
Cavorting with Death

Suffering from the aftermath of his Godfather's demise, a resolute Harry Potter has reached his breaking point. Recognising the wizard he was destined to be; Harry will stop at nothing to ensure he reaches his happily ever after. Relationships will be tested, lies will be unravelled, blood will be spilt. At the end, will everything he had done, all be for nought? Harry/Daphne. AU. End of 5th Yr

Rokakku · Bücher und Literatur
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14 Chs

Chapter 7

Sorry for the delay! Life has been hectic.

Upload schedule is going to change again. It will be when I can from now on :(

Though, I am pretty excited about writing the next chapter so you never know ;)

As always let me know what you think! I promise, I'll get to the reviews I haven't answered by the end of this week!



July 5 th , 1996

Tap, tap, tap.

A serpent cane clicked at a steady rhythm on the floorboards as the once Lord of the Manor, strode through his dark hallway. Paintings of his ancestors sneered and looked down at the man in contempt as he walked past them and yet the man ignored them all.

His once pristine, long blonde hair, billowed limply behind him as he edged closer to his destination. Dark shallow eyes replaced his once haughty look as Lucius Malloy reached the end of the hall. He raised his hand to open the door before he stopped and looked to his left.

A similar looking blonde man stared back at him, decked out in clothes of the highest quality, his very own serpent cane held in the older man's hand like a king would hold a sceptre.

"The Malfoy's are royalty." Lucius murmured as if it was a mantra. Malice surrounded his eyes as he thought of the mudbloods usurping the power that the Purebloods held for generations.

With new found vigour, he sneered back at his ancestors who all turned away in shame at the state of the current Lord of their noble House.

The Malfoys; the upper echelon of this country and one of the most respected families in the entire magical world and yet, how dare his very own ancestors look down on him? The very own people who had brought the Malfoy name just as much success and power as he had and in spite of that, they stared down their noses at him like he was dirt on their boots.

As if everything he had done to get to this point was a mistake.


Everything he had done, everything he had sacrificed, was for the betterment of his family and the future. When the Dark Lord reigns supreme at the pinnacle of this country and then the world, the Malfoys would be elevated to the summit alongside with him. They'd be treated once again as royalty just as they deserved to be and then he'd pass judgment on those who looked down on him.

He placed his hand on the knob of the door and twisted it open and walked inside to the bedroom he was forced to reside in as his Master had taken the master bedroom.

He spotted his wife at the vanity, idly looking down into her lap.


The youngest of the Black sister's looked up into the mirror and eyed her husband's reflection impassively.

Time had been more than kind to her; she still retained her famous doll-like beauty. The blood of the Blacks aristocratic history had given her the notorious, beautiful features many other purebloods craved.

Her blonde hair was the only obvious difference between her and her older sisters. She was always proud of her natural blonde hair that she got from her deceased Grandmother Melania as it was one of the things that made her stand out from her siblings.

Her eyes however told a difference story. Tired, paranoid eyes scanned her husband before looking over to the door to see if there were any other uninvited guests within the room.

"Where is Draco?"

His voice made her jump. Ever since the Dark Lord moved in with his retinue, she's been doing that a lot lately.

"Why?" She stood up and faced her husband, her overprotective nature for her son instantly superseding her paranoia. It made her especially wary of his question as he wouldn't meet her eyes.

Lucius didn't answer her for a moment. Yesterday's meeting with the Dark Lord was still painfully fresh in his mind.

Eventually, he looked at her.

"Am I not allowed to ask for my very own son now Narcissa?" He sneered as he walked over to his cabinet where he kept his personal stash of Demon's Rush, another brand of magical whiskey for the supposedly more elite.

He poured himself more than a healthy measure before he downed the entire thing, grimacing at the taste as his wife watched on.

"Well?" He demanded.

"He's not home." She said simply.

"Call him."

"I am not your elf, Lucius."

In his worn out and slightly lucid state he attempted to call the house elf Hoby but to his short realisation, he faintly remembered his master's snake devouring the retched creature yesterday.

"I see… The last one's been eaten as well has he?" Narcissa asked harshly.

Lucius ignored her as he turned around and poured himself another glass.

"How much longer must this go on Lucius?" She whispered scathingly, frightened that someone could be listening in as she glared daggers at her pathetic husband's back.

"How much longer must we sit here and play hosts as everything we once knew crumbles beneath our feet? We were once treated with reverence and now look at us. Look at you!"

Narcissa stiffened as her husband slammed the tumbler down onto the table.

"Watch your tongue!" He hissed, his anger at her attitude slowly peaking. "You dare question His motives?"

She wasn't deterred, "First your piss-worthy peacocks and now our elves. What is that blasted snake going to eat next? Me? Your son? Ever since the Dark Lord returned, our way of life has been reduced to dust and now He asks for our own flesh and blood." Her voice cracking at the end due to fear.

Lucius said nothing as he stared spitefully at his wife.

"You think of me a fool Lucius? I knew the moment you asked for Draco that it wasn't for your benefit, but rather for the Dark Lord's. I will not allow you to destroy him!"

"Enough!" He roared as he threw the glass across the room, where it shattered into small, tiny little fragments.

His eyes narrowed as he stalked towards her, his fists balled in fury.

Narcissa remained completely unbothered. Her grey, furious eyes met his glare head on.

"It's the greatest honour one can receive; to be marked, to be part of his inner circle and y-you… you dare question the Dark Lord?" Lucius trembled in rage.

"Honour?! It's a death sentence! The moment Draco takes that mark, his life will be forfeit. You'll be signing away your own child's death, you bastard-"


Narcissa staggered, her head turned to side as she gingerly raised her hand to cup her cheek where she felt pain travelling across the side of her face.

She looked back to her husband, disbelief painted across her features.

"Not… another… word." He whispered coldly; a crazed, frightened look etched on his face as he darted his eyes around the room. The paranoia was rearing its ugly head.

"I am beginning to question your loyalties Narcissa."

"We have been wed for nearly seventeen years Lucius," She spoke softly as she closed her eyes, her hand still on her cheek. Her marriage was well and truly over now, "And you've never once raised your hand against me."

She stood up straight, her hand dropped from her face as she looked hatefully at him. Her red cheek contrasting painfully against her pale skin.

"My loyalties are and have always been to my family. Your loyalties will get this family destroyed." She hissed.

Lucius glared murderously at his wife as he raised his hand again.

"Are you going to strike me again Lucius?" She whispered, as she stepped closer to her husband.

"Never forget whose blood runs through my veins you aberrant fool. If you had even imagined trying this seventeen years ago, my grandfather would have placed your head in a snuff box and carted it off as a present to your father." She said, her eyes burning with hatred.

Lucius' hand faltered. His mind received some clarity as he remembered the imposing and dangerous image of the previous Lord Black.

