
CEO's baby is back: passion

Virginia also known as Hannah was just an ordinary girl until she met with Vincent which became the turning point for her life. Vincent, a son of an aristocrat family, a person who always made sure everything goes his way, met an unplanned event in his life which also gave him both a gift and longing " I want brandy" Hannah said. ".You look exhausted" said a strange man. After a passionate filled week in California. Hannah's life took a new turn. Vincent missed out three years of separation just to find out three years later that he had a son with someone his planning on getting revenge on for ditching him after that night. He again studied the boy, trying to look beyond the white T-SHIRT and blue board shorts to spot something familiar, something genetic Vincent may have contributed." Who is this?". " Your mom and I use to be friends a long time ago", he explained to the boy- his son?. Hannah you have some explaining to do What will happen after this encounter. Other mysteries also starting to be unfolded Enjoy this story of suspense and mysteries.

Emilie_09 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 : four years ago(part 1)

What? Fate can't be this cruel, why would Vincent of all be my boss, why is he in country A or this city at that, or had he knew where I came from, or is it a coincidence, but he didn't seems to be shocked to see her. How is she going to see him everyday 'oh I'm doom', she lamented.

When she took up this job five months ago she was assigned to the post of personal assistant to the CEO fortunately for her the mysterious CEO of Antinori Groups is on a business trip outside the country so she worked with the head secretary for the meantime. Who knew when she's actually going to meet the big boss for the first time it will be him." Why him?" she lamented.

Through out the day she wasn't focused at all, the only thing she's happy about is that he left the office right after she stepped out and she didn't get to see him till the end of the day. " what a relief", she breath out the breathe she had been holding in all this while.

After work Hannah rushed out of the company to her friend's place. Immediately the door opened she rushed in like she was been chased.

"Hey slow down you, what up ". "Agnes I'm doomed, my life is ruined what should I do ?" Hannah said fluttered.

Agnes went to the kitchen to get Virginia water, she drank it in one gulp. She pat her back until she seems calm "tell me calmly what happened? " Agnes ask curious about what could make her friend feel so fluttered.

"Our boss came today, he called me and guess who he is? you won't believe it, it actually..., he's Vincent for God sake ". Hannah explained her hands on her head.

"Well it probably not him okay calm down are you sure you confirm well, you know he might not be the one, he can't possibly come out of no where right? ", Agnes thought while patting her friend's back.

"You don't get it do you, he recognizes me ", she explained to her friend who doesn't seem to understand what she's saying or the gravity of it.

"Don't worry how bad could it be? ".

"What am I going to do now? "

"Nothing, probably avoid him as much as you can ok? it's not like you are going to remind him that you guys dated for a week, had sex, you took his money and ran away, wait you didn't run you just made use of the money that's all. Anyway just avoid him as much as you can okay?".

"Okay but what if he ask for his money back? " Virginia asked looking confused about what to do. " You worry too much, don't think about it okay? when you get to that river you'll cross it. Also you can just play ignorant, like you don't remember him okay?" Agnes suggested, "I'm going to bed now don't think about it too much okay? Goodnight ".

After Agnes went to her room, Hannah also went to hers but can't stop thinking.

That week in California came flashing back, four years ago, four long memorable years ago where memories and reject were formed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I want brandy, the best of it ". Hannah said exhausted. "Hi are you okay?, you look exhausted ", a stranger said beside her. The voice of the stranger sounds like melody in Hannah ear.

Well after a long hard day, listening to this stranger was refreshing hmm.

"Yeah I'm really exhausted only brandy could help ". Hannah looked at the person beside her he looks tall 6'1, he has a dark brown hair that he probably brush to the back but is falling across his face, maybe because of a long day, Hannah was tempted to run her hands through it, it looks like slik.

He has a tainted skin, huge body, not bulging with muscles but you can tell he work out on regular basis... hmm, he's hot.

He had a perfectly chiseled face, exquisite facial features, and deep set eyes that were very beautiful. When he looked at you, you would feel like you were his most beloved treasure. The sexiest part of him was his thin lips, which made people have the urge to kiss them.

A row of black lines floated across Hannah's heart she was actually bewitched by a man she just met.

'Wait what wrong with me, he's a stranger I don't even know him, but he looks good, God Hannah get your self together ' she mentally scold.

But she can't stop looking. His eyes are blue like an ocean she would willing drown in.

"Hmm do you like what you see?"

"Wait what no its not that, sorry "

"Its fine, I'm Vincent, you? ", he asked giving her the smile.

'Hmm it a good thing I didn't go straight up to my room, I'll have missed this handsome man Hannah thought.

"It's nice to meet you I'm Hannah ".

"Montana? ".

"Oh no ".

That moment the bartender gave her her shots which she gulps immediately, she adjust herself in her sit then face the person beside her, he was staring at her the whole time.

'Such an interesting girl ', his hand under his chin has he placed close attention to her.

"Do You feel okay now "?

"Very okay thanks ", she replied shyly.

"Are You staying here? ".

"Yeah just a week ", she took another shot, gulps it down while Vincent refills her cup.

"So You are not from around here? ".

"Hmm", after saying that, Hannah caught an expression on his face that she didn't expect like he was disappointed but has quickly as it came it left she even thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"So what do you come here to do?", Vincent inquiry

"I came to supervise a power plant in this area ", Hannah explained, well its good talking to a stranger since after this you won't again. At least that was what she thought "what about you? "

"I came to relax, I come here often ".

They both chat till deep into the night before Hannah went up to her room promising to see each other the next day.