
Celestial Bodies: The Book of Leo

Lydia Flowers, a 25-year-old woman who has escaped a turbulent past of an abusive engagement, finds solace in her blossoming relationship with her childhood friend, Leonardo, or Leo for short. Their bond deepens over the course of a year as they embark on a passionate romance. However, the perfect harmony of their love begins to wane, with Leo growing increasingly distant in the last three months. Lydia, scarred by her past, fears that Leo might be slipping away, although she cannot fathom why. She confronts her insecurities and doubts, wondering if she's inadvertently driving him away with her guarded nature. Her suspicions reach a breaking point when she unexpectedly spots Leo in the company of another woman. Lydia's world unravels as she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding Leo. She discovers a hidden dimension of his life that she could never have anticipated, a world steeped in a battle as ancient as time itself, one that will test their love and devotion.

ELE_Reed · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

I approached Papa with a warm smile, ready to share my plans for the day. As I began to explain, his reaction was as strong as ever. He slowly rose from his seat, legs wobbling, and I could see the determination in his eyes. The protective instinct that had been a constant in his character throughout my life was resurfacing.But as he prepared to grab his gun, I reached out gently to calm him. "Papa, it's not what you think," I said soothingly. "It's not a situation where you need to take up arms, I promise."Papa's eyes locked onto mine, and he settled back into his chair, the tension in his aging body slowly releasing. He nodded for me to continue, his interest piqued.I explained, "It's just a date, Papa, with a friend. His name is Leo." I felt the need to emphasize that it was Leo, not a stranger, to put his worries to rest.Papa leaned back and let out a deep breath. "Leo, huh? Well, that's a relief." He chuckled, his voice rich with warmth. "I suppose I can put the gun away then."I smiled, feeling a mixture of relief and amusement. "Yes, Papa, you can put the gun away. I told Mom and Dad last night, and they're okay with it."Papa leaned back in his chair, a contented expression on his face. "I'm glad to hear that," he admitted. "I've heard good things about this Leo, and I trust your judgment.""Thank you, Papa," I replied, touched by his understanding and support. "I'm looking forward to spending time with him. It means a lot to me that you're okay with it."Papa Elroy, often called Granpa E, nodded with a smile. "I want you to be happy, Lydia. And if this Leo can make you happy, then I'm glad you said yes to him."I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for my grandfather's unwavering love and his willingness to adapt to the changing times. His acceptance and support meant the world to me, and it was a testament to the enduring bond we shared.As I prepared to leave, I bent down to give Papa Elroy a gentle kiss on his forehead, a symbol of the deep affection I held for him. "Take care, Papa," I said warmly, giving him a reassuring smile. "Please, listen to your doctors."Papa Elroy, with a glint of mischief in his eyes, replied, "If they can catch me by the time the appointment starts, I deserve to go." I knew he wasn't joking when he said that. Despite his slow and often frail-looking frame, Papa E had an unnatural speed about him when he needed it. There had been instances where he seemed to cross distances no elderly person should have been able to.I chuckled at his response, understanding the challenge it would be to get him to the doctor's office. "Well, you do have a point," I admitted, giving him one more kiss on his forehead.As I left the house, the warm, hot summer sun enveloped me. It was a pleasant change of pace in our small town, and the golden rays on my face filled me with a sense of contentment. I couldn't resist the urge to step off the porch and stroll out into the front yard, passing through the gate.Selene, our small town, had a charm of its own. While it was petite in size, we boasted a close-knit and vibrant community. Selene held quite a bit of history, with stories of dragons and wolves waging wars in these very surroundings. It might have been a laughable notion, but it often attracted tourists and eccentric individuals to the area. I had once fallen for the wrong person on a road trip through this town, and the scars of that experience still lingered.My thoughts were interrupted as a familiar voice called out "Good Morning Lydia dear!" It would be said by an elderly lady in a sundress, "Good morning, Mrs. Johnson." The widow Johnson, our neighbor, was the one person I wished my grandfather would find