
Celestial Bodies: The Book of Leo

Lydia Flowers, a 25-year-old woman who has escaped a turbulent past of an abusive engagement, finds solace in her blossoming relationship with her childhood friend, Leonardo, or Leo for short. Their bond deepens over the course of a year as they embark on a passionate romance. However, the perfect harmony of their love begins to wane, with Leo growing increasingly distant in the last three months. Lydia, scarred by her past, fears that Leo might be slipping away, although she cannot fathom why. She confronts her insecurities and doubts, wondering if she's inadvertently driving him away with her guarded nature. Her suspicions reach a breaking point when she unexpectedly spots Leo in the company of another woman. Lydia's world unravels as she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding Leo. She discovers a hidden dimension of his life that she could never have anticipated, a world steeped in a battle as ancient as time itself, one that will test their love and devotion.

ELE_Reed · Fantasie
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3 Chs


As I put pen to paper, the memories of my 18-year-old self flood back to me, a girl on the brink of adulthood, filled with dreams and innocence. High school graduation was a moment of pure joy. My heart was light, and I was in love – deeply, intensely in love with Mark. We had been inseparable for years, and I thought I'd met the perfect man.On that warm summer evening, as we danced under the stars at the graduation party, Mark and I made promises to each other. Promises of eternal love, unwavering support, and a future together that shone brighter than the sun. It felt like the world was ours, and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else.But life has a way of veering down unexpected paths. At 19, I left the comfort of my family's home and moved in with Mark. He had been my anchor, my confidant, and my sanctuary. However, once we began living together, everything changed. The loving, attentive boyfriend I'd known vanished, and in his place emerged a different person – one I didn't recognize.Mark's words became harsh, his temper quick to flare. He'd say things that cut to my core, belittling me and making me doubt myself. He gaslit me, making me question my sanity. Promises that were once made with such sincerity now lay in tatters, scattered around our shared apartment. I hated myself for not being able to fix what had gone so wrong.We had been engaged for years, but the thought of marriage never seemed to materialize. It slowly dawned on me that I was never truly loved by him; he had merely wanted to control me, to have me within arm's reach but never truly cherished me. It was a painful realization, a wound that festered with each passing day.The image of myself when I finally gathered the strength to escape that nightmare is etched in my memory. I was skin and bones, my once-rosy complexion now pallid, my eyes dulled from years of tears. I showed up on my parents' doorstep, broken and hungry, crying in desperation. I was 23 years old, and I had reached the breaking point.Leaving Mark was the hardest, yet most liberating, decision I'd ever made. I ran away, never to see him again, but the scars he left behind were indelible. As I sit here, now 24, pouring my heart out into this journal, I reflect on the turbulent past that has brought me to this moment. The wounds have healed, but the memories linger.With each passing day, I strive to find healing and closure, to rebuild my life, and to open my heart to the possibility of true love and happiness once again.Recovery didn't come overnight; it was a journey fraught with pain, healing, and countless tears. My therapist was the guiding light that led me out of the darkness that Mark had cast over my life. She recommended that I start this journal as a means of catharsis, a way to confront my demons and find closure.In those early days, I remember feeling like a wounded bird, struggling to regain the strength to fly again. The first year without Mark was undeniably the hardest. Every day was a battle against the lingering trauma, a seemingly insurmountable mountain of self-doubt and fear. My therapist assured me that these feelings were normal, a part of the healing process.I was paralyzed by the fear of getting close to anyone, terrified that the same shadows that haunted my relationship with Mark would return. My heart ached with the heavy burden of post-traumatic stress, and I found solace only in my father's presence. He was the only man I could trust, the only one who hadn't betrayed me.Each day, I confronted the demons of my past, facing the memories that haunted my nights. Nightmares often jolted me awake, my body drenched in cold sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. It was a long, arduous road to rebuilding my self-esteem and learning to trust again.As time passed, my therapist's guidance and my determination began to work their magic. Slowly but surely, I started to piece my life back together. I found a job, met friends, and