
Chapter 16 Some Past Events

Translator: 549690339

Xia Qu hugged An'an while Zhan Yun picked up An'an's snacks and toys, and everyone left the hospital room together.

As soon as they stepped out of the room, the hospital director gave Xia Qu a meaningful look and said, "Xia Qu, I see An'an really likes you. Why don't you take Zhan Yun and An'an to the VIP ward next door? It's more private over there."

After speaking, the hospital director also gave Zhan Yun a strange look, leaving Zhan Yun clueless.

Zhan Yun muttered to himself, "Could the hospital director suspect there's something between Xia Qu and me? If this fool really thinks that way, he's reading way too much into it."

In truth, Zhan Yun helped Xia Qu merely because she was good to An'an.

To Zhan Yun, whoever was good to An'an, he would reciprocate in kind; An'an was his precious jewel.

And more importantly, Zhan Yun had a wife and child; how could he possibly have an affair with another woman?

So Zhan Yun shook his head and didn't dwell on it any further, following Xia Qu to another room.

The VIP ward was different from the regular ones; it was less a hospital room, more a hotel suite, complete with all kinds of facilities.

Xia Qu placed An'an on the bed, kneaded her shoulders, and complained with some dissatisfaction, "The Han family really lacks manners. You saved their patriarch, and after he woke up, not only did he not say a word of thanks, but they also sent us away straightaway. Are all rich people like this...?"

Zhan Yun responded with a smile, "You can't blame them. The old man just woke up and is still a bit confused. Probably they have some secrets they don't want strangers to know."

"Hmph, what secrets could there be? It's simply rich people bullying others," Xia Qu grumbled unhappily.

Zhan Yun merely smiled wryly and didn't comment further.

Xia Qu didn't dwell on it either. At that moment, she suddenly turned to Zhan Yun and said, "Thanks for today, you know."

"No need to thank me. Speaking of which, I should be thanking you for looking after An'an," Zhan Yun replied.

At that moment, An'an also happily said, "An'an really likes big sister!"

Xia Qu pinched An'an's cheek, touched her forehead to An'an's, and quickly shook their heads together, "Big sister likes An'an a lot too..."

Following that, Xia Qu and An'an started laughing and frolicking, with Xia Qu tickling An'an into fits of laughter, and An'an scratching Xia Qu's ticklish spots.

Zhan Yun watched this heartwarming scene with a smile on his lips.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Xia Qu suddenly said to Zhan Yun.

"What is it?"

"Why did you become a live-in son-in-law at the Feng Family?" Xia Qu asked.

Xia Qu continued, "I mean, you possess such incredible medical skills. If you just found any hospital to work at for a few years, you'd surely become a big shot in the industry. There was no need to put up with the Feng Family's attitude. Look, the child is even malnourished."

Zhan Yun fell silent as he recalled the scene when An'an was born. At that time, Zhan Yun's master held An'an, his expression grave:

"This child has a special destiny, accompanied by a pair of calamities. Someone must shield her from evil influences during her formative years for her to grow up safely. Alas, let me give her a milk name then. An'an, to wish her peace and safety shall be a blessing."

"We must find a way to lift the curse; otherwise, An'an won't live past the age of five!"

"Her fate includes two mothers. To save her life, we must find a woman to be her stepmother!"

"However, an ordinary woman can't shield An'an from harm. If we carelessly choose a stepmother, it will not only fail to save An'an but will harm the other person as well."

"Only a woman with the 'Vermilion Bird Rides the Wind' fate can protect An'an and won't be harmed by the dual calamities."

"Sadly, in this vast world, how rare it is to find a woman with the 'Vermilion Bird Rides the Wind' fate! Where can I find such a person!"

Remembering all that had happened, Zhan Yun felt a pang of agony. At that time, before he could find a woman with such fate, his sect was destroyed.