she felt.

Bear a grudge against Zhan Yun, she did!

Three years ago, Tang Yan's brother was one of Feng Lingxue's suitors. Tang Yan dreamt of having her brother marry Feng Lingxue and take her home.

Everyone knew that Feng Lingxue was not just a great beauty, but also came from a wealthy family. If Tang Yan's brother married Feng Lingxue, she, Tang Yan, would also "rise to heaven with a single step."

However, Zhan Yun's arrival ruthlessly shattered Tang Yan's beautiful dream. A grown man carrying a child, kneeling for three days and nights to marry into the family—that was totally against the rules!

Because of this, Tang Yan had cursed Zhan Yun behind his back more than once.

Now that An'an was in trouble, Tang Yan was delighted, "Serves you right! That's what you get for your shameless father! Just die!"

Soon, Xia Qu fetched a box of silver needles and handed them to Zhan Yun.

Zhan Yun took the silver needles, his heart settling down, "Hold An'an still, don't let her move!"

Xia Qu was initially somewhat panicked, but seeing Zhan Yun so composed and unflustered in the face of danger, she suddenly felt that Zhan Yun was like a mountain, unshakable; with him there, everything else was trivial.

Soon, Xia Qu's heart calmed down as well.

Being a top student from a renowned medical college, Xia Qu naturally had professional techniques to keep a child calm.

Soon, An'an's body stopped convulsing.

Zhan Yun quickly picked up the needles, and within a few seconds, his right hand was filled with a dense array of silver needles.

Many people around Zhan Yun, seeing his hands full of silver needles, suddenly widened their eyes, "Has he gone mad?"

"Grabbing so many needles, does he think the more needles there are, the more effective they will be?"

"I really don't understand why Doctor Xia Qu lets him mess around."

"Desperate situations call for desperate remedies, I guess!"


The onlookers were buzzing with speculation, all finding it bizarre that Zhan Yun had grabbed so many silver needles at once.

However, after seeing Zhan Yun's needle grasping technique, Xia Qu's anxiety dissipated.

Although Xia Qu practiced Western medicine, she had seen formidable practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine apply needles.

Those veteran Chinese doctors, like Zhan Yun, would have dense arrays of silver needles between the fingers of one hand. It looked chaotic, but they were highly deliberate and never made a mistake.

By then, Xia Qu had completely trusted Zhan Yun, her heart filled with prayers, "It has to work, even if it can't detoxify, at least stabilize An'an's condition, as long as there's time, An'an can be saved..."

But the next moment, Xia Qu was stunned by Zhan Yun's needling technique!

Zhan Yun actually filled both hands with silver needles and in one moment, struck with both hands at the same time!

Xia Qu almost cried out in fright, screaming in her mind, "What kind of technique is this!"

However, her professional demeanor prevented her from losing her composure, but her shock was immeasurable—such needling technique was extraordinary!

The Chinese doctors Xia Qu had seen before, despite their hands being full of needles, always followed a sequence: after one needle, then another, even if they were extremely fast, they would only insert one needle at a time.

But Zhan Yun was different; he inserted six or seven needles simultaneously. Xia Qu had never heard of such a needling technique before.

However, it wasn't long before Xia Qu's mood lifted.

Because, after the first round of needling was finished, An'an, held in her arms, gradually stilled, no longer convulsing or foaming at the mouth.

Zhan Yun was completely focused, his hands striking with needles again at the same time!

The Reverse Pulse Eight Needles Technique actually used fifty-six silver needles. The so-called "Eight Needles" referred to the eight sequences of needle application, each time using several needles at once, for a total of eight rounds.

Although it was Zhan Yun's first time using the Reverse Pulse Eight Neediles Technique, under the guidance of the tower, he performed it smoothly, without any signs of awkwardness.

The tower felt like an extension of Zhan Yun's body, granting him abilities without the slightest unfamiliarity. Soon, the Reverse Pulse Eight Needles Technique was completed.

At that moment, An'an suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a mouthful of tainted blood.