began to regain a sense of self-worth. Still, the journey was marked by relapses and moments of intense self-doubt.Through therapy, I learned to reframe my thoughts and see myself through a kinder lens. I discovered that I was strong, resilient, and deserving of love. The demons of my past no longer held as much power over me, and I gradually started to open up to the possibility of a healthy, loving relationship.This journal, a testament to my healing journey, is a way to remind myself of the strength I carry within. As I write, I can see the scars of my past slowly fading, like shadows retreating under the light of a new dawn. My life is far from perfect, but it's a life I'm building with courage, hope, and the unwavering support of my therapist and those who love me.I'm no longer that broken girl who arrived on her parents' doorstep, and I'm determined to prove that I can emerge from the darkest of storms with the strength to face a brighter future, one filled with genuine love and happiness.The morning sun streamed through my open window, casting a warm glow over the room. It was early June, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the cheerful chirping of birds. I sat at my desk, my journal open in front of me, feeling the cool breeze on my skin as it gently ruffled my hair.As I gazed outside, I watched dogs being walked by their owners, their tails wagging with unbridled joy. People strolled down the sidewalk, and children played in the nearby park. It was a quintessential summer morning, and my heart swelled with a strange mixture of nostalgia and hope.Today was a day I had been contemplating for a while. After years of healing and rediscovering myself, I finally felt ready to step out into the world, to test the waters of a life I had been too afraid to live. And what better way to start than with a simple date?The thought of going on a date with a friend I had known since childhood filled me with a curious blend of excitement and trepidation. Leonardo or Little Leo as he was often called by bullies. He has always been there, a constant presence in my life, offering support and friendship when I needed it most. It was Leo who had always tried to get closer to me, to break down the walls I had built around my heart, only to be shut down time and time again. He was so smooth at times, and other times so nerdy. I started to call him LL because there was this thing that he used to do with his lips. Honestly, that alone should have called me to him, but sadly I was focused on worse options. I felt a pang of guilt as I remembered the countless times I had pushed him away. Back then, my heart had belonged to someone else, and I couldn't fathom letting anyone else in. But now, in the stillness of my room with the morning breeze caressing my skin, I couldn't help but think about how life had a funny way of surprising us."Who knew the one whose heart I broke would be the one to take a shot at repairing mine," she thought, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The irony, it seemed, was a force to be reckoned with. It was a sentiment that warmed her heart and left her with a sense of humility.With that thought in mind, Lydia finished her journal entry. She set her pen aside and let out a sigh, the weight of her past, the healing journey she had undertaken, and the anticipation of a new beginning all wrapped up in that simple exhalation.Still dressed in her cozy pajamas, a stark contrast to her regular attire, she gazed out of her window at the world that lay beyond. The sun had risen higher in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over her room. It was a room filled with memories and a space that had borne witness to her transformation.Lydia knew that the day ahead held the promise of change, the prospect of allowing her heart to mend, and the chance to revisit a connection that had always been dear to her. She felt a sense of hope blooming within her, much like the flowers outside her window.Lydia stood in front of her closet, contemplating what to wear for her outing with Little Leo. She wanted something casual and comfortable, but she also wanted to feel good about herself. Her hand sifted through the hangers, selecting and discarding various clothing items."Should I wear earrings?" she mused aloud, her voice barely more than a whisper. She examined her collection of earrings, pondering if the small hoops would add a touch of elegance to her attire or if she should go without them to maintain a more laid-back look.The next dilemma was whether to wear shoes with a heel. She smirked, realizing she'd always been taller than Leo, even without the added height. "Well, I suppose I can save the heels for another day," she reasoned, setting them aside.Lydia's dialogue with herself continued as she considered different outfits. "Jeans? Yeah, jeans will do just fine." She grabbed a pair of jeans, more like shorts that fell just above her knees, accentuating her creamy skin. With a swift motion, she slipped them on.She scrutinized herself in the mirror, her reflection revealing