
Chapter 4 Star Tower

Translator: 549690339


"What is this?" Zhan Yun's heart was startled. Why had this mysterious tower suddenly appeared in his mind out of nowhere? Was he hallucinating?

But it didn't take long for Zhan Yun to realize that it wasn't a hallucination. He could clearly sense the mysterious aura the tower emitted, and any time Zhan Yun thought about it, he could immediately "see" its presence.

So Zhan Yun observed the tower closely. From afar, it seemed to be made of billions of stars, with starlight flowing through it, profound and enigmatic.

As the enigmatic aura of Mercury transiting the sun poured into Zhan Yun's sea of consciousness, the mysterious tower flickered on and off. It appeared to be absorbing the power of the Sun's True Water.

Perhaps a long time passed, or maybe it was just an instant, but the base of the tower suddenly emitted a brilliant light.

Then, the tower seemed to become a part of Zhan Yun's brain. A massive amount of information flooded into Zhan Yun's mind in an instant, and he suddenly understood what the tower was!

The Astral Tower!

The Sect Leader's Token of the Guigu Sect!

The Astral Tower had nine layers in total, and the aura of Mercury transiting the sun had triggered some mysterious mechanism within it, lighting up only the first layer for now.

After the first layer of the Astral Tower was lit, it granted Zhan Yun three abilities: Basic Qihuang Needle Technique, Basic Fengshui Technique, and Basic Cultivation Method.

Simultaneously, the Astral Tower transmitted a vast amount of information to Zhan Yun.

However, Zhan Yun was not in the mood to look at that information. He didn't look into how the Astral Tower came to be or why it had appeared to him.

His thoughts were completely captivated by one piece of content from the Astral Tower: Reverse Pulse Eight Needles Technique, capable of curing all poisons!

Cure for poison!

An'an was poisoned!

"This is great, there's hope for An'an!" Hope filled Zhan Yun's heart.

Without waiting, Zhan Yun rushed toward the hospital. To his surprise, while running, Zhan Yun felt as quick as the wind, as if the illumination of the Astral Tower had endowed him with exceptional strength.

Overjoyed, he ran back to the hospital without a care in the world.

Upon reaching the entrance to the ward, Zhan Yun was surprised to find someone else by An'an's bedside.

A young, beautiful, and tall female doctor was sitting in front of the bed, playing with An'an.

An'an, lying in bed, was laughing happily, her laughter clear and sonorous.

Hearing this laughter, Zhan Yun suddenly felt the urge to cry.

That was because Zhan Yun could not recall the last time An'an had laughed so freely.

An'an, always with Zhan Yun, suffered trials every day and was like a little aggrieved soul, afraid of making the people around her angry. She had never laughed so carefreely.

But now, An'an was laughing so happily, so mindlessly—it was the laughter a child should have, and Zhan Yun couldn't bear to interrupt them.

Zhan Yun knew this female doctor; her name was Xia Qu.

When Zhan Yun brought An'an to the hospital, it was Doctor Xia Qu who conducted the examination.

Doctor Xia Qu was extremely dedicated. Unlike other ordinary nurses who might be biased against the poor, when she checked An'an, she played with An'an's little nose to make her laugh.

Unexpectedly, Xia Qu had specifically taken time to accompany An'an, which deeply touched Zhan Yun.

However, very soon, Nurse Tang Yan noticed Zhan Yun. She quickly called out, "Doctor Xia, An'an's father is here."

Xia Qu turned her head, and upon seeing Zhan Yun, her expression turned somewhat displeased, as if she was dissatisfied with Zhan Yun.

But Xia Qu took care to consider An'an's feelings. She turned back to An'an and smiled, pinching her little cheek, "I told you, An'an is so adorable, how could daddy possibly abandon An'an? An'an has a good daddy."


An'an happily waved at Zhan Yun, "Daddy!"

Zhan Yun hurried to the side of the hospital bed.

Dr. Xia Qu turned her head to look at Zhan Yun, and with a stern face, she schooled him, "What kind of father are you! An'an is so young; how could you leave her alone in the hospital room for four to five hours? The child was frightened to tears."

As she spoke, Dr. Xia Qu's eyes reddened, and tears swirled in her eyes.

Zhan Yun felt ashamed. Obtaining the Sect Leader's Token had delayed him for several hours, and with the round trip, Zhan Yun was reluctant to take a taxi, which indeed took quite a long time.

So Zhan Yun hastily said to Dr. Xia Qu, "I'm sorry!"

Dr. Xia Qu then took a deep breath, "The person you need to apologize to is not me, but An'an!"

Then, looking tenderly at An'an, she continued, "Do you know what it's like for a child to lie alone on a hospital bed waiting for four to five hours? Do you understand how frightened and helpless she feels in her heart? She was just..."

At this point, Dr. Xia Qu's tear-filled eyes nearly overflowed, and she couldn't continue.

Zhan Yun could imagine An'an's helplessness at not seeing him.

At that moment, Zhan Yun hastily sat beside An'an, taking her small hand, "An'an, I'm sorry, Daddy is late."

An'an quickly shook her head, looking weakly at Zhan Yun, "Not late, not late, as long as Daddy comes back, it's okay. As long as Daddy doesn't leave An'an, An'an can wait no matter how long..."

Dr. Xia Qu was not the pushy type, and seeing Zhan Yun apologizing to his daughter, she reminded him, "Next time, don't just leave your daughter and turn off your phone. I tried calling you more than a dozen times, and you didn't answer, which scared An'an."

"Ah?" Zhan Yun was taken aback, then he quickly took out his old phone.

Then Zhan Yun frowned, feeling a pang of distress.

The phone had become wet and wouldn't turn on.

Zhan Yun knew it might be that something had changed in his body when he obtained the Sect Leader's Token, causing the phone to be damaged.

"Ah, another few hundred yuan gone," Zhan Yun felt a bit heartbroken.

Dr. Xia Qu quickly asked, "By the way, I heard you went to raise money, did you manage to get any?"

Zhan Yun shook his head, "No."

Tang Yan laughed out loud, "Dr. Xia, I told you, how could he possibly raise any money, just a good-for-nothing, who would lend money to him?"

Zhan Yun, upon hearing Tang Yan's words, immediately cast a chilly glance at Tang Yan.

After obtaining the Sect Leader's Token, Zhan Yun's entire demeanor changed, exuding a special kind of imposing presence.

Tang Yan felt a bone-chilling cold sweep over her from Zhan Yun's gaze, feeling uncomfortable all over and stepped back in fear.

Dr. Xia Qu was also very dissatisfied with Tang Yan's words, and with a frown and an unhappy expression, she told Tang Yan, "Enough, the situation of the patient's family is none of our business. As doctors, we should not gossip."

"Oh," Tang Yan quickly lowered her head and acknowledged softly.

At this moment, Tang Yan actually felt some fear, her heart pounding, as Zhan Yun's gaze had been frightening.

But soon, Tang Yan muttered to herself, "This is so strange. Why should I be afraid of him? He's just a loser who knelt at someone's door, begging to become a son-in-law. There's nothing to fear!"

With these thoughts, the panic in Tang Yan's heart gradually subsided.

At this time, Dr. Xia Qu looked helpless as she turned to Zhan Yun with an apologetic expression, "Although I also like An'an very much and really want to help you, the hospital's rules are rigid. If there's not enough money, I don't have the authority to use the medicine first."

"I understand," Zhan Yun said.