
CEO's Contract Obsession

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] [Completed] [Join my Discord server to see more pictures of Amy and Henry. https://discord.gg/2uRyaUNAYg] She’s broke and lost everything, left with nothing but debts and liabilities. He’s rich and has everything, heir to a multi-billion company. Two different people, drawn together by their needs or is it fate? **** Amelia Bell was only 22 years old when her parents, brother, and sister-in-law died in a car crash. Her brother’s injured children are now her responsibility. She sold everything that she owns, she's in huge debt and all she can do now is just cry her eyes out. And then it struck her… the answer to her question… where will she get money for the operation? Right… she hasn't done everything so far, she hasn't tried selling herself yet. It was a desperate move but she had no other solutions left. She was immediately pulled back from her thoughts when the man shouted. "This is insane, his qualifications are simply impossible… Now he asks me to find him a pure and innocent one this time… Even if they signed a 6-month contract to be his, those women still fell in love with him even if they knew that after 6 months they would be evicted from his life… … I will never be able to find that pure and innocent woman that he is looking for even if I offer them 5 million upfront." Without hesitation Amy ran after the man, climbing up the stairs as fast as she could. "Excuse me, mister." "What do you need miss? I'm in a hurry." "I want the job… The 6-month contract, I can do it." "So I guess you also heard that I need a pure and innocent woman, even I don't know what it means." "Will a virgin count? I-I'm a virgin, perhaps t-that's what your boss wants, right?" Amy boldly stated. Then finally the boss, Mr. Welsh faced her… She didn’t expect him to be this young, perhaps almost her age. She was imagining an old man or someone not as handsome as him. “You should not stop breathing angel, that’s dangerous, you might faint. Who knows what will I do to you once you become unconscious.” Amy gasped, ‘What the hell just happened to me,’ she cursed internally while still staring at the man in front of him. He then leaned closer to her. “I've heard you've got something for me. I can't wait to receive your gift, my angel. I'm Henry.” ******** The book cover is AI-generated and edited by the author, please don't use it without permission.

Shiroi_Nami · Urban
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358 Chs

Red Roses

~Song Recommendation: La Vie En Rose by Emily Watts~

The weather was great when Henry and Amy arrived at the park that Henry had chosen. This is their date after all and even though it was Amy who asked for it, Henry wanted to take over the reins and make it memorable.

Henry hasn't dated anyone ever and this day is making him a little nervous he wanted it to be perfect. He has no experience beforehand; he has no idea what to do. Good thing Rei gave him some pointers before leaving the house and arranging their destination.

All he wants is to make Amy happy before he takes off on his two-week business trip.

"Oh my God! It's more beautiful in person. I have always wanted to go here since this place was built but I was not able to because of the accident."

Amy excitedly looked around with shimmering eyes and a wide smile after entering the botanical garden.

"Another first with me then," Henry said as he took her hand to intertwine with his. "You must have liked flowers that much."

"Mmm…" Amy nodded, "It reminds me of my mom, when I see flowers, I feel like she's near me like she never left."

Amy then looked at their hands then gave Henry a questioning look.

Henry understood what she meant but just gave out a smile; he did not care to explain.

"There are not many people here Henry, no need to pretend you're my real boyfriend," she tried to remove her hand from Henry's hold.

"Who said we only need to be holding hands when someone is watching? You're mine, Amy, I'll hold your hand whenever I want to, besides you might get lost, this place is huge after all," he retorted.

Amy could only chuckle at the latter part. They started touring the place and Amy started taking pictures of what she thinks can be used for her book.

"This place is amazing Henry. Thank you for bringing me here," Amy smiled at him, the smile that made his knees weak. It was so innocent and genuine, like a child's smile when opening a gift.

Henry blushed at the appreciation he's been receiving lately. He was not used to it. He's always the one to ask for things and is given favors, not the other way around.

"Can we go to the rose garden? I have seen it online before and that this place has a wide variety of roses," Amy requested which he cannot say no to.

When they arrived in the rose area, Henry let go of her hand so she could take pictures properly.

"Amy, I'll just buy us some drinks, stay here don't wander too far," Amy just nodded without looking at him. All her focus was on the place, taking pictures from different angles.

She went from one flowerbed to another, each displaying different varieties and colors of roses. 'I wonder if they sell some potted ones here so I can plant them in Henry's garden and in the farm,' she thought while checking the beautiful flowers.

It has been a few minutes and Henry is still not back. "Did he lose his way back here? I'm done taking pictures in this area; I'll just wait for him then while checking what I took," she thought.

She then sat on the bench under a rose arch trellis. She decided to start deleting the not-so-good pictures that she took to free up the space in her phone. When suddenly a shadow hovering over her diverted her attention.

She looked up to see what was it that obscured her light source. She stiffened at the sight of a bouquet of red roses in front of her, being held by Henry.

"This is for you love. Sorry, you waited so long. I told them I wanted freshly cut big red roses, it took them a while to arra…" He halted on explaining when he saw drops of tears flowing from Amy's almost red cheeks.

