
TD 1.2

TD 1.2 (TD=Tutorial Dungeon)

12 Hours Later

<Avatar of Bertram> Level: 3 Race: RaceBody(Human)

(1100/1100) Health) (10/10) Power) (30/30) Endurance)

Strength:13, Constitution:11, Dexterity:6

Equipped Class: <Battle Monk>

<Avatar Timer: 11hr 23min 34sec>

The room and the tunnel behind me had a light green aura that turned red past the small room I had come into earlier. There was no exit behind me where I had come from, just a dead end. Then the green aura all disappeared. That was two hours ago… So, yeah, I totally could have slept, but instead I stayed on guard waiting for something bad to happen.

Now I'd have to fight tired… It was a tough decision before me. Do I stay back and wait for the next 12 hours so I can get my Divine Avatar back, leaving me weak from no sleep. Or do I go now, so I'm not as tired which alone could get me killed.

For the past four hours I've been struggling with the decision. Getting far is obviously a reward during the first dive! And everyone looked like older teenagers, or young adults. Same body age as me, but were they that age? Gabe explained to me that when the children transitioned to men, they accepted the offer they got by the system to go to the tutorial just like I had. Only Gabe thinks they are young with no experience, and they were all in parties.

'Yes, now that I've sat here thinking about it… I still think you need to go now. No sleep can get you killed; besides you have a trump card! Me' Gabe explained again for the 20th time.

The first four hours Gabe was awesome to have around. After me getting the [True Sight] ability which he explained to me was top tier, that not even Celestial Beings had that. I of course didn't know what a Celestial Being was, but I got the general idea that it was a being that could level up to be a god. Humans of course could never become a god so whatever scale from that. Gabe had been trying all his top tier spells and abilities.

The only confusing part was the <True Sight> I had was better than Gabe's <True Sight>. Gabe explained that he was higher tier then a Celestial Being, even though Gabe couldn't become a god. He explained that his <True Sight> Spell was on the same level as god's spell. Nothing could hide from true sight, not stealth lords, not invisible gods, not even the identification on all items. The only difference between mine and Gabe's was mine was an <Innate Skill> that required no power usage whatsoever. Any <Innate Skill> is overpowered, nearly all the beings that have an innate ability are the most powerful, and none ever more than one. I was sitting at three!

Unfortunately, all the spells and skills he tried on me, many… many times. Then he lost his patience and is pushing us to just go into battle. Trump card sure, he is level 100 and could mop the entire place… But what if he uses him now and can't use him in the long run. No smart person ever just runs into battle, there are options for me to get a better advantage. Having a clone that could die was a big advantage!

I of course must let him win sometimes too; I mean he just became my permanent servant forever. Angel and demons only soul-bind with gods or higher! He also already understood all this system stuff.

'Okay, I'll go… I'm going to try to pay attention to anything you say, like duck, jump left...' I was explaining again, but he just began talking over me.

'Yes, we've been over this… Let's go.' He encouraged me, softer though this time. Probably because I finally agreed to go.

With a flick of my wrist, I summoned my dagger. With the dagger I now had a full set of leather equipment. They all identified as common gear, but it felt better to be dressed. The loot I had gained has already all been opened.

The Eldritch gave me the best item so far, according to Gabe. It was a ring of holding, that worked exactly like my inventory except no 'one has an unlimited inventory, not even a god according to Gabe. So, while I didn't need the item, it was worth a lot.

I also got a common weapon, a mace no extra stats and Travelers Boots which gave me one extra point of movement. I thought it would make me faster, but only learned it gave me the ability to walk a little longer or run a little longer. At such a small amount that I couldn't tell the difference. But they were better than nothing, so I wore those.

After much debating with Gabe, I finally decided to put the 3 attribute points all into the Constitution as it gave 10 health per point. Survivability seemed to be the most valuable.

The dungeon had said I completed 1.1, so the next would be 1.2 and logic has pointed out that they would be tougher than the last. Only this time I couldn't use my Ragnarök title, otherwise I'd end up breaking the deal.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I walked out of the room into the tunnel I had yet to walk into. It went a little way then turned sharp to the right. Walking as quietly as I could I tried to slowly walk towards the turn. I even concentrated on my breathing, so I was quiet there as well. Then I decided to step using my toes by slowly setting them on the ground, then slowly applying pressure. I heard a notification ding, which scared the living hell outta me.

I was too scared that my sudden intake of air gave away my position, so I remained still for as long as I thought no 'one or no think was coming. And as it would be unwise to not look at the notifications, he flicked his finger opening it.

*Congratulations you have performed a skill, without the skill! New Skill [Stealth (0)]. Duration: Until stealth is broken. Cost: 1 power. Can only fall into stealth with no watchers.

