

That night, Vera hid in her room out of embarrassment. She didn't know that she had been approved already. She still thought Klara was unhappy with her.

If she had heard Neven's exchange with his mother, she would have nagged about his words. Why did he say so much about what they told each other?

But, thankfully, she knew nothing. Neven could have imagined her troubled expression.

He walked into her room earlier than planned - planned by Vera. She thought he would talk with his mother more.

He was already wearing his pyjama and was ready to hug his future wife for the night. He would have slept so well. His mother could be bothersome, but her presence had some use.

«She'll leave tomorrow,» he said. «She says she's sorry for disturbing us and that she's had a nice time here.»

«Yes?» Vera hummed, absent-minded. She was considering something he couldn't guess, but he knew she would tell him when she was ready.