Is she mad at him for taking too long to get back to her? Did she not like it? Is she hurt somewhere? Did he do something wrong? He didn't know why she was crying when all he did was give him flowers to make her happy.

"God, Amy why are you crying?" He moved closer to her and kneeled on one leg to wipe her tears.

"Did I do something wrong? Please say something" he almost begged.

She can't control her emotions and body anymore. She hugged him so abruptly and fast that they both fell to the ground. Henry balances them both by pushing his left hand against the ground while holding the bouquet on his right.

With his hands occupied and his bottom on the floor, he doesn't know what to do with Amy. She was hugging him so tight with her face on the crook of his neck. She seemed to stop crying but still not letting go of him.

The next thing that happened left him dumbstruck. Both of Amy's hands are now on either side of his face. She looked into his eyes like she was searching for something in them. Her thumbs started to rub his cheeks tiddly.

Her eyes were moistened with tears but they looked happy, there was no hint of sadness.

"Amy…" he wanted to ask her what was going on. He was confused by her actions, but his words were stopped by her finger, gesturing him to not speak.

"Will you allow me to kiss you… as a thank you… from the bottom of my heart… you make me happy… so can you please let me do this?" She asked.

Godsss… there's no way he's going to say no to that, of course, he wanted her to kiss him. Whatever kind of kiss that is, he will accept it. Henry was at a loss for words he didn't want to make a mistake that would make her back out.

Henry nodded without saying anything and waited for her to make a move. He doesn't care if they are sitting on the ground in a public place at that moment.

There was no one there right now anyway just the two of them which made him think that's why Amy was brave enough to do this.

He wanted the kiss to happen now before someone else interrupted them and made Amy change her mind. To his delight, Amy started to move closer to him, he did not remove his gaze from her. He was looking directly into her eyes, while she put all her focus on his lips.

She moves closer ever so slowly that it's draining all of Henry's patience. He wanted to grab her already and devour her mouth; he was dying to taste those lips of hers.

But he thought that she initiated this so he must not lose control, he must allow her to take her oh-so-sweet time, but he hoped she would do it before people saw them.

Finally, her lips reached his; she planted soft kisses while still holding his face. She was so nervous, she was afraid to make a mistake. What if Henry didn't like how she kissed him?

When Henry thought she was just gonna peck on his lip, boy he was wrong. She started to suck his lips one after the other. She licked them while sucking them. It sent lightning bolts to his whole body, especially to his buddy down there.

He wanted to hold her and take control, he felt that his life force was being sucked out but their current position prevented him to do so.

Amy slid her tongue inside his, she wanted to be bold and tried to copy what Henry did to her when he kissed her.

Henry did the same and return the intensity of her kisses tenfold, he suck her tongue which made Amy moan inside his mouth. He was so aroused by her kisses that he wanted to take her right then and there.

Not known to Henry, Amy was feeling the same arousal as him. Her hands started to move away from his face and down to his chest. Feeling his hard-toned body, her hands didn't stop there; they went further down to his lower abdomen.

He cursed in his mind, 'F*ck, what the hell is she planning?'

Amy completely lost her mind, she wanted him so badly that she didn't care wherever they were, and she just wanted to feel him. All her life she was waiting for a sign from above, a sign that would make her change her mind.

And she finally found it, this is it, this is what she was waiting for, a bouquet of her favorite flower. She doesn't want to let go of this opportunity.

Unfortunately, they heard voices coming towards their location and children running. Amy was the one who broke their kiss and offered her hand to Henry as she stood up from the ground.

Amy straightened her skirt and brushed away the dirt that stuck to it. And Henry did the same to his pants. They stayed quiet as the people passed by them.

"Amy, the flowers…" he was about to hand the bouquet to Amy but she immediately took it.

She held it with both hands and stared at it then smiled sweetly, her eyes were full of hope and joy.

"How did you know I like this color?" She asked.

"I didn't know. I just thought red looks good on you; it compliments how beautiful you are," he said genuinely.

"Red rose is my favorite flower, Henry. It has a deeper meaning for me, more than you can think. Thank you for being the one to give it," she then held his hand and started walking.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked further. He wanted to know what was behind her sudden outburst earlier.

She giggled seeing his curiousness. "That's a secret…" she winked, "that's for me to keep, and don't try to find it out," she chuckled and started to walk faster than him.

He shook his head as he watched her walk away from him. "Oh, come on Amy, tell me!" He then chased after her.

Amy was on cloud nine, she didn't expect to have another of her wish to come true when she gave up on it a long time ago.

When Henry caught up with her, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him. "I swear I will pin you on that wall and kiss you savagely for everyone to see if you're not gonna tell me.

Why did you cry? What do you mean by deeper meaning? You're keeping too many secrets from me. I have not forgotten that you dismissed my question about where you learned how to fight, so don't go running away now," he hissed with a frown.

Amy found his curiosity cute and charming, she couldn't help but laugh at his adorable face and at his impatience.

"Okay, let's talk over lunch. Shall we? It's getting hot and humid here; let's go inside the dining hall," she pulled his hand towards the garden's indoor restaurant.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Shiroi_Namicreators' thoughts