"So, you do remember," She sneered, "I was his favourite, his little princess, you do not think that there wasn't any contingencies set in place if situations like this occurred." Narcissa took out her wand and pointed it to his chest.

Lucius took a step back as he eyed the wand cautiously.

"You think you can best me Narcissa? I, who am the Dark Lord's most trusted?" He began slowly reaching for his wand.

If his wife had become a liability, she would have to be removed. He couldn't afford to displease his Master anymore.

Narcissa's grip tightened on her wand. She was adept and was no pushover when it came to duelling and yet she knew there was only a slim chance she could win against Lucius. Nevertheless, she would rather die than be subjected to humiliation once again.

"Oooo a standoff! I always wondered when you'd realise that dear Lucy was a pathetic, no good nerk Cissy." A voice interrupted.

The two blondes immediately snapped their necks towards the voice. Narcissa realising who it was let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and lowered her wand whereas Lucius stiffened and glared malevolently at the interruption.

Dressed in a black and tight, long-sleeved dress stood the middle Black sister. Her heels clicked audibly as she prowled towards the couple. A curved, ebony wand spun between her fingers as she watched Narcissa and Lucius like a panther eyeing their prey. A dangerous smirk came upon her face as she watched the way Lucius shrunk the closer she got.

Gone was the gaunt like visage that was once stained across her beautiful features and it was now replaced by a completely sane and natural looking Bellatrix Lestrange. Her smoky, half-lidded eyes and ruby red lips were just as enchanting as they were before she was sent to Azkaban but it was her eyes that spoke of the suffering she endured.

If one would look closely, they would be able to see a touch of madness that couldn't be expelled no matter how many potions Severus Snape prepared for her and they promised complete and utter suffering for the one who crossed her in the slightest way.

Narcissa quickly turned and pointed her wand to her face, healing the bruise she knew was there hoping her elder sister had not seen it.

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes minutely towards her direction but refrained from commenting as she walked up to the pair.

Lucius although taken aback by her appearance, collected himself as best as he could before straightening his back.

"I never remembered giving you permission to enter my room Bella." He sneered, his wand twitching in his hand.

Bellatrix eyed the wand which was pointed at her abdomen with her snort.

"As if I need your permission ickle Lucy." She mocked.

His eyes flashed, the grip on his wand was so strong that his hand began to shake as his anger rose, "You dare…"

Speed the likes he has only seen his Master and the old coot display; her wand was pressed more than painfully into the side of his throat. Her sapphire eyes shone with unrestrained power as the tip of her wand matched the colour of her lips, the heat burning his skin causing him to cry out in pain.

"Give me a reason, I dare you." She hissed, her voice echoing across the walls.

"Bella…" Bellatrix ignored the pleas of her sister as she stared in the frightened eyes of her brother-in-law, her mocking smile widening at his expression.

A moment passed before the tension was cut by a knock on the door.

"Bella…" Narcissa tried again before finally sighing as Bellatrix lowered her wand, but her gaze didn't waver.

"Come in." Narcissa said warily.

A handsome, brown-haired man poked his head into the room. Like Bellatrix, there was a certain crazed look in his dark brown eyes as they roved around the individuals before settling on Bellatrix in which they began sparkling. His face broke out in a large smile, an expression of absolute adoration etched across his features as he stared at the middle Black sister.

The stranger's muse was interrupted by an irate voice courtesy of Lucius.

"Speak you fool!" He snarled, as he half looked at Bellatrix and saw her scowl profusely at the brown-haired interruption, surreptitiously taking a few steps away from the mad witch.

The man by the door, blinked a few times before looking sheepishly at the blonde man.

"Uh, f-forgive me for interrupting Lord and Lady Malfoy, Madam Bellatrix. Lord Nott requires your presence at his Manor, Lord Malfoy." He spoke clearly, his eyes travelling to Bellatrix every other word.

"Can it not wait?" Lucius clicked his tongue.

"Lord Nott says it's quite urgent milord."

Lucius cursed under his breath before replying. "Very well."

He looked towards his wife and was about to say something when he caught the eyes of his sister-in-law instead. He faltered at the look of absolute loathing before turning brusquely past the women and towards the door.

"Oh, and Lucius dear, one more thing." Bellatrix cooed after him.

Lucius paused before he got the door, his eyes looking firmly ahead as he heard the steady clicks of high heels walking up to him from behind.

Bellatrix placed her chin on his shoulder and leaned in, her voice soft and smooth in his ear.

"The Dark Lord still may have some use for you however, if you ever point your wand at me again, I will eviscerate you and feed your entrails to the crows. Not to mention the things I'll do to you if you ever lay your disgusting hands on my sister again."

The grip that she had on his shoulder tightened, "I'll suffer the consequences for your demise if it means I can personally ensure your slow and painful death darling." She finished sweetly, her sapphire eyes sparkling with abject cruelty.

She nudged the blonde man forwards, his face the same colour as the off-white paint on the walls.

Lucius walked stiffly past the brown-haired man who looked at the scene with unbridled adulation towards the black-haired woman who sneered at him before flicking her wand, the door slamming hard in his face.

"One day I'll wring that fucking peacock's neck." She said angrily before turning around, her once angry face completely neutral as she looked to her sister.

"Bella, why are you here?" Narcissa asked, she had taken a seat with a sigh and was busy preparing a pot of tea; she definitely needed something to calm her after that whole ordeal.

Bellatrix pouted, "I can't come just to see my baby sister?"

Narcissa raised an eyebrow at her before rolling her eyes.

Bellatrix sat opposite Narcissa as she watched her pour the tea in to a cup. Her sapphire eyes gleamed as she leaned forwards.

"Say Cissy, tell me about Harry Potter."

"What's there to say that you don't know already." Narcissa replied.

"Then tell me the things that the maggots don't know."

"Well Draco claims he is a pompous, uncultured and uncouth swine who continues to ruin the legacy of his forefathers by chasing the skirt of a mudblood enough to make his own father proud beyond the grave." She said with a gentle snort, completely oblivious to the way her sister's eyes darkened in fury.

"Then again," Narcissa continued, "From the brief moment we met at the Quidditch World Cup, he seemed to be a well-mannered, though quiet boy who appeared to want to soak as much in as he could see."

Narcissa watched curiously as Bellatrix seemed enraptured, her sapphire orbs gleamed in the light. She offered a cup of tea to Bellatrix who declined and instead summoned with a wave of her wand, the bottle of alcohol Lucius had accidentally left out and took a swig.

"Seemed to dislike me though. More out of principle due to Draco and Lucius's ministrations."

Bellatrix cackled.

"That's what you get when your spawn's a brat. Don't get me started on that thing you call a husband."

"Draco's not a brat!" She shot back heatedly, "He's impressionable, just wanted to please his father. I regret every day that I didn't fight hard enough for Draco's upbringing." Narcissa sagged down on her seat.

