
Celestial Watcher

Part of the { Tome of the Intoners, Curse of Time, And Slayer } Series, this follows Hikari whom raised by a dragon throughout her life, whom is known only as the First Dragonslayer and Celestial Watcher. A rewrite of the Story posted on Quotev, is going to be updated whenever. This is based on a Minecraft character I play as, as well as other roleplays I've been in this with this character. More information on the world is on the Aestridin Universe Quotev account.

Aestridin · Fantasie
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6 Chs


The sounds of the fire crackled throughout the large hall, while the sky outside was as dark as night. Steps began to ring out as the smell of blood filled the air, and the sound of a weapon being dragged around along with humming rang throughout the hall. The person's sounds stopped and began to speak. 

"A traitorous child like you should've learned your place, Kikoa. Going with a human just like that, right after betraying your people, just what were you thinking?" The person asks the dead body of a black-haired woman. She shrugs. "It seems I will never figure that answer out." 

The woman was a blonde-haired woman with a blue streak of hair, as well as a hint of madness in her dark, azure eyes. She had a human face and body, however, what appears to be where her ears were supposed to be, were replaced with feathers, and she had a pair of bloodied owl wings, supposedly not her own blood. Her clothing was of a Renaissance-style dress, with bits of armour on the corset and the hands. She appeared to not be wearing any shoes or foot coverings, but the dress covered her feet. From a distance, she looked like one of the Valkyries lower members, but upon further inspection, she would seem to be one that is higher up than the rest. A sound fills the hall as she turns around and sees something move in the shadows.

"I forgot she had kids…Well, time to get them away from here. It's best if they forget now while they are still young. Although that baby I have to end its life early…such a shame…" The woman sighed as she picked up the scythe, and followed the shadows. 


Jarrow was holding his younger sister in his hands as he ran through the forest, his breathing and footsteps filling the dark forest as him being a small boy with orange hair holding a bundled-up child flew through the forest on his own two feet, his wings still far too small to fly. He reaches a clearing in which there is a giant dragon sleeping. 

"Coelestis! Coelestis!" Jarrow yells out, stirring the sleeping dragon. 

The dragon known as Coelestis shifted into a humanoid state, an older woman who would've seemed to be in her forties with deer-like horns took her place, her skin pale, her long hair of a pearl white colour and her clothes that have celestial bodies on the seams took the place of the dragon. 

"Little Valkyrie, why have you brought your sister to me? Where are your parents?" The woman asked before being handed the bundled-up child. 

"Keep Hikari safe! Grandma hurt Mom!" Jarrow yelled as he ran off. 

"Elia harmed her daughter? That isn't like her- Jarrow, get back here!" Coelestis yelled, chasing after the small boy, before losing track of him. "That child, I can't smell him anywhere, this forest is always strange…"

Coelestis had sat down on the dry ground for a moment, before looking around, waiting. After what seemed to be hours, it was clear that something had happened. Standing up, she walked in the direction of the place Jarrow came from, carrying the small bundled-up baby that was sleeping. 

"That boy is just like his mortal father, let's hope nothing bad happens to him." 


Coelestis walked through the bloodstained and body-filled halls, scrunching her nose up from the scent of blood. The baby in her arms was fast asleep as she stepped through the halls calling out Jarrow and Kikoa's names, it echoing throughout the halls with each step she had taken. 

"It was a massacre…Elia did all this?" Coelestis muttered, looking at the chaos. "Cyrus shouldn't have left for war if this would've been known…" 

As she walked through the halls, Coelestis heard a sound and immediately defended herself and the baby with a large dragon wing covering her body as Elia attacked her with the scythe, Coelestis noticing the madness that was painted in her eyes. 

"Drop the baby, Dragon, I have orders to kill it." Elia said the word 'dragon' was filled with disgust in her mouth. 

"Intoner. Under what orders are you to kill your own daughter and granddaughter? Did you forget the two of them are under my protection?" Coelestis questioned Elia. 

"And look how that turned out," Elia spat out. "You're harbouring a traitor and a threat." 

"Kikoa never betrayed anyone! She was exiled!" Coelestis yelled out. "So, who the hell ordered you to harm one of your own kin, much less your descendants!" 

"The goddess herself, don't get in my way, dragon," Elia said, attacking again to no avail. "I will cut you down as well." 

"I refuse. Leave this place at once, you and I both know that you won't be able to beat me properly in a fight considering how mad you are." 

"Not without ending that-" 

"Leave this place at once!" Coelestis roared out like a dragon, leaving the halls shaking. "Never let me see your face or have to deal with your madness near this place again!" 

Elia sighs and puts her weapon down. "Fine." She raises her arms, and she snaps her fingers, Jarrow appearing in her arms. "I'll take this Valkyrie child to be with his people then." 

"You damned-" Coelestis reached out, however, Jarrow had vanished out of her arm and Elia had transformed into a small owl, flying away before Coelestis could even attack her to get her down. 

Coelestis stood alone in the bloodied hall with a small child in her humanoid arms. She sighs as she looks down. "I do not know how to take care of a human child…nor when that father of hers will return here if he is even still alive…everyone here is dead so I can't dump this child on them," She sits down on one of the chairs that were thrown out of the rest of the tables before taking another look at the baby. "So your brother said your name was Hikari huh…guess you're stuck with me, kid, at least until I get sick of it."