
CEO's Revenge Game

Two years ago, she was a well-behaved and lovely young lady, but she had an irresponsible and worthless fiancé. She simply broke off this ridiculous engagement, but it led to a catastrophic disaster, turning her into a captive maid to a bloodthirsty man. He hated her, kidnapped her, imprisoned her, degraded her in the cruelest ways. And then... he fell in love with her. When he wanted to heal her with true love, she fell victim to a treacherous plot and disappeared along with their unborn baby. Two years later, they meet again, and she is on the verge of death, with no recollection of him...

nikolineblack · Urban
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20 Chs

Mysterious Crying

And Oliver's ultimate goal in being good to her was nothing more than wanting to get the necklace from her. His strong desire for it piqued her curiosity about the necklace, and she tried hard to recall where she had put it.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she thought, she couldn't remember, and eventually, she fell asleep. She wasn't sure how long she had slept, but Flora was suddenly awakened by a woman's shrill scream. She heard the woman crying again!

It was coming from the third floor, faint but still audible, and she could vaguely hear the woman shouting and cursing loudly, although she couldn't understand a word of what she was saying. The strange sound disturbed Flora's sleep, and in the silent mansion, the woman's voice was the only thing that was clear and distinct.

Flora glanced at the large luminous clock on the wall, and a tingling sensation crept up her scalp. Her first thought was that the mansion must be haunted; otherwise, how could there be such a chilling female cry at around three in the morning?

Driven by intense curiosity, Flora shifted her body and felt that her injuries wouldn't prevent her from going out to investigate. So, she climbed out of the large bed. She slipped on a pair of slippers and carefully tiptoed out of her room, heading towards the spiral staircase.

However, the crying stopped just as she opened her room door, leaving Flora determined to find out the truth. She didn't stop despite the crying having ceased. She silently moved through the dimly lit corridor without alerting anyone.

Standing at the spiral staircase, looking up at the stairs leading to the third floor, Flora hesitated for a moment. She had never been to the third floor before, and she didn't know its exact layout. After some contemplation, she decided to climb up the stairs quietly.

Having been here for a while, she had never been to the third floor and had no idea what it looked like. She hadn't noticed anything different after ascending the staircase's last step, but a sudden noise behind her startled her.

Who was it? Who was calling her? 

In a panic, Flora turned around, but her feet slipped beneath her. A sharp and prolonged scream erupted from her mouth, and then her entire body was lifted off the ground. The staircase, growing closer and closer to her, reflected a halo of light from the lamps, as if welcoming the impending forceful kiss that was about to take place!

Flora closed her eyes, preparing for her impending death!

But even with everything that had happened, she still couldn't die! Was her fate too strong? Or had God heeded Maxwell's words and refused to let her die easily? Who was calling her? And who had caught her body?

Flora instinctively grabbed onto a piece of fabric within reach to stabilize herself, before wriggling out of someone's embrace. As she opened her eyes and looked up, in the dimness, she saw a face so stunningly handsome it seemed otherworldly.

Maxwell?! Oliver?! Who was it?

She would rather it be Oliver. With that thought, she hurriedly released her grasp on his clothing, apologizing, "Young Master Oliver, I'm sorry... Did I hurt you when I bumped into you?" 

Just now, if he hadn't caught her, she would surely have died. Falling from such a height, it would have been useless to survive. However, it seemed like he was the one behind her, calling her name and scaring her like this!

It was him who scared her, even if she had hurt him, he shouldn't have this indifferent expression towards her, right? Or could it be... he wasn't Oliver but Maxwell? The thought made Flora unconsciously gasp!

Oliver stared at her and said calmly yet sternly, "Miss White, you seem to have an overly curious nature, and it does you no good, understand?"

Flora froze for a moment, then nodded unconsciously.

A coldness swept across Oliver's face, but he quickly returned to his customary gentle smile and said, "Good, now go back and sleep." After speaking, he turned and left.

This man is simply a chameleon! Flora thought to herself, staring at his back, but what she knew for sure now was that he was Second Young Master Oliver.

Only Oliver would have such a gentle and charming smile, while that devil, Maxwell, had no idea how to smile, let alone wear a gentle expression. The one he liked the most and commonly wore on his face was a ferocious expression!

It wasn't until Oliver's figure disappeared into the corridor that Flora snapped back to reality and looked up in the direction of the third floor again. There was some reluctance as she stood there, so close to finally uncovering the truth.

Should she go up now? Oliver had just warned her to put away her curiosity. Oliver, who never gets angry, seemed quite displeased just now. It would be best not to provoke him.

However, she was even more curious about what secrets the third floor held, and why Oliver wouldn't let her know. Could it be related to that woman? Could it be the second Flora White? Even if it was, she didn't find it strange at all. The Smith Family was already full of secrets, so what's there to be curious about if there is a second Flora White?

When Flora fell into a sleepy daze again, she suddenly felt a gust of cold wind. She instantly woke up, quickly opening her eyes.

The room was dimly lit, but she could still see the handsome man standing in front of her bed. 

After her initial surprise, she instinctively exclaimed, "Oliver?" 

How did he come to her room? And why was he looking at her with such an expressionless gaze?

"How many times have you met Oliver? Yet you're so preoccupied with him?" Maxwell leaned in, staring at her with disdain, and beneath the disdain was a thick displeasure.

Flora's heart sank, staring at him in disbelief. He wasn't Oliver?! He was the one who shouldn't have appeared, Maxwell? She remembered what Betty had warned her today, not to mention Young Master Oliver in front of Young Master Maxwell, as their relationship had always been strained, and it seemed to have something to do with women. 

And she just... she had called out the name "Oliver." How could Maxwell be here when he was supposed to be away on business in the W city for another ten days?