Bellatrix sneered. "Forget about the little ferret, tell me more about the Potter boy Cissy."

Narcissa looked up suspiciously, "Why the sudden interest Bella?"

Bellatrix drummed her long, black nails on the arm of the armchair, her mind going back to time at the atrium.

"I killed Sirius."

"Yes." Narcissa looked down into her cup.

"Potter was angry."

"Siri was the boy's godfather."

Bellatrix scowled at the nickname.

"You're upset."

"He was one of the better cousins."

Bellatrix glowered at her sister, "He should have picked the right side. Instead, he chose to prance around with blood traitors, mudbloods and halfbreeds over his own kin." She hissed as she took another swig, her hand clenched her wand hard as silver sparks flew from it.

Narcissa didn't say anything. The way her sister emphasised kin, clearly meant more than she was willing to explain; Andromeda's betrayal was still difficult for both the sisters.

"About Potter?" She changed the subject.

Bellatrix's furious expression changed in the blink of an eye as she leaned back in to her chair.

A moment passed when neither sister spoke, Bellatrix had a sort of glazed expression on her face as Narcissa's frown began slowly increasing.


"He placed me under the Cruciatus."

Narcissa grimaced, the torture curse was an abomination of a spell no matter who it was cast on.

"The Dark Lord?"


Narcissa's eyes widened.

"Potter? Dumbledore's Golden Child?"

Bellatrix gave a wry grin, "The very same."


Bellatrix remained silent. Her body began to tingle as she recalled the events that transpired at the Ministry. The moment the curse hit her; it was like the cloudiness that addled her mind had slipped away.

Bellatrix knew that her mind was not normal. Frequent bouts of rage or happiness or cruelty cycled through her head since she was young and they increased drastically ever since she was locked up in prison.

People used to call her insane and they wouldn't be wrong. The Black Madness they called it. Claimed that it took over her mind just the way it did her Aunt Cassiopeia.

Bellatrix's mind was like a never-ending battlefield and that paired with her devastating power made her unhinged, a trait that appealed her to her Master.

The smoke in her mind had become denser ever since she was added to his ranks.

That was until she faced Harry Potter. Ever since he placed her under the Cruciatus, her mind felt like it was reborn.

She could think clearly.

Her brutality and her love for destruction remained as that was a part of her, but her insanity for what she was known for, had simply gone away. All thanks to him and she didn't know why.

Narcissa began cautiously, "You seem… affected sister."

"My mind has never felt freer."

"Well, that's excellent, right?" She asked; her question falling on deaf ears.

"His power was intoxicating Cissy. I've never felt so much pain… and his eyes… so much rage…" Bellatrix crowed; her face flushed as she slipped her hand towards her breast. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip hard to prevent the moan slipping out.

Narcissa stared at her sister in absolute shock.

"Have you lost your mind?!" She whispered, her eyes darting around the room in fear.

Narcissa quickly got up from her seat and went over to sit next to her sister. She roughly pulled Bellatrix's hand away from her breast causing her to break whatever obscene image was playing in her mind.

Bellatrix clicked her tongue in annoyance as she ripped her hand from her sister's grasp.

"You better have a good reason for interrupting me Narcissa." She said coldly.

"A good reason?! You're damn right I have a good reason. Has all those punishments ruined what semblance of sanity you had Bella? Lusting over a boy that's as old as your nephew not to mention who he is. Has it slipped your mind on who he is to the Dark Lord?!" Narcissa whispered heatedly.

"His age is irrelevant."

"And him being Harry Potter means nothing then?" She bit back sarcastically, "You think your husband or the Dark Lord will remain idle when they find out about this?"

"As if my idiot of a husband would ever point his wand at me." She snorted.

"And the Dark Lord?"

Bellatrix faltered before she grinned.

"The Dark Lord will agree once he sees how Potter has changed."

"What." Now Narcissa was truly confused.

The middle Black sister stood up and leaned down towards her seated her younger sibling, a crazed look dancing in her eyes as her breasts looked as if they were going to spill from the corset she was wearing.

"I will mould him into my perfect toy. He will answer to my every whim as he bends the knee for the Dark Lord. Once we conquer this country under his banner and then the world, that's when I will make him completely mine." She said as she leaned back, her face flushed.

She twirled around in ecstasy, her hand pressed against her abdomen as Narcissa looked on speechless.

"Our children will be powerful."

"Children?" Narcissa choked.

"He will impregnate me over and over with his seed and our children will be the next generations of servants to the Dark Lord." She breathed; her sapphire eyes seemed to glow as the blush on her cheeks grew.

Narcissa couldn't believe what she was hearing. Whatever Potter did to her did not fix her as she claimed but instead, made her more insane, as Narcissa watched Bellatrix mumble under her breath.

"Bella…?" She asked warily.

"Names for my children." She replied brightly as Narcissa blanched.

Bellatrix mumbled about for a few seconds or so before she stopped and her entire demeanour changed. The once excited woman's expression became resigned and irritated.

"So, where is he?"


"Your brat, my dear nephew."

Narcissa stiffened.

"Draco? Whatever do you need him for?"

"To train him of course." Bellatrix replied as if she was speaking to a five-year-old. "I presumed that was what that pathetic excuse of a man came to speak to you for."

"No. Why do you need to train Draco?"

"The Dark Lord has requested that I train your spawn, though I don't see what good that will do, if he's anything like Lucius…" She sneered.

Narcissa's hand began to tremble in fear.

"Why? Why has the Dark Lord wanted you of all people to train Draco. Why him?"

"To punish your husband Cissy." Bellatrix cackled.

"Why not me then? Why Draco." Narcissa pleaded, her face pale.

"Because you're still under my protection."

"Your protection?"

"What, you thought you were under Lucius' protection this entire time? The one who turned his back on the Dark Lord?" She asked scathingly, "How naive are you little sister?"

Narcissa flinched before she recovered.

"Please Bella… Draco, surely…" She began weakly.

"The Dark Lord wishes to punish Lucius, what better way through his son, the one who has been raised to be just like him, a snivelling little coward of a man. How disappointing Narcissa, that he grew up to be like your husband rather than someone like you.

"He's my son too!"

"Not like there's much of you in him anyway." Bellatrix replied dismissively before her eyes narrowed.

"Now I won't ask you again, where is he?"

"He'll be back soon." Narcissa mumbled.

"Splendid! Do send him over to me when he comes back. The quicker I deal with the Dark Lord's request, the quicker I can focus on other things." She said, licking her lips as she thought of a certain bespectacled, green-eyed boy.

Narcissa sat there defeated, her face paler than usual, eyes full of tears that in a moment's notice, threatened to spill out.

Bellatrix's muse was broken by a sniff as she looked over to her sister.

"Will you stop that Cissy! You should be honoured that the Dark Lord is interested in your boy."