happiness with. She was sweet, and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her, living alone. It made me wonder if I'd be in her shoes one day, alone and without true love. I quickly shook off those negative thoughts and reminded myself to stay positive."We're back in the zone, and today is a nice day," I thought to myself, silently encouraging my spirits. "We're not going to let anything ruin it."With that determination in my heart, I continued my journey through the town, embracing the warmth of the day and looking forward to my date with Leo, leaving the shadows of the past behind.As I walked through the quaint streets of Selene, I couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions surging within me. Nervousness tangled with excitement, creating a complex tapestry of feelings. My heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.Nervousness gnawed at me, its persistent presence reminding me of the scars left by my previous abusive relationship. The memories of pain and heartache were still fresh, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was ready to take this step again. The fear of being hurt, of making the same mistakes, loomed like a shadow in the back of my mind.Yet, intertwined with that nervousness was a growing sense of excitement. I couldn't deny the fluttering in my stomach, the thrill of the unknown. Leo had been a friend for years, a source of comfort and familiarity. The thought of rekindling our connection and exploring something more than friendship held a promise of warmth and happiness.A sense of hope started to bud within me, as I considered the possibility of healing and moving forward. The chance to build something beautiful with a person who had been patient and kind felt like a ray of sunlight piercing through the clouds of doubt.With every step I took, the tug-of-war between nervousness and excitement continued to play out within me. I knew I had to confront my past and trust my judgment, but the emotional journey was far from simple. Yet, I was determined not to let fear hold me back. Today, the emotions coursing through me were a testament to my strength and resilience, and I was ready to face whatever lay ahead.I entered the familiar park, a place that had always offered comfort and tranquility. The park was enclosed by a welcoming gate, and it boasted various amenities that catered to the community's well-being. A neatly paved walking trail wound through the serene landscape, parallel to a bike trail that invited enthusiasts of all ages to pedal and enjoy the outdoors. Benches were scattered throughout, offering perfect spots for those seeking respite or a moment of reflection.The park was alive with the playful antics of squirrels, their tiny figures darting between the trees, their chattering providing a melodic backdrop to the serene setting. But the true heart of the park lay in the harmonious coexistence of patrons and their pets, sharing moments of happiness and peace. Dogs frolicked on the grass, tails wagging with boundless energy, while their owners smiled and laughed.Among the park's regular visitors was a group of homeless veterans who had found a sense of belonging here. These men had not only served their country on the front lines but had also become leaders of this homeless community. They took it upon themselves to keep the park clean and well-maintained, and their presence was cherished by the larger community. Some city officials may not have approved of their presence, but the majority of the community staunchly defended these vets. Their valor on the battlefields, ranging from Vietnam to Afghanistan, earned them the respect and admiration of many.I couldn't help but recall with a fond smile how my grandfather had reacted when he learned of their efforts. He had declared that he'd rather stay with his brothers in arms than return to the comfort of home if it meant they couldn't have a small piece of land they had rightfully fought for. His unwavering loyalty to the veterans had been a testament to the unbreakable bond forged during their time in service. Even though he had only survived with one of them. He considered anyone who has ever served as family, that is his way. Finding a comfortable bench, sheltered from the sun's warmth, I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my heart fluttering more vigorously as I thought about this upcoming date with LL. It had been so long, and the memory of our last encounter was somewhat distant. Scanning the park, I couldn't spot anyone who resembled him, but I knew that patience was key.Consulting my phone, I noted that I was a good 15 minutes early. As I settled on the bench, I took in the peaceful ambiance of the park, the vibrant community around me, and the memories of my grandfather