
CEO's Revenge Game

Two years ago, she was a well-behaved and lovely young lady, but she had an irresponsible and worthless fiancé. She simply broke off this ridiculous engagement, but it led to a catastrophic disaster, turning her into a captive maid to a bloodthirsty man. He hated her, kidnapped her, imprisoned her, degraded her in the cruelest ways. And then... he fell in love with her. When he wanted to heal her with true love, she fell victim to a treacherous plot and disappeared along with their unborn baby. Two years later, they meet again, and she is on the verge of death, with no recollection of him...

nikolineblack · Urban
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20 Chs

Meet Again

One day, Nancy dragged her out of bed early in the morning with a malicious smile and said, "All these injuries are your fault. Don't even think about using them as an excuse to slack off. Get downstairs and start working!"

Flora had no choice but to endure the lingering pain in her body and walk out of her room. As she passed through the corridor and neared the stairs, she suddenly heard a woman crying from the third floor. Flora paused for a moment, instinctively looking up toward the third floor.

To her knowledge, there were no residents on the third floor, as all the young masters stayed on the second floor. However, the crying... Flora was extremely puzzled. 

Nancy, on the other hand, pushed her impatiently and scolded, "What are you gawking at? Move along!"

Chastised by Nancy, Flora suppressed her curiosity and continued walking downstairs. Meanwhile, Nancy rushed to the third floor in a hurry. Soon, the crying ceased, replaced by the sound of someone descending the stairs – it was Nancy.

Flora, though curious, refrained from asking further questions. She walked out of the main house, preparing to go to the laundry room in the backyard to work. The faint sound of a car approaching from the front gate caught her attention. Nancy's expression immediately changed, and she stood by the door, waiting for the car to approach.

This was a rule, and Flora had no choice but to wait as well. Soon, a gray Ferrari sports car stopped in front of the servants. When Flora caught a glimpse of the person getting out of the car, her mood took a nosedive.

Wasn't he supposed to come back in ten days? Why was he back so early? She truly loathed the sight of him!

Before she could finish hating, the servants around her lowered their heads and greeted him in a respectful tone, "Hello, Second Young Master."

Second Young Master? Oliver Smith?!

Flora was stunned and looked at the newcomer. Was he really Oliver, who looked exactly like Maxwell?

"Second Brother! Second Brother is back!" As soon as he heard the car, Robin rushed out like the wind and leaped into Oliver's arms, full of excitement. With the jigsaw puzzle completed, he naturally felt accomplished.

However, Oliver's gaze remained focused on Flora throughout. His blue eyes seemed tinged with surprise. Setting Robin aside, he walked straight toward Flora. His gaze lowered and landed on her smooth neck.

Flora White felt quite uncomfortable under his gaze. The second time they met, he was just as inexplicable as the first time.

Oliver raised his hand, and his long fingers traced her neckline, slipping down to her throat. Everyone present was taken aback by his actions. 

Flora, feeling both embarrassed and angry, stepped back to evade his touch and scolded him, "You pervert!"

Everyone present gasped in shock. After all, no one dared to speak to the Second Young Master this way. Flora, however, had exhibited remarkable courage – it was as if she had taken lionhearted pills. She dared to scold even the Second Young Master!

"Where's your necklace?" Oliver asked in a serious tone, his tightly pursed lips curving slightly.


Flora was taken aback. After such a long time apart, this man was still thinking about her necklace? What did he want from her? As for that necklace, she had no idea where it had gone!

Seeing her momentarily stunned, Oliver's mouth curved into a gentle and charming smile as he said, "Miss White, I still hope that you'd be willing to sell me the necklace. I'm willing to offer a high price for it."

"Thank you, but I don't need money," Flora calmly declined. 

She was currently imprisoned here, without even the opportunity to leave the house. What use was money to her? Besides, this man, though he appeared gentlemanly, mild-mannered, and polite, had a devil face – the face of Maxwell!

Even if the necklace were in her possession, she would not hand it over to him. She despised that face! She loathed it to her core.

"Miss White, if you don't need money, you can make other requests, and I will do my best to fulfill them," Oliver offered. As long as she would hand over the necklace, he was willing to assist.

"Is that so? I want to leave the Smith Family!" Flora, staring at him, made this request. At the moment, she wanted nothing more than to escape the Smith Family mansion and attain her freedom.

Oliver was momentarily surprised, not expecting her to make this request. After some hesitation, he shook his head reluctantly, "I'm very sorry, but I can't grant that request."

"Well, I'm sorry too!" Flora shrugged and, in front of the watching crowd, turned and walked toward the backyard.

Oliver watched her departing figure with a hint of helplessness. His trademark smile remained on his face. 

Flora couldn't help but wonder how two identical twins could have such contrasting personalities. One was cruel and bloodthirsty, while the other was genteel and refined. She couldn't help but question if they were truly brothers at all!


Flora paid no heed to Nancy's constant berating and began her tasks for the day.

Nancy, upon seeing her proud demeanor, couldn't stand it any longer. She reprimanded Flora for her lack of respect towards the second young master while privately musing that this woman was truly at the end of her rope. Having been driven mad by the Big Young Master's cruelty, she was like a rabid dog, willing to bite anyone she saw.

Flora wasn't crazy but desperate. Since she couldn't escape anyway, she saw no need to act like a servile dog, wagging her tail and begging for mercy from every master in the house.

As night descended, Flora was on the verge of exhaustion. She neatly folded and delivered the clothes as requested by Nancy, each piece into the bedrooms of the young masters.

Standing in Maxwell's spacious bedroom, Flora had a moment of distraction. It was on this large bed that the man had violated her countless times, and she had been helpless to stop it. The sound of the sea waves intertwined with the gentle sea breeze, teasing Flora's senses.

Unable to resist, she turned and walked towards the vast floor-to-ceiling windows. The distant, boundless sea was truly beautiful, along with the lush green woods. It formed a picturesque landscape, and the location of the mansion was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the world.

It was just a shame that such a beautiful place had given birth to a man as cruel and wicked as Maxwell Smith.

Flora sighed and returned to her duties, reminding herself of the reality she was trapped in.