"What does the Dark Lord want with him?" Narcissa asked quietly.

"A mission I suppose. Something about Hogwarts."

"Recruitment perhaps?" Narcissa perked up.

Bellatrix snorted.

"Are you that naive sister? Why would the Dark Lord employ the use of my exceptional skills on a child if he was to merely recruit for him. No, the Dark Lord wants him to do something else."

"I don't want Draco to do this Bella. He's just a boy. He's my son! Please do something about it. Change the Dark Lord's mind or-r ask someone else." Narcissa pleaded, her tears succumbing to her anguish.

Bellatrix cackled, her laughter echoing of the walls of the room.

"You're not seven years old anymore Cissy. Crying over to me when you didn't get your way. It may be a punishment but nevertheless, it'll be an honour to do the Dark Lord's bidding." She replied gleefully.

No matter how much her sister hated Lucius, none could doubt that their beliefs were the one thing they agreed on; they were practically the same in that regard.

"Get out."

Bellatrix's face stilled as she looked toward her sister with a tilt of her head.


"I said get out."

Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

"Cissy I-"

"GET OUT!" Narcissa screamed, tears flowing freely from her grey eyes. Her beautiful doll like face cycling through an array of emotions before settling on utter loathing for the one who sat opposite her.

Bellatrix looked shocked at first before sneering at her younger sister.

"You were always weak Cissy, even when we were young. Even when Andromeda betrayed and abandoned us, you remained in denial, hoping our darling sister would return." The black-haired woman viciously said, as she stood up and began heading towards the door.

Her heels the only sound that could be heard as they bounced around the room.

Bellatrix paused as her hand touched the door handle.

"Soon, like your husband, your son will accept the Dark Lord's mark. It won't be long before the Dark Lord questions why you yourself, haven't done so." Bellatrix began.

"There's only so much I can protect you from Narcissa, but if the option was to choose the Dark Lord over my little sister, then I'd choose him always. I will not be betrayed by a sister again." She whispered.

The sounds of renewed sobbing followed Bellatrix as she slammed the door behind her. Pain with a touch of sadness crossed her alluring features before they were gone as she walked away.


"Mum… Mum!"

"Mm…," Andromeda mumbled as she blearily opened her eyes, "Dora?"

The older woman groggily sat up on her bed as she saw her daughter to her side.

"It's the middle of the night Nymphadora," Andromeda began with a sigh before she really looked at her Metamorph.

Tonks was dressed as if she was about to leave.

"What's going on baby?" She asked, all visages of disappearing within a second.

"I need to go. Dumbledore sent an emergency summons and he'd only do that if something crazy happened l-like if there's been an attack or someone's been killed or-"

"Hadrian…" Andromeda finished softly as Tonks sighed before she nodded sympathetically.

"Mum, you knew we couldn't keep all of this quiet for long. It's Harry. It was only going to be a matter of time before someone realised he's missing." Tonks whispered as she rubbed her mother's shoulder affectionately.

"Mhmm. I only wish we could've spent more time together as a family before all of this craziness caught up." Andromeda ran a hand through her hair before smiling inwards.

It seemed Harry's habit of running his hand through his hair was rubbing off on her.

"Does Hadrian know?"

"Well," The younger woman began with a nervous chuckle, "I tried being as quiet as I could when I was getting ready. I doubt he woke up though." Tonks murmured as Andromeda lightly snorted.

"Sweetie, the word quiet does not exist for you." Andromeda smiled as Tonks rolled her eyes before taking out her wand.

Andromeda watched as she cast a wordless tempus before sighing.

"I gotta go. I'll see you later mum."

Tonks hugged her mother who held on tightly.

"Oh, relax would you… I won't even tell them where he is. Not until Harry is ready to do that himself."

"Just be careful baby."

"I'm an auror Mum. Careful's practically my middle name." Tonks replied with a toothy grin.

Now it was Andromeda's turn to roll her eyes.


Unbeknownst to the pair; emerald, green eyes stared at the ceiling of the room that was dubbed Little Git's Nest, by none other than the very person who was about to leave.

Harry had always been a light sleeper. Well, whenever he could sleep peacefully that is.

Growing up, he had to always be ready for anything especially, when it was time to go to bed in his little cupboard under the stairs.

Whether that be bracing for one of Vernon's ugly, drunken episodes the overweight man would experience at least once a week or getting ready as promptly as possible to cook the very same man and his family their breakfast. He had to be ready for everything.

Though the situation had changed now that he's living with Andromeda, he was still very much a light sleeper.

Tonks certainly hadn't changed the situation. After all, her clumsiness would even wake a mountain troll from its slumber.

Harry snorted.

The walls were thin.

He knew, like Tonks, that it was a matter of time when his absence would be found out and like Andromeda, he only wished he could've had a little longer to act like nothing else matter except him and his small family but that would never be the case.

As long as he was Harry Potter, normal would never be associated with him.

"…Careful's practically my middle name." He heard Tonks whisper, smirking at what she said.

Harry listened as her footsteps left Andromeda's room and creaked down the stairs until he heard the front door open and close. A faint pop was heard through his open window before the silence of the night enveloped the air.

The sound of the soft wind, gently howled through the air as Harry sat up and swung his legs around to the side of the bed. He raised his wand and against Andromeda's advice, cast a quick tempus, the numbers showing that it was just before five o'clock in the morning.

'At least I can use magic now without all that extra shit the Ministry tried pulling last year,' He thought with a scowl.

One of the perks of the emancipation was the removal of the Trace on his wand.

The ability to use magic without any consequences certainly made retaliating against Tonks all the fairer now. Nonetheless, Harry knew that despite all the stinging hex's he flung at her, she could probably easily dodge or parry them away without breaking a sweat.

Tonks' skill with her wand was way more advanced than his. The woman was an Auror. Not to mention, hand-picked by Moody to be his protégé!

Harry's mind went back to Dumbledore and Voldemort's duel at the Atrium.

Their battle was electrifying, dangerous and utterly unbelievable.

All the spells the pair of them used, Harry didn't know a single one of them and he wasn't afraid to admit that it frightened him.

It scared him because eventually, he would be in Dumbledore's position, battling against the very same person that used spells he had never even seen, let alone heard before.

His father's voice echoed in his mind as Harry closed his eyes.

"You don't need me to tell you that Voldemort is no joke. Once he realises that you are not just a child with a wand, things will abruptly change..."

Harry was good. Definitely the best in his year when it came to duelling but that wasn't enough.

He needed to be better. A thousand times better and for that, he needed to either learn how to fight or find someone to teach him.

"Battle Mage…" He mumbled as he looked over to where a small bag was laid on a desk in the corner of the room.

"I'm sure you heard a few stories about the prowess of Charlus Potter but what better way to learn than from the man himself. If you have the affinity to be a mage which I know you do, Dad will guide you completely…"

Harry stood up before walking over to the desk and opening the bag which was a bag he took from the Potter Heirloom's Vault. It contained an undetectable extension charm and after Tonks pointed out that it could be very useful to keep, he snatched it right up.

