
Celestial Records: Protostar Of The Heavens

The gaze of the Demigods from beyond the veil; their scattered fragments hidden amongst the fog of mysteries. For what reason does one live their life? Waking to a whirlpool of confusion; Zach Albright finds himself in a fascinating new world. It is a world of Magic, Potions, Mythical Beasts and other divine and demonic entities. In this world where supernatural meets modernity and machines, he must trace the trail of stardust left behind by the Bolide. To uncover a mystery beyond the veil of the cosmos. To secure the fragmented past of an ancient race. ______ Inspired mainly by Lord Of The Mysteries, and other stuff as well.

Hasatan · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Time Will Tell

The golden light fell as the mists receded, and Nathaniel found himself in the room he was before. Everything was unchanged, but in his mind was a torrent of bewilderment, awe and utter confusion. A warm crimson light then converged and fell on the back of Nathaniel's hand, a sharp curving symbol that shone like a crimson light candle fused to his hand, slowly disappearing. It was the symbol of Aries. His new identity.

Nathaniel just watched on in awe. He had never witnessed such a grand display of power. The ability to connect multiple people and convene over a meeting that spanned wide distances and went through the barriers of language without fault.

Communication was so seamless, he had even thought that Virgo was a Luminary that held the main Path that the Church of the Mystic Messenger presided over, or at least had powers over Communication. But then again, he had nothing to prove this theory. All he knew was that Virgo was a mysterious fellow with an unknown background.

Other than him, the other two were equally as mysterious. One, likely a noble lady who was yet to be a Luminary. She knew of the Paths, perhaps even some knowledge about some of the Paths and their various Aspects, but lacked the necessary knowledge of a true Luminary.

Nathaniel understood that the lady was most likely an occult enthusiast. An expected thing from the nobility of this era, their pursuits were truly influenced by the mere fact that their lives aren't as enriched with new experiences. Compared to the working class or those militant knights or the various agents in organisations under the churches and governmental agencies of a Nation; the aristocrats were merely lacking due entertainment. They sought something fresh and exciting to spice up their lives.

After all, like a dish, life had to be well seasoned to be fully enjoyed. And the occult was the perfect opportunity to dive into a world beyond the mundane.

Nathaniel did not believe that the lady who called herself Libra would give up on her desire to become a Luminary. In fact, he even feels that he should help her. It wasn't a bad idea to make connections with a noble after all....

On the other hand, the mysterious Pisces from the Killing Jokers was more of a threat to him. Nathaniel could sense that Pisces was an experienced Luminary, perhaps wielding a Sphere that ranked higher than himself....

But, perhaps not as high as Virgo. He did not fully understand the wondrous events that had just occurred, time will tell he would ever come to understand. But for now, he waited for the next time to meet them again.


The shadows were filled with an emptiness, until suddenly the void between became known. The blue-gold light of the Moon of Music could never touch the alley's shadow. But on this strange night, light seeped into the alley, illuminating it softly.

Elias shrinked back into the darkness, but before he could he saw a faint gray light condensing amongst the moon's rays. The silvery-gray mist then formed a shape familiar to him, and upon the symbol completing itself, Elias decided to grasp it in his palm.

He gazed at the symbol he grasped and saw it melding with his flesh..... Until the Pisces symbol was gone.

Elias grinned. He saw this turn of events as something more interesting than his commissions. He wondered if he sold this information to his superiors, how much would he get?

But he then went against that thought. He saw it as an opportunity to get what he wants and may need in the future. Above all, being in the good graces of a powerful being as Virgo was beneficial to him.

If anything, Elias was concerned about what he could do to please such a being. If Virgo wanted him to kill, he would. If it was to capture or search for someone, he had his ways.

Elias thought that this might be why he was part of the meetings. He represented a side to society that could do illegal dealings and a lot of sketchy stuff without problems.

"Mr Aries is probably a church folk, lower rank in Sphere to me at least. But his information from inside a church that belongs to the Fourteen Orthodox Church Alliance would prove invaluable. There's some things we can't get after all.... Then there's Miss Libra. Naive, for sure. But as a noble lady she likely has some dealings with the prominent noble families, perhaps she's one of them herself. She would be great at finding out what the royals and nobles true intentions and actions are..."

Elias thought of the many possibilities as to why they were chosen. And he came to the conclusion that, one; they belonged to factions with different districts of information and powers. Both orthodox and unorthodox.

Secondly, it was a good way to cultivate a spy within those factions by having them lower ranking individuals like they were. Virgo could allow them to slowly grow stronger and obtain higher status. After all, it could be harder to convert a higher rank than a lower ranked individual. Elias also believed there might be other reasons as to why they were chosen, if they even were chosen. Unfortunately he lacked the necessary information to all this. But time will tell whether his theories of what their purpose is will come true.

For now, he had to report his failure to discover his target. But, he was patient. A Killing Joker has to be anyways.


Sophia heaved a deep breath to calm her own emotions, she watched as a gloamy orange light fell upon her form. Beams of light then condensed and took form, shaping into a symbol she had only seen a few times before. But she knew exactly what it was.

It was the symbol for Libra. As the shape began to solidify in reality, Sophia reached a finger to touch it. A single touch was all the symbol needed to then sink itself into her finger and fuse with her very soul.

Seeing this, Sophia was entranced. She had always dreamt of such magical scenes. And now, she was able to see it for herself.

Beneath the chandelier lights, she began to dance elegantly. In her mind, this was finally a chance towards the light of a Path. A Path that shall make her become a true Luminary.

She had seen for herself the incredible powers that Luminaries had, she had always yearned for such powers herself. Unfortunately the avenues she could take were limited. She wanted to keep her freedom and life, but did not want to fall into the clutches of evil organisations..... She knew that Virgo was someone she should be wary of. But she also felt the sense that He was not someone who had malicious intentions towards them.

But, it was good to stay cautious. She never knew fully what a higher being's true thoughts were like. So, only time will tell eventually the truth behind their real thoughts.

Time moves on without consideration for anything. Humans hate time for what it stole from them, but without time how could they ever progress? To hate time, means to hate oneself for not using time to their advantage. That is the truth behind it, the hatred towards time is merely the projection of time’s supposed crimes against them. But one only has themselves to blame. Not time. Never time. Because one may hate time, but time will never be able to hate you.

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