

When from a tragedy game of life Cara will come back to live, to enjoy a little more of the world. Little did she know that even darker things are waiting for her before hand. Even when life didn't treated her that nicely, she was cheerful and happy. And was hoping for the best after pushing the reset button. After a row of rejections in job, she finally succeeded to assist the arrogant boss Greyson. But who knew that the Arrogant and quite man with billion in his pocket was too hididng something. Something that was a life changer for Cara. And that both were standing again the man disrupting lives. Michael Ray.

imculture · Urban
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3 Chs

2. Creepy Pervert

Chapter 2: A strange connection with a strange.


I was pissed at the stupid girl. Took my jacket off and went towards my car. But looking that Debby was more responsible for this. I was rather very angry at him. I know he must be having a little entertainment for himself as usual.

He for his jerky amusement forced some random girl again to do the work for him.

He is being more and more damn asshole every day.

I sat in my car, hitting the accelerator. My phone rang beside me. Looking at the name surfacing up, I just silenced the phone. I don't want to pick it up. Every time I see her or talk to her. All the things surface right before me. And I don't like it when they do.

No matter how much I am trying to forget things, everything keeps surfacing before me. Just back there, I felt like I saw her. I saw, in that girl. The memories are colliding with my reality lately. I took a deep breath, parking my car outside the shop. Where I can maybe have a change of clothes. I entered the store. Picking up the same shirt I was wearing and changed in quickly.

I came out, taking out the bill. I just went back in the car. The call still surfacing. I just couldn't take the irritation anymore. And I just picked it up.

"When are you coming home? " Lily asked me, she knows I don't like her taking all the time from my call, so just begins with the question that she wanted to ask in the first place.

"Grandma is missing you dearly, and I have caused some trouble." She continued, scrunching my eyes, displeased. "How many times it have been Lily? I told you! I am not going to tolerate this abdominal behaviour from you." I yelled at her, from this side. When I heard her sobbing.

Here it goes, all the crying and headaches. Damn!

"I wasn't wishing that I cause trouble. They keep calling me! " She froze on that I can't already assume, what they said that she ain't telling it out loud in words. She must be devasted. I shouldn't shriek at her.

"I'll come soon," I assured her that I am going to be there as soon as possible. She heard me and went silent on the other side. She is not that aged. But she has taken things in more wisely than I have, she knows that what she is? And what she should say. "It isn't cheery on the cake for me too, to call you. Unless I am desperate. It wouldn't hurt you if you just don't screen me. And rather pick up." She hung up the call right after she said that making me feel like the bad guy here.

Well, it ain't a lie that I was screening her calls. But the cherry on the cake kinda kicked me. Our relationship is not great. But she just admitted it felt bad.


Finally ending my meetings, one after another. I came back and sat down in my car.

I feel like I saw her. Once again. Was it her? I just turned the car. And wanted to follow her, Wait! The clothes. The way they are dirty? Is she, or is she the girl I collided with within the office.?The brunette? I saw the same pastry girl looking depressed.

While she walked with her hand, clutching the purse strap. And she was staring at the ground. She was walking unhinged that the people were glaring at her with disgust. While a young body with his bike, just ran through her and collided with her making her fall down.

Indeed she doesn't own eyes.

While I still couldn't see her face clear, for if it was her. I just waited for her to look up and show me her face clearer. Because right now, I was on a road, and she was sitting on the ground. The boy ran off with his bike.

But what more stunned me was she was that she was laughing right now, After falling like a kid she was laughing instead of being embarrassed. Was she born yesterday? How come she can laugh when she is sitting on the floor, her dresses covered in food. And laughing.

If it was me, I would have run away and would have never come back to this market but she was different. Like a normal person,

She was smiling as she attempted to stand up and cleaned her with some little shovelling.

Is she Mentally retarded? Because nothing is normal for me. It felt like she was loving every moment, she was having in this world rather been sunk in desperation of death like me. or wondering when the world will end. I guess I have missed reading her face. She can never be that woman who has been through the worsts of her life.

A person who has been through such things will ask for nothing more than death.

She passed through me but didn't see me. And somewhat I was thankful for this.

And hell! She just stepped in a puddle. And she laughed again. Looking down. While she kicked once again.

What the heck??

She was happy in the puddle. And looking at that some kids too went to her and did the same things.


This was destroying my nerves. I tried to ignore this and started to walk again but this was too hard for me.

How can someone ignore a walking joker?

I am damn sure, she is not her. But I couldn't help and wonder what was next?

After a few struggles., I finally started the my car and once again I kept following her. But refused to drive. Since I was wanting to keep looking at the girl.

What next is she going to do now? What trouble is she going to be in next? And how will she react to that?

How can someone still be smiling if just had a bad day?

And how can I just cannot at all?

After her play in the puddle, she came out and folded the bottom of her formal trousers and started to walk again.

And a in few seconds she was lost and gone.

I started my car and turned to follow her. And started to drive in the slow face behind her. Looking at her.

Hitting the pebbles on the ground, while walking. Or how she dragged the paper ball for half-hour. She play with her purse as she kept throwing it in the air and catching it. How she was swaying and singing in murmurTheyThe saw she was saying hi to all the kids passing by her. Or how randomly she was helping the holders to pick up there heavy bags.

Or how she wasn't lost in her phone while walking like others. How she was not taking selfies or making videos.

But then all the moments stopped as she turned to walk under the alley. On which my car can't follow. So I walked out of my car and started to walk behind her. It was small and dark. But she was not afraid.

While following her, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and remembered that I need to be home early and that someone was waiting.

But before I could realize that I was following some random girl I met once. The girl hit me and I was thrown on the wall. She locked me on the wall as I saw her entire face. Then just her half-face which was covered with her hair all this time.

"Why are you following me? " She asked me and I started to cough because even I don't know why am I?

I won't say I was scared. But I was surprised.

"I was not following you. " I said to her, trying not to meet her eyes.

"Really? Then driving on 2 km/hr is your way? " She asked sarcastically to me. And I realized that the call was on the pick.

Lily must be hearing all this.

"Look I wasn't following you. I was just typing on my phone all this while. So I slowed my pace.

I said to her and she left me scoffing.

"Whatever. If you will get caught again. My brother will make sure, you won't be able to drive or walk either. So just leave." She said to me, and let me go. And started to walk away.

She was alone with me. In this dark alley and she was not afraid, scared at all.

Someone can do anything.

Not my concern though. I shrugged and started to walk away but then I saw a group of men walking in the alley. They were looking like thugs.

I can't leave her alone like this. They don't look like good people. One of them passed me a glare as he crossed me. But I pivoted at looked at the girl.

And she was smiling.

The man who glared at me, went to her and caressed her head, and started to walk with her

What the hell? She is friends with thugs?


I walked inside the company as all the employees greeted me morning. I went inside the elevator. As a huge yell came for stopping. And it was a familiar voice.

Who was it? I think I have heard it before?

Who is it??

And then the same girl, from before the weekend came in front of me.

The one I kept thinking about the whole time in these last two days.

She looked at me, and the smile on her face disappear. Instead of coming in, she decided to stay there.

"Aren't you coming inside? " I asked her but she twitched the side of her lips and looked away.

"I don't know what you are going to do inside. " She said and scoffed.


The door closed, at this. And the elevator began.

I went to the top floor, locating my office.

Debby greeted me as soon as he saw me. And then behind me, the same girl came. I was shocked at looking at her. My office is the only thing on the floor.

"Greyson, She is your new assistant."

"What??!!! " We both yelled at the same time.

"Yeah " He nodded. And then she released the words I couldn't digest well.

"He is a damn pervert!!! "