Reaching right into the bag, he pulled out a small, shrunken painting which contained the small, sleeping forms of his grandparents sitting next to one another on a wide loveseat.

"Finite." Harry muttered and watched curiously as the painting reverted back to its original size; the spell waking the occupants up.

"It's about time!" Charlus Potter exclaimed with a yawn as Dorea Potter peaked a drowsy eye open before closing it and burrowing back into her husband's side as Charlus' large arm wound around Dorea's shoulder making her more comfortable.

Harry smiled at the sight.


Harry looked over at the door of his bedroom and saw Andromeda standing at the door.

"Oh, hey Andi. I didn't mean to wake you."

"Please, you knew I was awake ever since Dora woke me up." Andromeda replied as Harry's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Thin walls," She said, tapping the wall beside her with her finger, "Besides, Dora is not known for her subtleness when it doesn't involve work." She explained with a chuckle as Harry smiled knowingly.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course."

Andromeda smiled as she trailed her hand across his cheek before walking past him and sitting on the side of his bed.

Harry propped the painting of his grandparents up against the wall and desk before walking back to his bed and sitting down next to Andromeda who ran a hand through his hair.

"You look tired." She commented as she ran a thumb across his eyebrow.

The green-eyed young man simply shrugged with a grin.

"Nym's fault; she woke me up."

"No dreams? Nightmares?" Andromeda asked with a frown as he shook his head.


"Ready to talk are we?" A voice interrupted from across the room as Andromeda and Harry looked at the previous Lord Potter.

"It's not that I didn't want to talk er-" Harry scrunched up his nose as he thought on how to address his grandfather.

"Grampy." Charlus finished bashfully as Dorea snorted with her eyes still closed whilst Andromeda let out a giggle.

"Grampy…" Harry repeated with a darkening blush as Charlus beamed, ignoring the teasing snort and giggles of the ladies.

"How about I meet you in the middle and call you grandpa? If I start calling you grampy, I will never hear the end of it from Nym." He moaned at the end causing the two women to roll their eyes.

"It's what your grandfather tried making you call him when you were small. Of course, the most we could get out of you was crying, giggling and a lot of baby chatter." Dorea said with mirth as she looked fondly at her grandson. "You were so unbelievably adorable when you were small. Just like James when he was a babe but less whiny."

Charlus huffed before his brown eyes softened. He looked at Harry who had an indulgent smile on his face before his eyes lost its sparkle.

"I wish you were both here." He murmured; loud enough for everyone to hear as he looked down into his lap.

Andromeda placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder.

Her heart ached when she saw him with such a forlorn expression and she wished she could make his wish come true just so that look of longing was no longer there but there was nothing she could do except let him know that she was there for him. That she'll always be there for him no matter what.

Harry took a deep breath in an attempt to make his bitter feelings vanish away to no success. He looked up at his grandparents and saw them watching him with sad smiles on their faces.

Dorea looked as if she was an inch away from completely breaking down in tears, holding onto her husband as if he was her lifeline as Charlus interlaced his fingers with hers.

"Even if we avoided Voldemort that day, we wouldn't have survived much longer Hadrian." Dorea whispered as she gripped her husband's hand firmly. When it came to her family, her emotions were something she never had a strong handle on.

"We were sick son," Charlus took over, "Dragon Pox nearly did us both in and would've eventually, if only it wasn't for Voldemort getting to us first, killing me, and then your foolish grandmother."

"Shut up, Charlus." The black-haired woman said while looking up at her husband from the corner of her eyes as he rolled his own. She dabbed her eyes with a tissue she had kept in the sleeve of her dress before leaning her head on her husband's shoulder with a melancholy expression. "We gave them the chance to escape though."

"That we did dear, that we did." Her husband replied with a sad smile.

Harry's expression changed rapidly. The dejected expression vanished as his emerald eyes blazed with unconstrained fury. His hate for Voldemort and his followers grew even more, something that Charlus picked up on as he stared fascinatingly at his grandson's glowing eyes.

The young man blinked as he felt Andromeda take his hand. A worried expression was on her beautiful features when he turned to look at her. Giving her a weak smile to confirm he was okay, which appeased her somewhat, he rolled his eyes fondly when she made him lean into her chest.

He looked back at his grandparents and saw Dorea looking at him sadly before smiling when they made eye contact.

"Enough about that," The older woman began, "What did you need us for sweetie?"

"Something to do with the war that's going on I suppose." Supplied Charlus as he eyed his grandson with a frown.

There was a pause as everyone's attention switched to Harry as he got his thoughts in order and watched him curiously when he was ready to speak.

"You know my position in the war," Harry spoke as he fiddled with Andromeda's fingers before sighing heavily, "I need to get stronger. Much stronger. The way Dumbledore and Voldemort fought… I-It was unlike anything I've ever seen before and it terrified me but at the same time, I felt this feeling bubbling up inside of me, like, like a-a sense of greed, I suppose? Not sure if that's the right word but it was an emotion, a feeling, that I could do what they could. That, I could be like them. I need to be like them if I want to win." He corrected with a determined expression, bawling up his free hand tightly.

"They're on a different level son. From the brief encounter I had with Voldemort, he had a certain cold-bloodedness that even someone like Grindelwald lacked and that's what made him erratic. I slew many of his followers that attacked Potter Manor that night, some were in his Inner Circle at the time and he didn't even bat an eye. The man cares for no one but himself and if Dumbledore, the conniving old man that he is, is struggling to defeat this Dark Wizard, then he is far more dangerous than I had originally thought."

A moment passed as the four reflected on what Charlus had said before Harry mumbled something absentmindedly.

"You have the affinity…"

"What did you say…?" Charlus questioned; his eyebrows shooting up to his forehead.

"Something Dad mentioned." Harry said distractedly before he realised what he said when no one responded to him.

He saw the three adults look at him in disbelief before noticing he forgot to mention what had happened to him when he was undergoing the exorcism ritual.

"Oh right, er, I saw them. During the ritual."

"James and Lily?" Andromeda whispered as her grip on his hand tightened.

"And Sirius," He nodded as Charlus and Dorea looked at him with wide eyes, "I got transported into this weird place where they just came out of nowhere. It was so surreal that I want to deny the whole thing even happened but I just know it did. It's hard to remember everything we talked about but there was one thing that was really important. It was something that D-Dad told me. He said I have the potential to be a Mage… A-"

"Battle Mage." Charlus whispered as he sat up. His brown eyes began to glow as they regarded his grandson as a small smile appeared on his face.

Harry nodded. "He said that if I have the affinity, you'd guide me on how to become a Battle Mage."

