
Chapter 12: The Thirteen Ghost Needles

Translator: 549690339

"The Ghostly Thirteen Needles," Zhan Yun had never heard of them before.

However, the Star-Hosting Tower directly imprinted this needle technique into Zhan Yun's mind, and in an instant, Zhan Yun had a clear understanding of The Ghostly Thirteen Needles.

The basic foundation of the Qihuang Needle Techniques provided to Zhan Yun by the Star-Hosting Tower did not require Zhan Yun to become familiar with them; it directly bestowed Zhan Yun with such abilities.

Yet, when Zhan Yun figured out the needle routes, his own scalp tingled in horror!

The Ghostly Thirteen Needles targeted vital acupoints, each with lethal potential!

If this technique had not come from the Star-Hosting Tower, Zhan Yun might have thought that it was not a life-saving needle technique at all, but one meant for killing.

At this moment, Zhan Yun took a deep breath, trusting the Star-Hosting Tower since it had chosen him!

Having calmed himself a little, Zhan Yun suddenly opened his eyes, his left hand thrusting a five-inch silver needle directly into the Baihui acupoint on the old man's head!

"What are you doing!" Han Yongtao, despite his deep cunning, was startled.

Such a long needle, thrusting straight down from the top of the head, could the man still live?

However, Zhan Yun seemed to have not heard Han Yongtao's voice; his left hand driving the silver needle three inches and two fen deep, his right hand placing six needles near the patient's trembling Zhong acupoint on the chest, his motions smooth and fluid, with an extremely mystical aura enveloping Zhan Yun.

Although Han Yongtao was shocked, he did not dare to interrupt Zhan Yun's work.

All he could do was to stare at the old master grimly, ready to pounce on Zhan Yun and tear him to pieces without hesitation if the old master died.

At this moment, Zhan Yun's expression was stone-like, showing no change at all.

Zhan Yun's hands seemed to possess a special magic, the acupoints for the needle technique were extremely dangerous, but the needle routes performed with fluidity, free from any sense of obstruction.

More importantly, as Zhan Yun applied the needles, the elderly man on the sickbed's throat noises grew fainter and calmer.

Gradually, the tension of the three Han brothers began to ease, as they recognized that Zhan Yun indeed had real skills!

"Amazing!" Han Yonghua, the second eldest, couldn't help but exclaim in praise.

But at that moment, Director Lin Guosheng suddenly came over, whispering, "Gentlemen, you see, this young Zhan Yun is making a mess of things. If something happens to Old Master Han, it has nothing to do with our hospital, it's all Zhan Yun's fault for making it worse."

Han Yongbao's expression twisted fiercely, pushing away responsibility at such a time was like cursing the old master!

So, Han Yongbao slapped Director Lin Guosheng across the face, "How dare you curse my family's old master, I'll kill you!"

Han Yongtao, with a stern countenance, said, "Youngest, if you want to fight, take it outside. Keep it quiet in the sickroom for me, and don't disturb Mr. Zhan!"

At this point, Han Yongtao's address for Zhan Yun had changed; he had acknowledged Zhan Yun's strength and respectfully referred to him as "Mr. Zhan."

And Han Yongbao replied in a low voice, "Alright!"

Then, Han Yongbao dragged Director Lin out of the sickroom.

Not long after, from the hospital's playground, the faint cries of Director Lin could be heard: "Ah, I was wrong, I was wrong, Lord Bao, please spare me, please..."

The VIP sickroom became much quieter, Zhan Yun's needle manipulation was as swift as flying, each needle targeting a critical point, but the old master on the sickbed gradually appeared serene, the hoarse noise from his throat disappeared, and his ears ceased to bleed.

After the final needle of The Ghostly Thirteen Needles was administered, the breathing of Old Master Han on the sickbed became steady, and his complexion turned rosy.

"This..." The second son, Han Yonghua, watched with wide-eyed excitement, looking at Zhan Yun and stammering, "Has... has my father's condition really been stabilized?"

The eldest son Han Yongtao was also extremely delighted, but he was very calculating, concealing his emotions, only the dark expression on his face lightened, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly; his mood had greatly improved.

The hospital director and Xia Qu also showed delight, but they did not dare to let down their guards, uncertain whether this was Old Master Han's temporary rally, or whether Zhan Yun had truly stabilized the condition.