
Chapter 15 The Old Master Awakens

Translator: 549690339

Han Yonghua saw An'an's eager eyes and instantly cracked a slight smile, piling all the stuff onto An'an's little bed and making a smiley face, "Little friend, here you go."

An'an's eyes brimmed with joy and longing, but she didn't immediately touch the gifts. Instead, she looked timidly at Han Yonghua, "Are all these things for me?"

Han Yonghua smiled, "Of course they're all yours."

An'an still didn't reach for the items; she looked to Zhan Yun, for without Zhan Yun's permission, An'an would not touch things given by others.

At that moment, there was a hint of fear in An'an's eyes; she feared that Zhan Yun would not allow her to touch the gifts.

Zhan Yun's heart felt a twinge, pained that An'an, who was used to being bullied, was so timid.

So, Zhan Yun nodded at An'an, "If An'an wants them, go ahead and take them. This uncle is a good man."

Upon hearing Zhan Yun's confirmation, a broad smile immediately spread across An'an's face. She threw her arms wide open, diving onto the snacks and toys, shouting joyously, "They're all mine, they're all mine now..."

Han Yonghua knew exactly how to win a child's affection. He sat on An'an's little bed, handing her snacks and playing with the toys alongside her.

Before long, An'an's hearty laughter filled the entire ward.

Zhan Yun had had some reservations about the Han family's three brothers, but as he heard An'an's carefree laughter, he immediately let go of all his displeasure.

For Zhan Yun, An'an was his life; whoever made An'an happy would not be disappointed by him.

Soon, An'an for the first time slipped into new clothes and tasted her first snacks; she did not forget to share some with Zhan Yun and Xia Qu. In her cheerful laughter, time flew by exceptionally fast.

When the first hour had passed, Xia Qu was actually very anxious.

Based on past cases, this kind of disease, unless treated immediately with a specific antidote, would inevitably lead to death within two hours.

By the time Zhan Yun had arrived, the old master's illness had already lasted an hour; therefore, the first hour after Zhan Yun administered the acupuncture was critically important.

Though Xia Qu deliberately avoided watching the clock, it was as if there was one in her heart, each second lingering within her.

In the end, Zhan Yun didn't let anyone down.

The "Thirteen Ghostly Needles" had staunchly held onto the old master's life, seeing him safely through the first hour.

Afterwards, Zhan Yun administered several more rounds of acupuncture, and the old master's condition remained very stable.

Several hours later, the antidote arrived.

After Xia Qu finished injecting the old master with the antidote, he finally trembled all over and slowly came to.

The elders of the Han family had raised their sons well; all three were very filial. Seeing their father awakening, they hurriedly leaned over the hospital bed, intensely concerned.

The old master coughed, "Your mother doesn't know about my illness, does she?"

Everyone in the ward was taken aback by the old master's words upon awakening, as no one had expected that to be his first concern.

Zhan Yun's mind raced, realizing that there must be secrets in the Han family household.

It made sense, after all; the old master's condition was so severe, yet only the three sons were by his side, not a single female relative or other family members, a clear indication that others were intentionally kept in the dark.

At that moment, Han Yongtao seemed to realize something. He didn't answer his father but instead stood up straight, turned to everyone, and said, "Please step outside for a while, as we have some private matters to discuss."

When Han Yongtao spoke, naturally no one dared to stay.

Soon, only a few members of the Han family remained in the room.