"But of course you have the affinity!" Charlus exclaimed as the others looked at him in surprise at the outburst. "Don't you know what this means Dorea? This is simply marvellous news! I had thought the art would die with me but look, my very own grandson will be the next Battle Mage in the family!"

"Alright, I'm officially confused." Harry said with a major frown as the other two women nodded in agreement.

"Let me start from the beginning. Battle Magic in essence, is an old, arcane art that was once practiced in the olden days by families who would use this particular style of magic to rain hell down on their enemies specifically, in great battles. No one knows where the art originated from, but it's safe to say that Britain, long ago, had a lot of practitioners of Battle Magic before these families were wiped out over the many years until none remained. None except the Potters but more on that later."

"Battle Magic is more so, a hereditary art son. Some believe that the art can be taught if you're not from a bloodline that practice it except, that's simply not true. Sure, some of the less more volatile spells can be taught, but if you want to maximise the full power of a Battle Mage, you must undergo a ritual to make you able to wield such power efficiently and effectively."

Charlus continued, drumming his fingers on his lap, "The art is usually passed on from parent to child. If the first born is incompatible, their siblings would try to see if they have the affinity, and so on. In the case of a single child family, the situation is very different."

"But Dad said he didn't have it. He didn't have the affinity to become a Battle Mage." Harry frowned with a tilt of his head.

"Yes," The old war veteran started with a sigh, "I had always wondered how the war would've gone about if only James had inherited the art alas, it was not meant to be. If you are from a lineage of Battle Mages, only the parent can know if their child has the ability to learn Battle Magic. No one really knows the how or the why, but if James said you have the potential, then it must be true! I just know it." He ended with a giant smile causing the others to smile at his exuberance.

"When I had found out that James couldn't learn the art, I was beyond disheartened," Charlus sighed with a hand through his hair, "I had all but accepted that the art that had been in our family for generations, would die with me until little you came along. My hope in you continuing our house's legacy reignited, but before we could find out, we passed on already. It is unfortunate that me and your grandmother are merely just a painting though, I'm sure the real me somewhere in the beyond, is jumping up and down in joy." The old wizard and his wife chuckled as they looked warmly at their grandson until Charlus grew serious once again.

"The presence of a Battle Mage on a battlefield could flip the current of a battle on its head. In the past, you can imagine how in-demand they were and many or so families were mainly mercenaries for hire. These families built quite a notorious reputation for themselves which is unfortunately why many Battle Mages were targeted and killed."

"They were too dangerous to be kept alive." Harry answered.

Charlus nodded gravelly. "And out of fear that their kingdom may be the next to fall because of them."

"Our ancestors never fell into the category of mercenaries. Our family was instead rather secretive which is why the knowledge that the Potters are Battle Mages is so unknown. Nobody knew. From what the old scripts say, we were in fact, protectors of a small little village which is now known today as Godric's Hollow. Of course, back then, we weren't known as the Potters."

"Then who?" Andromeda queried.

"The Peverell's." The War Hero whispered.


Eventually, conversation switched to more happy topics as the sun began rising, it's rays bleeding through Harry's curtains bathing the room in a golden glow.

The sunlight, however, couldn't shield Harry's flushed face no matter how much he wished it could for he was a blushing storm.

Andromeda had begun regaling stories to the three Potters of when Harry was a child and all the shenanigans and mischief he got up to.

The Boy-Who-Lived's saving grace was the fact that Tonks wasn't there otherwise he would probably never hear the end of it. Especially the time when he would run away naked because he absolutely detested taking baths or the time he threw up on Sirius' head, much to the glee of his grandfather who was laughing uproariously.

"Oh right, speaking of Sirius, that reminded me of something." Harry started during a lull in the pleasant conversation between the four, "Dad also mentioned something about a Lordship to the House of Black."

"Lordship?" Andromeda asked. She was nursing a cup of tea that Winky had popped in with earlier.

Harry nodded, scratching his head, "He said that there is a possibility that the Lordship of the House of Black is something I might possess as well. When I went to visit the Goblins, they said that I had been named Sirius' heir."

Andromeda's eyes widened as she shakily placed the cup of tea on the bedside table. Her mind was reeling.

"Charlus? How could this be possible?" Dorea asked her husband who had a speculative look on his face as he rubbed his chin.

"Through you I suppose."

"You know as well as I, that his claim through me is not strong enough regardless of Sirius naming Hadrian his heir."

"Yes…" Charlus sighed.

"I'm sorry; not that I want the title of Lord Black or anything, but surely if Sirius named me his heir, it would fall to me?" Harry questioned.

"It's not so simple sweetie," Dorea began with a sigh, "The Blacks were extremely paranoid and mistrustful. They still were when the majority of them were still alive in my time. In some families, naming a person their House's heir would normally be enough for them to inherit the title though in cases like the Blacks and the Potters, there were additional steps implemented to ensure the title wasn't passed on to any unsavoury individuals."

"Like through the ascension ritual." Harry finished.

Dorea nodded.

"A form of Blood Magic," Charlus took over, "For the Potters, the ritual was to ensure that only those of Potter blood could receive the Lordship and that their intent was to ensure the success of the Potter name. For the Blacks, though their view on magic is different to ours, it is quite similar also."

"From what my brother, the previous Head of the House of Black told me," Dorea began, surreptitiously casting her gaze at Andromeda who had her eyes on her lap, "The Blacks were very strict on who could inherit the title, specifically, how strong of a claim they had through their blood."

"The Blacks were blood purists Hadrian. They always have been." Andromeda quietly said with an odd voice as she refused to make eye contact with Harry, who's frown grew.

He had noticed it before but now it was obvious there was something about Andromeda's past that he didn't know about.

Enough is enough.


Andromeda jerked as she raised her head to look at emerald eyes that stared at her intently.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked softly, squeezing their joint hands whilst Andromeda pursed her lips before looking away.


"I can understand only if you tell me, Andi." Harry asked again.

"You should tell him Andromeda." Charlus said quietly.


"He deserves to know 'Rea. He could potentially be the next Lord Black. It's his right."

"You know how much the situation with her family affected her…" Dorea defended before Charlus and her began bickering in the background.

Harry's eyes never strayed from her face as he ignored the voices of his grandparents and focused solely on Andromeda.

He gently turned her head, forcing her to look at him and saw a multitude of emotions across her beautiful features.

Pain, anger, anguish was all there before being replaced by grim acceptance.

"My husband Ted, Edward, was the love of my life Hadrian." Andromeda began with a small smile, "Even after his death, to this day, he still is. We got together in our Sixth Year at Hogwarts. The times then was… turbulent. I daresay, just as much as it is today and yet we still managed to make our relationship work somehow. In secret of course. It was tough and yet we managed all the way through our Sixth Year and eventually Seventh. That was when everything changed." She released a shaky breath as Harry gave an encouraging smile.

