
Chapter 3: The Transit of Mercury

Translator: 549690339

Zhan Yun grew up in Guigu and married a fellow disciple who was only one day older than himself, with whom he had a daughter named An'an. Everything was blissful.

But a disaster three years ago turned it all into a fleeting dream.

Three years ago, their sect was betrayed by a traitor, someone poisoned their food, and in the state of diminished combat capability for most of their fellow disciples, the enemy invaded Guigu.

That day, the valley ran red with blood.

Zhan Yun still remembers how his beloved wife fell from a cliff while protecting An'an, her fate unknown.

To protect the disciples, his master alone led numerous enemies into the forbidden grounds of Guigu, and likewise vanished without a trace.

Zhan Yun also suffered grave injuries then, losing not only all his cultivation but also falling ill and even damaging many of his memories…

Zhan Yun himself didn't know how he managed to escape with An'an. He instinctively returned to his rural hometown to seek shelter at his uncle's home.

But his uncle, seeing Zhan Yun weak and frail, and the child in need of money, even had the heart to lock Zhan Yun out, refusing to recognize him.

In reality, Zhan Yun knew his uncle refused to acknowledge him out of fear that Zhan Yun would bring up the matter of past debts, unwilling to return the money of Zhan Yun's parents.

Later, Zhan Yun, for certain special reasons, married into the Feng Family, becoming the laughingstock of the entire Peiyang City.

But then the uncle came knocking, saying since Zhan Yun had become the Feng Family's son-in-law, he could, for the sake of family, possibly find jobs for his two cousins.

In fact, as a live-in son-in-law, Zhan Yun was already humbled. How could he possibly arrange jobs for them? Naturally, nothing came of it.

From that moment, the uncle began slandering Zhan Yun, calling him an ingrate who grew up taking everything yet never helping out his family.

Ever since then, Zhan Yun and his uncle barely had any interaction.

But now, An'an needed money for life-saving treatment, and Zhan Yun had to reclaim what was rightfully his.

When the aunt learned of Zhan Yun's intentions, she turned stern and said, "Scram!"

As she attempted to close the door.

Zhan Yun blocked the door with his body, his expression filled with outrage, "Aunt, we must make things clear today; otherwise this matter won't be settled!"

"What's there to talk about? Scram, the Zhan family doesn't acknowledge you!" The aunt pushed the door with force.

Zhan Yun squeezed tightly in the doorway, "Aunt, if you don't give me an explanation today, I'll bring everyone from the streets to discuss this openly before them."

At this time, many people in the street had already turned to look, and some started whispering about Zhan Yun and his aunt's family.

The aunt panicked; what happened that year was their family's fault. Many people in the town were green with envy over their sudden wealth, and although they pretended not to hear the whispers behind their backs, it was only an act.

If Zhan Yun really started to settle accounts with them on the street, no matter the outcome, their family would certainly become the laughingstock of the entire street.

So the aunt, with a dark expression, glared at Zhan Yun, "Fine, since you want to 'talk', come in then."

In the living room of the uncle's home, the uncle and aunt sat on the sofa while Zhan Yun stood opposite them. When Zhan Yun entered, they hadn't even offered him a seat.

Zhan Yun didn't care. He just stared at the uncle and aunt and slowly said, "Give me two hundred thousand, and we're even!"

The uncle's face darkened. He slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and then suddenly slammed the table, berating loudly,

"Had I not taken you to the countryside after your parents died abroad, you would have starved to death!"

"You kneeled for three days and became the Feng Family's live-in son-in-law, losing all face for the Zhan family. Have you been worthy of our ancestors?"

"Indeed, I sold your dad's house. I took your parents' compensation. But that money has nothing to do with you!"

"By becoming a live-in son-in-law, you're no longer a member of the Zhan Family. In the Feng Family, even if you father a son, he won't carry the Zhan surname. Tell me, what right do you have to that money?"

"If you're not one of the Zhan Family, don't even think about getting a penny!"

The aunt also huffed, "Right, that money has nothing to do with you. It's for my two sons to get married with. You, a live-in son-in-law, who even in death is not permitted into the ancestral graves, how dare you come back asking for money?"

Every word from these two people fueled Zhan Yun's rage. He clenched his fists so hard that his whole body shook with fury.

Zhan Yun glared intensely at the two of them, "So you mean to say you plan to give me nothing, is that it?"

The uncle snorted, "Exactly, now get out of here. I don't want to see your face again!"

No sooner had the uncle's words fallen than Zhan Yun casually grabbed a teapot beside him and smashed it hard on the uncle.

With a crack, the teapot shattered on the uncle's forehead, hot tea blending with blood streaming down his face.

The uncle screamed in agony, leaping to his feet and shouting venomously, "You little bastard, how dare you strike me! I'll kill you!"

With that, the uncle struggled to hit Zhan Yun.

"Ah, he's hitting someone!" The aunt's shriek also suddenly rose, "Someone come quick, help! Jiawei, Jiawei, your father has been beaten by Zhan Yun, come out and kill this little bastard..."

Seeing the dire turn of events, Zhan Yun hastily made his escape.

The aunt was busy tending to the uncle and didn't chase after him, but the family was thrown into utter chaos.

Zhan Yun headed towards the wilderness, knowing he couldn't get entangled here any longer; otherwise, if he was gone for too long, An'an would be scared.

In the countryside, Zhan Yun ran alone.

It was then that Zhan Yun suddenly felt a chilling presence pour down from above, as if a pillar of water descended from the sky, dousing his head.

Immediately following, a refreshing sensation swept over his entire body!

"Hmm? This is... a serendipitous encounter!"

Having grown up in Ghost Valley, Zhan Yun instantly recognized what was happening.

Thereupon, Zhan Yun stopped running, allowing that invigorating sensation to engulf his body.

Afterwards, Zhan Yun lifted his head to look at the sky and saw a small dot at the center of the sun, slowly crossing it.

"Mercury's transit across the sun!" Zhan Yun was startled, "Why would I feel this strange aura during Mercury's transit?"

It was then that Zhan Yun suddenly remembered his master's words, "When Mercury transits the sun, the power of the Sun's True Water descends from the heavens. Only those with a unique constitution or those possessing treasures can sense the power of the Sun's True Water."

A thrill went through Zhan Yun's heart, "Could it be that I possess a special constitution? Or is there some sort of treasure inside of me capable of receiving the Sun's True Water's power?"

With this thought, Zhan Yun seated himself cross-legged and began practicing the most fundamental mental method of the Ghost Valley lineage.

As soon as Zhan Yun sat down, the cool and penetrating feeling became even stronger.

In an instant, Zhan Yun fell into a trance, feeling a mysterious force infuse his body.

As this force spread throughout his body, Zhan Yun felt an epiphany; the frustrations in his heart seemed to unravel in an instant, leaving him profoundly relieved.

For a moment, a light seemed to illuminate Zhan Yun's mind.

Then Zhan Yun discovered a deep and profound tower standing in his mindspace.