her dark raven hair cascading in loose waves, and her deep gray eyes that carried a hint of mystery. She hesitated, momentarily glancing at her eye shadow. Should she add a touch of color to her eyes, or should she go for a more natural look?Lydia painted her eyelids with a gentle layer of soft eye shadow, then abruptly removed it, unsure of the face she wanted to present to the world today. It was an internal battle, an unspoken decision about the image she wished to convey, not just to Leo but to herself.With her outfit chosen, Lydia made her way down the stairs, her heart still racing with the anticipation of the day ahead. As she descended, her parents, who were in the kitchen, turned to greet her with warm smiles. Her mother, a vision of maternal tenderness, exclaimed, "Lydia, you look beautiful today!"Her father, who had always been a tower of strength and support, nodded in agreement, adding, "Absolutely stunning."Lydia felt a warmth spread through her, enveloping her heart in their love. She couldn't help but smile in response to their kind words. "Thank you, Mom, and Dad. You're both too kind."Her mother chimed in, "We mean it, sweetheart. You're radiant today."Lydia's heart swelled with gratitude as she stood in the presence of her loving parents. She couldn't help but be overwhelmed with appreciation for the support they had provided throughout her journey of healing and self-discovery. It was in moments like these that she truly recognized the blessing of having such a caring and understanding family.As she reflected on her mother's unwavering support, Lydia thought about the countless nights when she had cried herself to sleep, overwhelmed by the scars of her past. Her mother had been there without judgment, a soothing presence that simply embraced her return. Even her father, with whom she had parted on difficult terms, had been genuinely happy to see her back.But the one person who seemed most prepared for her return was her Grandpa Elroy. He had an aggressive spirit, and he had jokingly mentioned his readiness to rally the troops if need be. Lydia couldn't help but wonder what she had done to deserve such patience and understanding from her family. She wished she hadn't taken those years of their support for granted, but she was determined to make the most of the present.Lost in her thoughts, Lydia was momentarily snapped back to reality as her mother gently reminded her, "Did you say good morning to your Papa, on the way down?"Lydia's eyes lit up, surprised by the news. "No, is he actually up this early?" she asked with genuine curiosity.Her mother nodded and confirmed, "Yes, dear. Papa has a doctor's visit today, and you know how he feels about doctors."I would chuckle lightly as I made my way into the well-decorated front room to greet my beloved grandfather, Papa. His voice called out to me from the large recliner where he sat, and I couldn't help but smile at his unmistakable presence. Papa had a way of cutting straight to the point with his gruff but warm words."Grab my piece and call the boys, we gonna roll out," he declared, his tone leaving no room for ambiguity. Those were the exact words he had spoken on that pivotal night when I had shown up on his doorstep, crying and in pain. Papa was a man of few words, but his actions always spoke volumes. He was a pillar of strength in my life, especially when I needed it most.I looked at Papa, not just my grandfather but also my father's father, and felt my heart swell with affection. The difference in our appearances often led to confusion among those who didn't know our family history, but we were undeniably connected by blood and, more importantly, by love.Papa had always been there for me, even when my parents were busy with work and other projects when I was younger. I couldn't forget the time he got his hip replacement the one thing he always said he never would do. Just so he could skate with me. It was an incredible display of love, and I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat as I thought about it.Papa was a stubborn man, mainly when it came to doctors, but for me, he was willing to overcome his aversion. It was a testament to the deep bond between us, a bond that was not defined by mere genetics but by unwavering love and devotion.Tears welled up in my eyes as I entered the room and embraced my grandfather. The love I had for him was immeasurable, and I knew that the feeling was reciprocated. His ability to keep moving forward in the face of adversity had always been an inspiration to me, and I couldn't help but wish that I could be more like him at times.The room was filled with memories, a testament to the love story between my grandmother and Papa, a story that I had always admired and hoped to replicate in my own life. But when my grandmother passed away ten years ago, Papa had declared that the love of his life was gone, and he had no intention of slowing someone else down. His unwavering love for his wife had left a lasting impact on me, and I aspired to embody the same kind of enduring love in my own life.