"The first Blood War had commenced and tensions within the castle was brewing. It was during my final year when I had found out I was pregnant with Dora. You can imagine how I was feeling at that time," She added with a mirthless chuckle, "The eldest granddaughter of the then, current lord of a house who was known for his traditional customs and views, having a child out of wedlock with a man who was not even her… betrothed."

Harry's hand tightened its grip on Andromeda's.

"Yes… after graduation, I was to be betrothed, against my will, to an insufferable man named Corban from the Noble and Ancient House of Yaxley." She sighed. "I truly felt like the world was closing in all around me."

'Corban Yaxley. Name sounds familiar.' Harry thought.

"Here I was, pregnant with a child from a muggleborn whom I was in a secret relationship with, in the year I was supposed to be doing my NEWTs and was also to be contracted in a marriage with a completely different man. Not to mention, all of this, in the midst of a civil war."

Harry's eyes blazed.

"Surely there must've been someone-"

"To help?" Andromeda interrupted, "Who could I ask darling? I didn't have anyone. Going against the Blacks was a death wish, especially if you were a Black yourself and everything I had done, had been against my family." She ran a hand through her hair before she looked back at the young man.

"Ted and I decided that as soon as we finished with our NEWTs, we'd run away, far away and we'd never look back. As long as I had him, that was all I needed and so that's what we did. I hid the pregnancy with some carefully placed charms, I studied hard for my NEWTs, made sure I kept to myself and in time, things went smoothly. That was until my cousin Melissa found out about me and Ted."

Andromeda scowled as she remembered the cruel smile that had come across Melissa Selwyn's face when she had caught her and Ted embracing after the graduation ceremony.

The little bitch hadseen everything.

"As soon as Melissa had caught us, we knew we had run out of time. Myself and Ted left that very same hour. Melissa had run and tattled to her mother, who tattled to mine, who then tattled to my father. Let's just say my father was furious. Furious enough to tell Arcturus Black, my grandfather.

"I was summoned to explain myself to my grandfather but I never turned up out of fear on what would happen if I did and because of my slight, I was disowned."

Andromeda shivered.

"The feeling of being abandoned by the only people you ever knew was indescribable. The feeling of the family magic leaving my body felt like my body was being split apart. It was horrific; something that I wouldn't wish on anyone. 'Family is everything',was a saying that was taught to me at a very young age and I went against that. I no longer was Andromeda Black of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, a name I was ever so proud of and became Andromeda No-Name. Labelled as a betrayer of blood; a Blood Traitor." She finished with a sad smile.

"You had no choice. You knew they wouldn't have accepted it." Harry said softly, pulling her into his chest by her shoulder and gently rubbed her back.

"And it's a decision I would never change and would make again if I had to." She declared adamantly before sagging in Harry's arms. "When my ex-family had found out I gave birth to a halfblood, their response was to put a bounty on not only my head, but Dora's and Ted's too."

Harry's eyes widened as he looked over at his grandparents who gave a sad nod in affirmation.

Andromeda continued, "We were tipped off through an anonymous letter and I didn't question it one bit. I knew what the Blacks were capable off and so the three of us abandoned everything we knew and left for the muggle world."

"Why didn't you leave the country? Go someplace where they couldn't find you?!" Harry demanded, his emerald eyes burning with anger.

"And where would we have gone Hadrian?" She whispered, "My betrayal was made public so no one would hire us. We had limited gold so it was extremely difficult to survive let alone buy a portkey to escape the country even if we managed to get that far. Nymphadora's magic was also very erratic. Her control over her Metamorph abilities was very limited and if we tried masking her abilities with magic, it would have been very dangerous for her. With the threat on our lives increasing every second we stayed in the magical world, we decided to move in with Ted's parents for a while but even staying there with people who'd speak behind your back or look at you like you ruined what semblance of a normal life they had… I-It all began taking its toll on me." Andromeda exhaled.

Harry's eyes flickered over to his grandparents who had been watching him and Andromeda closely.

Charlus raised an eyebrow when Harry couldn't help but stare at him accusingly before the old man sighed in his painting.

"She never reached out to us until later on besides, there was nothing we could've done in the moment."

"She's family! Your great niece, you could've tried!" Harry retorted as Charlus narrowed his eyes at him.

Shimmering brown eyes locked on to bright green as grandfather and grandson stared each other down.

"Hadrian! They didn't know!" Andromeda whispered fiercely, gripping his shirt in which Harry ignored, still staring daggers at his grandfather as Dorea looked worriedly between the two.

The two Potter men continued to stare at one another before Charlus begrudgingly relented.

"In all factuality, Andromeda was disowned for betraying her blood. Something even the Potters don't take too kindly on. It's true that we didn't know the reason why, perhaps if we did, we could've done something about it but we didn't." Charlus said with a sigh as Harry deflated before looking apologetically at his grandfather who waved it away, a gleam appearing in his brown eyes as his respect and admiration for his grandson grew considerably.

"We took Andromeda in when she had sent a letter to me. That was after her husband died and they exhausted what remains of gold they had." Dorea said softly as Andromeda nodded.

Harry's rage had subsided a little but the anger he felt at Andromeda's potential death at the hands of her own blood was a different feeling altogether. He had begun to strongly care for the woman and her daughter and the thought of something happening to them gave way to fear and then fury.

He didn't know what he'd do if he lost the last remnants of family he had left.

"Who ordered the hit on you?" Harry asked in a strange voice, his magic began flaring in response to his warring emotions.

"My grandfather I suppose." Andromeda replied as she rubbed his arm hoping he'd calm down.

"Though my brother was a dangerous and terrifying man, I just don't see him ordering a hit on his own granddaughter. It just doesn't make any sense." Dorea supplied with a frown.

"Don't be too sure 'Rea. Arcturus could hold a grudge all the way in to the next life." Charlus added causing Dorea to huff and glare at her husband.

"Well let's just ask him then." Dorea retorted.

"What?" Andromeda asked warily.

"There's a portrait of him and Melania in his study at Grimmauld, dear. Didn't you know?"

"No…" Andromeda began before slowly looking at her son in all but blood who eyes glowed with devastating power at the new found information.


A strange cracking sound was heard in the dead of night.

A woman in her early twenties stepped out from under the shadow of a tree. Her hair turned black as coal as the Headquarters of the Order of the Pheonix materialised in between two inconspicuous houses.

The Metamorph, Nymphadora Tonks, crossed the street towards number twelve, Grimmauld Place with haste as she was late to the emergency meeting that was called upon by Albus Dumbledore.

She felt the wards of the ancient property brush against her and she shivered as she had always done when she entered the property line.

It was like the house recognised her from her blood but at the same time, it wanted to reject her.

As if she was not welcome.

She reached the front door and pushed it open and took a step but couldn't help her foot banging on the umbrella stand causing her to fall flat on her face.