and the veterans who had found a place of belonging here. These thoughts brought a sense of warmth and resilience to my heart, fortifying me as I waited for the arrival of LL, the person who had been a constant in my life, despite the passage of time.As another ten minutes slipped by, I couldn't help but be filled with uncertainty. Doubts crept in, one after another. Was he coming? Did I get stood up? Was he okay? The wait was starting to gnaw at my nerves, and I knew I needed to calm down. Luckily, this park had one of the best-kept secrets - the most delicious snow cones. Rising from my bench, I made my way over to the makeshift snow cone shack that had been a fixture here for decades.The small snow cone stand had an air of mystery about it. No one knew who owned it, only that anyone was allowed to work there after meeting with the manager. She gave the green light to those she felt were trustworthy and set the duration of their work. She had once shared that the owner created the stand as a means to provide an opportunity for everyone to achieve prosperity fairly. It may not have made a fortune, perhaps only $60 or $80 on certain days, but on others, it could bring in hundreds.Ordering a snow cone, I was greeted by Mr. Duncan, one of the homeless vets who occasionally manned the stand. He was always cheerful, a bright presence that brought joy to anyone who visited. "One Dazzling Star, please," I requested, my heart heavy with anxiety.Mr. Duncan's weathered but warm smile never wavered as he went about preparing the snow cone. He had a deep pain in his eyes that anyone could see, but his smile was a beacon of light that brightened the world for anyone who needed it.Amid the soothing atmosphere of the park, my phone buzzed with a familiar ringtone, one that I couldn't ignore. Trouble, so much trouble. Mark's name flashed on the screen, and I knew exactly who it was. I rejected the call, but it rang again, persistently. Trouble, trouble, trouble. I refused to answer, refusing to look at the screen. It was Mark, my ex, the last person I wanted to talk to today.Another text message came through. "I have changed, please give me a call and a second chance. I promise you won't regret it." The message left me feeling sick to my stomach. Anger and fear welled up within me, and I clutched my snow cone, not bothering to say goodbye to Mr. Duncan. I simply walked away, feeling as if my world was crashing down on me once more.My doctor's diagnosis of PTSD was a constant reminder of the trauma I had endured during my relationship with Mark. Anything related to him had the potential to send my emotions into a tailspin. His unwanted contact had left me struggling to regain my composure as I continued to walk, my anxiety and frustration weighing heavily on my shoulders.Mark and I had never been wealthy, but we had been comfortable in our living. We had managed to accumulate a decent savings account, but that stability was shattered in the end.The past week had been a relentless barrage of texts from Mark, filled with boasts of newfound wealth and good fortune. He had sent me picture after picture, an incessant whisper that seemed designed to grab my attention and pull me back into his world.My thoughts were interrupted by a voice nearby, the words spoken in a hushed tone. "Hey there, how has it been? Hey, L, what's going on? L, you got that drip, what, are you... into."I blinked, suddenly aware that the man was speaking about me. Confusion and curiosity swirled within me. Was he trying to get my attention or simply talking to himself? I turned to see the source of the voice.The handsome man, with his deep caramel skin and striking appearance, stood there, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings. It was clear he was practicing a greeting, his nervousness palpable. "Leo!" I exclaimed, my phone and snow cone slipping from my hands as I recognized him.Leo's eyes widened in surprise as he turned around, taking in my presence. "Hey, Liddie, Lyd, Lydia," he stammered, his nerves evident. "Hey, Lydia, how ya doing there?"From where I stood, I couldn't help but take in Leo's appearance. He had grown significantly taller, much taller than I remembered. At least six feet or more, I estimated. He was wearing a button-up shirt that was fastened to the top, and I couldn't help but notice the defined shape of his chest beneath the fabric. The shirt seemed a tad smaller than it should have been, and it was evident that he had grown into his clothes. Leo had always been lanky and somewhat frail, a sickly kid, but his friendly and kind nature had shone through. The transformation he had undergone over the years was surprising.I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions as I looked at him. I had known that he had a