I just got a new stealth ability! And it costed 1 power… This I needed to test.

I brought up the skill in my mind and activated it. To my surprise my body appeared to be a shadow outline. I doubt that the rats wouldn't be able to see this, they could obviously see through the dark. If it wasn't for True Sight, I wouldn't be able to see anything.

I slowly peaked around the corner and seen the tunnel continue. There was another Skaven Eldritch walking towards him with two hounds. I quickly fell back, The Skaven had to of seen him. There goes the surprise attack, so I moved back down the tunnel backwards. But it wasn't enough for one of the hounds darted forward turning the corner and running at a sprint. I moved to the side to get out of the hounds' path by reflex but brought up my arms to defend my head and neck from its attack. But the attack never came, the hound had sprinted past him, but came to a halt.

Did He miss me? I looked at the hound and watched as the hound began sniffing the ground, then turning back smelling the ground coming up closer to him. I could attack now, and maybe even get a critical attack from the surprise. But then the other two would be turning the corner, and they would have the range on him. The stealth obviously was good enough to trick the hound, even though it was moving towards him now smelling him.

I saw the two choices and decided to get the surprise attack on the Eldritch, it could one shot him. If his stealth was good enough for the dog, then perhaps Eldritch too. I decided and ignored the hound sniffing towards him and started moving back to the turn in the tunnel. The Eldritch and the other dog turned the corner and sure enough the Eldritch didn't even look at him. Before the Eldritch landed directly into him, I brought up the dagger and with a quick thrust stabbed it in the neck. The Eldritch didn't even fight back, just brought its hands up to its bleeding neck then fell to the ground chocking to death.

The hound had jumped in shock straight up into the air giving a great target after the neck stab. Swiping it across the hound's torso was enough to kill the hound instantly. Then I was plowed to the ground with a wave of dizziness. The hound from behind had just bit into the back of his neck. I quickly brought up my arms grabbing the jaw of the hound easing its sharp fangs out of my neck. Afraid that the hound would just bite him again the second he let go of the jaw, I decided to rip its jaw apart. At least that was how I saw it in my head.

Instead, I accidentally crushed the hound's nose, and broke its lower jaw into two pieces which slid around the hound's loose skin. The hound made a cry of pain, but I didn't let go. Having dropped my dagger, I threw the hound over my head onto the ground as hard as I could. Then I let go with my right hand and grabbed my dagger, quickly stabbing the hound over and over. Just in case.

I then activated stealth again and stayed still, listening to see if I had attracted attention. After waiting a good minute, I swiped with my hand to see all my notifications.

*Critical attack! You have killed a creature that is higher level with one first surprise strike! You have been rewarded with a guaranteed drop! You have been rewarded with one level up on rarity of the item.

*You have defeated a level 7 Skaven Eldritch. You have been rewarded with 7 experience points. 64/160

*You have received <Common> <Uncommon> loot from the level 7 Skaven Eldritch.

*Critical Attack! You have killed a creature that is higher level with one surprise Strike! You have been rewarded with a guaranteed drop! You have been rewarded with one level up in rarity of the item.

*You have defeated level 6 Skaven Hound. You have been rewarded with 6 experience points. 70/160

*You have received <uncommon> <Rare> loot from the level 6 Skaven Hound.

*You have defeated a level 5 Skaven Hound. You have been rewarded with 5 experience points. 75/160

*You have received <common> loot from the level 5 Skaven Hound.

Lucky, I got two critical strikes! I thought I had only got one. One Rare item! One Uncommon, then one common.

I opened the rare one first, with a pop an Iron heavy helmet appeared in my hands, I nearly dropped it not expecting the weight. No way I was going to put this heavy thing on, so with a flick I sent it to my inventory. Disappointing that this was some kind of tank armor.

Next, I opened the uncommon and was rewarded with a short sword. This brought a smile to my face, for some reason I had no skills or spells with this monk class. It had confused Gabe, as every class at level one receives its first ability. The only thing is the battle monk class wasn't progressive like most classes. Gabe had explained he had never seen the likes, but at the same time the +10 per stat made a big difference. It was equivalent to being level 30 according to Gabe, since each level only gives +1 stat. This also meant that technically at the max level 100, I would be equivalent to a level 130 if I was ever to max it.

I then opened the last one, the common one. I was rewarded with another dagger, nearly the same exact one. Liking the short sword, I put it in my main hand and one of the daggers in my left hand.

With a smile I turned the last turn into a large room. I was absolutely surprised by what I saw. There were more creatures in here, there was no way I could kill them all by myself. They were all looking in my direction ready to open anything they saw.

