
Centuries Apart But Still In Love With You

This story is about a girl named, Jeon Min Tae, who believes in love and destiny. A perfect fun and harmless trip with her friends, Jeon Mary, Park Sashi and Kim Kari suddenly turned into a dangerous adventure as they somehow time travelled to another century. They got into so much trouble, much more then what they asked for! They had to deal with not only bad people, but also dark wizards and beasts. Never in her wildest dreams she thought that she will meet the love of her life in such a mess. But the destiny had some other plans for them, as they say ‘You have no control over your destiny’. Their timing isn't right, that's an understatement because they are literally centuries apart. It all went out of control real fast leaving them all flabbergasted and heartbroken. Somehow, after so many efforts she managed to come back to her own century with the pieces of her broken heart. That’s when she understood what people mean when they say, ‘Love is the hardest drug to quit, but it is even harder when it is taken away’ But the universe had some other plans for her. What will happen if the history decides to repeat itself? What will happen when she met the same lover again? How will she react when not only her lover but also the villain reincarnates into her century? How will she deal with the upcoming danger which chased her from the past centuries? To know more about Jeon Min Tae’s nerve wrecking adventure, keep reading!

Mahek_Salvatore · Fantasie
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3 Chs

History repeating itself!

"Dragemons! Sisters run!!!" Min Tae shouted while softly releasing the reins giving the signal to her horse to move but the animal was caring about his own life, he directly started running.

Sashi and Kari were also on the move as they knew why those creatures were here, or to whom they want to not so kindly greet. The girls observed the dragon slayer particularly looking at them. It was here for them! But why? Didn't they exist only in sixteenth century?

"Not again!" Sashi screamed in disbelief while moving towards the forest.

"Do not follow us, please!" Mary turned towards Jaemin and Sehun before making her horse run.

"What?? No!!!" Jaemin denied before hopping on a horse himself and Sehun did the same.

The four of them were running in a single row which was making it easy for the dragon slayers to chase them.

"I think we should split up" Mary suggested in a low voice.

"Why do we have to do it again? Why do we have to go through everything again!" Sakshi was beyond frustrated when her second trip to Busan was also being spoiled.

"Just do that. Go to the left side" yelled Min Tae angrily.

'I know why they are here! They are here for me!' thought Min Tae while looking back at the dragon slayers who were trying to find a particular face but couldn't, as they were still at a safe distance.

"Let's take right" Mary looked at Min Tae and pulled the reins.

Mary and Min Tae initiated running towards the right. Where the forest area is bit dense then the place they came.

The place was dense that means it will be difficult for the dragon slayers to keep the track of them.

"Something is seriously wrong with this place. First, bandits and now dragemons!!! Why our lives are always in danger?" asked Mary in annoyance.

"Said by the adventure loving girl" replied Min Tae chuckling.

"I love adventure not life threats!" Mary corrected.

As they were moving forward, the place felt more and more familiar, the shining sunlight coming from the gap between the leaves of trees fell on Min Tae's face reminded her of the time when she was running like this.

They split into two groups to confuse the dragon slayers but the dragemons didn't split at all. They were just following Mary and Min Tae now.

"That didn't work. I think we should split again" Min Tae ordered and Mary nodded.

'So, I was right. They are here for me. They didn't follow Sashi and Kari as they look different. But they might get confused between Mary and I because we look similar and the slightly dense forest isn't doing any justice in their favor. They won't be able to predict which one is who? I hope she will be okay' thought Min Tae and turned towards her sister.

"I will take the left turn then, you take right, okay?" asked Mary looking at her sister for the last time.

"Sounds like a plan. See you later alligator" Min Tae replied, pretending to be cheerful as she took an immediate turn towards the right.

With every passing minute, the place is looking more and more familiar.

'Have I been on this particular place before?' thought Min Tae while looking at her surroundings.

But she had no time to wait and observe the place as her life was at stake at the moment. She was just running to avoid getting caught by them…. again!

The sunlight was getting intense as she was moving forward. That isn't the intensity you feel in the middle of a forest.

'There must be an open ground ahead. I am doomed!' Min Tae predicted correctly as after a few steps the forest was ending.

'Say goodbye to your freedom and get ready to be imprisoned in a Dark Castle!' thought Min Tar while running faster.

"Run for me, baby. I don't want to be stuck in a prison again!" Min Tae requested to the horse while patting his neck.

The horse started running with more speed now.

The moment she passed the forest, her eyes widened. She was running at the free field in front of a beautiful lake. The surface of the water was shining like pearls. The cold breeze kissed her bare skin. It didn't even took a millisecond for Min Tae to realize where she was. 'It was Chengug lake'

She felt the immense pain in her heart when the memories of their first meeting flashed in front of her eyes. It was the place she first met him. He saved her life from that wicked bandits. It was the place where he held her in his arms. It was the place when he proposed her and she had to reject him. She couldn't control her emotions. She held her necklace tight and tried to calm herself down.

As she was in her emotional state, she didn't realize she had reached to a dead end. Because of the construction, the authority sealed the other side of the ground. She stopped in front of the lake and turned around as there is only two thing she could do now, because she has no weapon, nothing at all to fight them.

First, she could willingly surrender herself.

Second, she could try running towards the forest again passing them, which was a bit difficult knowing she was already in a, open filed.

Still, she chose the second option and turned immediately, but when she turned a Dragemon fell on the ground just a meter away from her and vanished into thin air. The dragon slayer was running towards her but two arrows stuck on his both the legs one by one and he fell down.

'What the hell is happening?' she thought confusedly.

She saw a guy, riding a giant beautiful horse, was moving towards her. As her vision get adjusted, she managed to see the face of the guy. She didn't believe her eyes. She rubbed her eyes again and again but her vision was still the same.

Her heart was hammering against her chest. She again held her pendant tightly and took a deep breath to calm her racing heart but it was not helping at all. She thought her mind is playing tricks on her. What she was seeing was impossible! An illusion or hallucination maybe, but far from real! She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The person was still at a distance. She opened her eyes and raised her head again. A tear fell down on her cheek when her chocolate brown eyes met with his hazel globes. She couldn't believe that the person she loved more than her own life, and from whom she forcefully parted in her past was standing in front of her.

"Dan Yul?"