crush on me in the past, but the three-year age gap had always made me consider him as nothing more than a friend. Now, standing in front of me was a different Leo, one who had experienced a growth spurt and had become a man in his own right.As the warmth of our hug enveloped us, it felt like the world had momentarily faded away. I hadn't been expecting to lean in for this warm embrace, and it seemed that Leo hadn't anticipated it either. Yet, something in me had drawn me closer to him, and he didn't reject my gesture. Leo held me gently, his arms wrapped around me, and time seemed to stand still in that brief moment.The emotions coursing through me were a mix of surprise, nostalgia, and a hint of curiosity. I had dropped my phone, but it didn't matter in that moment. Leo, ever the playful soul, spoke with a warm chuckle, "Aww, hugs are nice." The term brought back memories of our past, an inside joke that had brought comfort to Leo when he needed it. Back then, I had been much taller, but now it felt like he could easily envelop me if I wasn't careful.Leo's presence was comforting, and I could feel the rapid rhythm of his heart beneath his chest. It had an almost musical quality, soothing and majestic. It drew me in, and for a moment, I allowed myself to be lost in the sensation.The enchanting moment was broken by the insistent ringtone of my phone. "Trouble, trouble, so much trouble." The familiar words pulled me back to reality, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of disgust. I tried to conceal my emotions, but somehow Leo sensed it."Sorry I'm late," he began, his voice soft. "I didn't see you at the bench, so I decided to grab some water and, um..."Nuzzling my nose into his chest, I playfully interrupted him, leaning back to boot his nose with one hand while using the other to mute the phone. "Yep, you made me wait, and I left and got a snow cone from Mr. Duncan."It was only then that I noticed I had dropped the remainder of my snow cone during our embrace. It wasn't a major loss, but I quickly picked up the trash and discarded it in a nearby bin.Leo offered to buy me another snow cone, but I declined, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. As we continued to walk through the park, the atmosphere between us was tense, both of us harboring our nervousness.But it was me who eventually broke the tension, my curiosity getting the better of me. My gaze had inadvertently swept over his well-toned body, and I couldn't help but blurt out, "What the heck happened, by the way? No lie, bro, you went from Little Leo to... well..."I stumbled over my words, unable to find the right way to express the transformation that had taken place in Leo. He was now sculpted like a Greek statue, with a practically flawless physique.Leo laughed at my question, his humility shining through. "What do you mean, I'm still LL," he replied, a chuckle escaping his lips. We walked past a homeless vet holding a sign, and we both took a moment to give him some money before continuing deeper into the park."Nah, nah, you know what I mean," I persisted, unable to contain my curiosity. "You're Muscle Leo, buff guy or something. Like seriously, please don't tell me you decided to roid up?"Leo graciously offered to buy me another snow cone, but I declined. It was still somewhat surreal to wrap my head around the fact that this was LL, the childhood friend I had known for years. As we continued to walk through the park, both of us were undoubtedly feeling nervous, but it was me who decided to break the tension.My eyes couldn't help but wander over his well-toned body, and I couldn't resist asking, "What the heck happened, by the way? No lie, bro, you went from Little Leo to... well..." I trailed off, at a loss for words. Leo's transformation was quite astonishing; he looked like he had been chiseled from stone, without a blemish in sight.Leo couldn't help but laugh at my question. "What do you mean, I'm still LL," he humbly replied, his laughter infectious. We passed by a homeless vet holding a sign, and both of us took a moment to give him some money before moving deeper into the park."Nah, nah, you know what I mean," I pressed, feeling more at ease and comfortable as we continued our banter. "You're Muscle Leo, buff guy or something. Like seriously, please don't tell me you decided to roid up?" I poked fun at his newfound physique and cracked several jokes about his appearance as we walked together.As we exchanged playful banter and laughter, I couldn't help but feel all my doubt fading away. The nervousness had dissipated, replaced by a deep sense of joy to be around an old friend. A level of peace and tranquility settled over me, and I began to realize that this encounter with Leo was turning out to be something truly special.