
Chapter 2 Borrowing Money

Translator: 549690339

Soon, the call connected.

Gao Lan, her mother-in-law's impatient voice came directly: "Haven't I told you before, don't call me if there's nothing important!"

At this moment, Zhan Yun hurriedly said, "Mom, An'an still needs money..."

"Money?" Gao Lan's shrill scream interrupted Zhan Yun: "Didn't I already give you two hundred yuan when you went to the hospital? Why do you still need money?"

Zhan Yun could only humbly say, "Mom, it's not enough, An'an's illness has been diagnosed, she needs five hundred thousand."

"Five hundred thousand? Why don't you just die!" Over the phone, the mother-in-law's screaming voice seemed to be choked.

Immediately after, the mother-in-law shouted loudly, "Forget it, forget it, our family can't afford such a loss, just a worthless little girl, she's not even the Feng family's blood, let her die if she's going to die."

Zhan Yun hurriedly cried out, "Mom, please save An'an, considering how hard I've worked over these three years, serving like an ox and horse..."

With a snap, a beeping tone of a disconnected call came from Zhan Yun's phone, and his mother-in-law had hung up directly.

Zhan Yun clenched his fists tightly, filled with rage!

"What a mother-in-law! For three years, I've been groveling, and An'an has been so sensible. Even a dog should have feelings, but you truly could watch her die without helping!"

Tang Yan, hearing Zhan Yun's plea for help being fruitless, said mockingly with sarcasm, "Hehe, serves you right, thinking you became a golden phoenix when you married into the family in such a lowly manner. Who would've thought..."

Some people around them also whispered:

"Indeed, the Feng family doesn't care for them at all."

"Alas, the child is pitiful, sick and in need of so much money, but has such a father, it must be divine retribution..."

"The child suffers too much with him, honestly, it would be cleaner if she just died."

On the hospital bed, An'an cried woefully, "Wuu wuu wuu... I don't want to be treated, I want to go home, I want to go home..."

Zhan Yun, agitated by the voices around him, trembled all over and couldn't help but shout at these people, "Shut up, all of you!"

However, the people around him merely responded with ridicule and cold laughs, paying no heed to Zhan Yun's anger.

Tang Yan snorted with a mockingly strange tone, "The doctors said that once the poison takes effect, if it can't be treated, she'll die within twenty-four hours. Ah, it's so sad for a child to have a useless father..."

Hearing Tang Yan's words, Zhan Yun was shocked.

Although Tang Yan, the nurse, was hateful, the hospital's standards were indeed high, so Zhan Yun didn't dare to delay.

A voice in Zhan Yun's heart roared, "No, I must find the money, An'an can't die! Even if it means my own death, I have to protect An'an!"

"Money, five hundred thousand, where can I get the five hundred thousand?"

Zhan Yun was extremely anxious; his mother-in-law would never lend him money, she was actually hoping for An'an to have an accident.

As for his own wife, Feng Lingxue, thinking of that ice-cold beauty, Zhan Yun shook his head in his heart, better forget it.

Feng Lingxue was only Zhan Yun's wife in name, they weren't even truly acquainted.

In the three years since Zhan Yun married into the Feng family, let alone sharing a bed with Feng Lingxue, he hadn't even touched her hand.

Moreover, the number of words he exchanged with Feng Lingxue in his life didn't exceed thirty, how could she lend him money to save An'an.

As for Lingxue's sisters, who had always looked down on Zhan Yun, feeling that even a glance at him would contaminate their eyes, they were even less likely to lend money to save An'an.

Who else could lend me money?

Finally, Zhan Yun gritted his teeth, "It seems that I can only make a trip to my uncle's house!"

Thinking of this, Zhan Yun lowered his head and gently touched An'an's forehead, "An'an, be good. Daddy is going out to borrow some money, you wait here for Daddy, okay?"

An'an clutched the little blanket tightly with both hands, also biting the edge of the blanket, and nodded with innocent large eyes, whispering in agreement, "Mmm, An'an will wait for Daddy."

After leaving the hospital, Zhan Yun went straight to his uncle's house, which was located in a town near the urban area, not far from the city center.

Thump, thump, thump, Zhan Yun knocked on his uncle's front door, and a rural woman in her fifties poked her head out. This was Zhan Yun's aunt.

Upon seeing Zhan Yun, his aunt's face instantly showed disdain and surprise, "It's you, why have you come to our house?"

"Aunt, I am here today not for any other reason, but to take back my money."

What Zhan Yun spoke of was taking back his own money, not borrowing money!

"Take money?" His aunt's expression changed abruptly.

Immediately after, his aunt forcefully pushed Zhan Yun out, her face full of annoyance, "Take what money? Have you lost your mind? Get out!"

Zhan Yun was not physically strong, and his aunt had the typical robust build of a village woman. With one push, she caused Zhan Yun to stagger back two steps, nearly falling to the ground.

Seeing Zhan Yun like this, she snorted, "Get out quickly, a sickly wretch like you. I warn you, don't you think of scamming our family, or else I'll have my son beat you to death."

Anger welled up within Zhan Yun, and he shouted at his aunt, "Aunt, today you must give the money, no matter what. That money is what your family owes me!"

The truth was, Zhan Yun's childhood experiences were very dismal.

Both of Zhan Yun's parents were college-educated villagers. After graduating from college, they worked for a multinational engineering company.

When Zhan Yun was young, his parents went abroad for work and went missing in an earthquake, leaving Zhan Yun an orphan.

Afterward, Zhan Yun's grandmother, unable to withstand the shock, died of illness, and Zhan Yun's custody was transferred to his uncle.

His uncle sold Zhan Yun's parents' house in the city and also received a large compensation from the multinational company for Zhan Yun's parents, then took Zhan Yun to live in the countryside.

Zhan Yun had heard from villagers that the compensation, combined with the house in the city, totaled up to 1.5 million yuan!

However, Zhan Yun was not his uncle's biological son. With the compensation money for Zhan Yun's parents, his uncle provided abundantly for his own two sons, while Zhan Yun could only watch with longing eyes.

Not to mention eating meat, even having a full stomach was a rare occasion.

His uncle's two sons wore new clothes every day, but Zhan Yun, he could only wear their old clothes during the New Year.

His aunt treated Zhan Yun as a punching bag, slapping him whenever she was frustrated. During his childhood, Zhan Yun often suffered at their hands.

It turned out that Zhan Yun stayed with his uncle for less than two years before an old Taoist appeared out of the blue, claiming that Zhan Yun was destined to be with him and wanted to take Zhan Yun away.

Without suspicion or obstruction, his uncle let the old Taoist take Zhan Yun away and even mentioned that it was for Zhan Yun to go learn some skills.

In fact, the person who took Zhan Yun was nothing more than a human trafficker.

Luckily, Zhan Yun was rescued by someone from a lineage of immortal cultivators called Guigu along the way, and when the person returned Zhan Yun home, he casually remarked that Zhan Yun had good potential. His uncle then sent Zhan Yun to the Guigu people.

In the end, Zhan Yun became a disciple of the Guigu lineage.