There was a creature with the name "Olio" a Skaven Wizard it had on it. Well, if it was more then an Eldritch then I could tell he would be the toughest creature and could probably kill me with one hit just like the past casters. It looked like it was double the number of creatures perfectly. I slowly counted all the creatures. 1 wizard named, 2 Skaven Brutes, 2 Eldritch Skaven's, 4 Skaven Clerics, 8 Skaven Hounds. Yes, exactly double minus the extra wizard creature. Another notification scared me, and I had reflectively fell back around the corner of the tunnel.

'Assuming it works the same way, you could just release me and then you can sleep, to prepare for the last stage.' Gabe amused.

But what if I couldn't summon him? I realized that I was worried too much, the first dive was part of the evaluation. Once it was done, I could go back and forth from the dungeon to the outside world. Well, the outside tutorial world. I could also leave the tutorial anytime I wanted, but everyone was pushed to complete it as you can only gain more by staying.

'Fine', I responded, I was getting way too tired any ways. 'Let me attack one before you come out though' I stated as I slowly moved back into the room.

As I observed all the creatures, the most powerful one looked like the wizard, but he was in the middle of all of them. There would be no way I could pass through them all without being caught. Or was there a way, I didn't know how good my stealth ability was. I was surprised that they couldn't see me right now as I slowly walked towards them.

The closest creature was one of the brutes that was slowly walking over to the end of the room towards me. I figured he was sent by the others to check what the noises were. I skittered around him slowly to not let him hear me walking. He continued past me towards the turn, he wouldn't find his mates. They were all dead in my inventory.

The next closest was the Eldritch Skaven, this is one that would be worth killing first. Perhaps I could attack then release Gabe? Or should I try it without Gabe, if he's right and there is only one more, then he wouldn't be able to have Gabe for the boss.

'Hey Gabe, are you able to come out by yourself, or do I have to summon you.' I asked if he could come out by himself, that would be best. Then he could come out only if I needed him.

'I'm not able to summon myself.' He answered.

Soon as I did a sneak attack, I might kill another one or two, but then I wouldn't stand a chance. There was no way I could kill all these creatures without receiving a death. So, releasing Gabe wasn't a bad idea, at least he could beat this area.

I then getting at an uncomfortable distance between me and the Eldritch shot forward burying my dagger into the Eldritch's throat killing it instantly. Then I shot my short sword forward, killing one of the Skaven Clerics with a single slash nearly taking the Skaven Cleric's head off.

I followed by summoning Gabe. Then Gabe appeared in front of me with a smile on his face. I wanted to scream at him, I was about to get killed with one hit by any creature in here. Then to my surprise looking around, everyone was already dead. Notifications started sounding off, before realization came to me. Gabe had already killed everything.

I looked all around just to be extra sure that everything was dead before I opened my notifications. Skimming through them all I looked for what I was looking for, The Loot!

The named wizard had dropped an epic loot, while the others were 2 rares, 3 uncommon, 11 common. The epic was another ring of holding. Two rares were a casters robe that gave +1 power, and +1 power regain. The other rare was a bracelet of summoning. I concentrated on the summoning part, and it was full of question marks.

'Bracelet of summoning?' Gabe asked. I was unsure if he was just talking rhetorically or if he was asking me a question.

'Yeah, I tried to concentrate on the summoning to see what it summons but it has no information.' I started hoping he could shed light on it, and he did.

'You must first choose what creature you want to summon. This item is worth more than the ring of holding.' Gabe said very carefully.

Not quite understanding what Gabe was talking about, I ignored it and moved on. The 11 common items were of no significance, a couple empty jars, another short sword. It brought my experience up to 144/160 Nothing appeared to help me further so I just left them all in my inventory and concentrated on getting as much done as I could with Gabe out.

'Have you checked out the next area?' I asked realizing with the notifications that he hadn't killed anything past this room.

'I'm unable to cross out of the green area. I believe you must initiate the crossover. But doing so would make you lose your chance for waiting for your clone.' Gabe stated more to himself while he was in thought.

I couldn't understand what he was having a tough time with, he was stronger than my clone. Of course, we must continue, and use up as much of this hour as we could.

Having already thrown all the corpses into my inventory I continued down the tunnel reaching the end of the green and the start of the red. Without thinking too much about it, I tried crossing the area but was given a strange sound as a different type of notification popped up this time.

*Warning* Leaving this area will take away your safe zone. Upon leaving your timers will be reset. Would you like to continue?

Now this was a surprise, now I was given a chance to rest, and all my cooldowns would be reset upon continuing after this.

I smiled, knowing that now I could go to sleep. I could worry about the rest of the dungeon after some good rest. 'Gabe, you get the first watch' I joked as I went back to the beginning tunnel to avoid all the blood. As soon as I fell to the ground, I was asleep before Gabe could even respond to my joke.

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