
Chapter 24 Tang Yan Arrives

Translator: 549690339

Xia Qu knew that Zhan Yun would definitely be alright, and that the scene outside was certainly not suitable for a child to witness.

So, holding An'an close, Xia Qu comforted her, "An'an, don't worry. An'an's father is a good man. There's just been a misunderstanding outside. Once it clears up, Daddy will be back soon. An'an, be good, alright? Don't make Daddy worry, okay?"

"Mhm, An'an is very obedient!" An'an nodded vigorously, then lay in Xia Qu's embrace, quietly waiting.

Outside in the corridor, Boss Bao was gasping from beating people. By now, he had stopped. Zhan Jiawei and several others were kneeling there, each with their heads cracked open, looking very pitiable.

At that moment, Boss Bao looked towards Han Yongtao, "Big Brother, do you want to hit them for a while, to vent your anger?"

Han Yongtao snorted, "No need."

"How should we deal with them?" Boss Bao asked Han Yongtao.

"Dump them in the river as fish food," Han Yongtao said without even blinking.