The crash of her falling caused a familiar howling to bounce of the walls as Tonks winced in agony as if her ears were bleeding from the high-pitched sound.


The voice paused as grey; hate-filled eyes stared down at Tonks.

"You dare show your face in this house again?" A voice whispered as Tonks looked up into the portrait of Sirius' mother.

Tonks internally groaned as Walburga Black looked down at her as if she were a particularly ugly looking flobberworm.

"Relax, I'll be out of your majestic eyesight as soon as I get up."

"Mudbloods, thieves, blood traitors…" Walburga hissed, "You have some nerve stepping foot in the house of your betters after what your whore of a mother did and now her offspring follows suit in her traitorous footsteps. Cajoling with werewolves… How utterly revolting…!"

Tonks ignored the goading voice as she gingerly picked herself up and walked towards the kitchen, sending a silent silencing charm at the painting just so she could have some sort of peace and quiet as she closed the distance between herself and the door.

She could hear loud voices from the other side and mentally prepared herself before pushing open the door.

"Sorry I'm late!"

The Metamorph's voice was unheard as she walked into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. The room was filled to the brim with every single Order member which accounted for the noise level being so high.

Loud discussions, to small whispers were heard from every corner of the room.

The topic of their discussion?

Who had died.

"Tonks! Thank Merlin!" A voice said to Tonks' left as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up to see the relieved face of Remus Lupin and she couldn't help herself from grinning.

The werewolf looked especially worn out. No doubt the death of his last best friend still weighed heavily on his mind, coupled with the fact the full moon was fast approaching… Remus Lupin looked absolutely dreadful.

Tonks placed her hand on his, "What's going on Remus?"

Remus' eyes softened a little as he regarded the relentless woman who had finally managed to worm her way into his life.

"No idea. Dumbledore didn't say why but some, well," He began before looking at all the worried faces of the Order, "Most, believe someone's died or there's been a rather a brutal attack."

Remus caught a sheepish look that quickly travelled through Tonks' face and narrowed his eyes at the woman who began to squirm.

"You're hiding something."


"Merlin Tonks. Everyone knows you're dreadful at keeping secrets unless it's something to do with work. You'd only be like this if it's something to do with Harry." Remus sighed before pulling her to the side where there was less people.

"What have you done now?" The werewolf began before his eyes widened, "Tell me you didn't! Tonks! We told you the last time -mmfph"

"Can you shut up?!" Tonks hissed as she slammed her hand on Remus' mouth as she looked around to see if anyone heard.

Remus carefully removed her hand from his mouth before looking at her sternly as she gave him a nervous smile in return.

"What's happened to him? Is he okay?"

"He's fine!" She whispered sharply before sighing.

"Look, you can't tell anyone," Tonks began, ignoring how the werewolf crossed his arms, "He's staying with Mum right now. I can't really explain the details but just know he's safe."

"How…" He began before shaking his head with a sigh, "Have you told Dumbledore?"

Tonks looked away, hiding her anger at her ex-headmaster.


"No…" Remus repeated dumbly as he looked at her incredulously.

"Dumbledore doesn't need to know. As long as he's safe, then it's fine. Isn't that the bloody rhetoric we've been pushing about since he was placed with the Dursleys?!" The Metamorph retorted passionately, her hair cycling through colours until it turned red.

Remus was just about to lay into the younger woman when the door to the side suddenly opened and all conversation ceased immediately.

Albus Dumbledore walked into the room, behind him were the limping form of Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody and Severus Snape; Hogwarts' resident Potions Master.

"You are all here then. Excellent." Dumbledore said with a small smile that didn't reach his brilliant blue eyes.

The old wizard was worn out. He felt every one of his great many years.

"What's going on Albus?" Came a voice from the crowd. When everyone turned around to the voice, the person in question blushed, their face a mere attempt in matching their red hair.

"No one has died Molly… everyone." Dumbledore assuaged much to the crowd's relief as he ignored Moody muttering behind him.

"What's happened then Albus? Why have you called us here?" The beautiful voice of Emmaline Vance asked.

Dumbledore dropped his head slightly at the question.

"Harry Potter is missing."

Complete silence enveloped the kitchen before pandemonium erupted as Tonks watched on with a grimace.

"Quiet!" Growled Moody, his intimidating visage causing the occupants of the kitchen to quiet down.

"Thank you Alastor. When I had found out, I had visited Harry's residence immediately and found it to be empty. I managed to locate his guardians however," Dumbledore paused before grimacing, "They unfortunately had no idea where he was."

"Wha' 'bout Fawkes, Professor?" Asked a worried Hagrid. His large frame dwarfing the others who looked curiously between the two.

Tonks tensed at the question.

"Alas, I have asked him Hagrid. Unfortunately, Fawkes refuses to take me to Harry, citing his own personal reasons." Dumbledore exhaled, rubbing his hand on his forehead as he remembered the back and forth he had with the stubborn Phoenix.

"Elves cannot locate 'im eizzer?" Fleur Delacour asked. A cute frown set on her usually pristine face as she held onto Bill Weasley's arm.

Once again Tonks tensed at the question as Remus looked at her from the corner of his eye.

A derisive snort was heard as the occupants of the room turned their attention to the sallow face of Severus Snape.

"That obsessed elf of his, is of course, protecting the brat." Came Snape's grimy voice.

Fleur narrowed her eyes at the bitter man.

"Severus." Dumbledore warned before his attention switched to the young Veela. "The Elves at Hogwarts are unable to locate him as well Miss Delacour. It seems that where ever Harry is, it is unable to be found through Elf magic. Though I would not use Severus' choice of words," Dumbledore began as he gave a pitying look to the Potions Master who sneered, "I daresay, there is much truth to what he says. As such, that avenue is closed. Elfish magic can be highly tricky to circumvent."

Snape's customary sneer tripled behind Dumbledore.

"I have told all of you this before and I cannot stress how imperative it is… Harry Potter is the key. Without him, this war is as good as over. It is crucial that we find him immediately and take him somewhere safe before Voldemort does." Dumbledore finished with a sigh as the crowd members shrieked and shivered at the Dark Lord's name.

"If there is any one of you, with any sort of information at all, on Harry's whereabouts, it is vital you tell me."

Dumbledore's sharp blue eyes scanned the worried crowd, passing over Tonks who had her gaze on the floor. His eyes then moved to Remus' and stayed on him as it looked like the werewolf was having an internal debate within himself.

Finally, Dumbledore saw him drop his shoulders before his gaze matched his. Remus gave a tilt of his head towards the woman next to him and that's when everything clicked for the old wizard.

The two of them shared a special bond after all, as this wasn't the first time young Nymphadora broke a few rules for Harry and it certainly wouldn't be the last. She should've been the very first person he should've checked.

Dumbledore sighed internally.

"I have taken much of your time already. I do apologise for stealing away a wonderful night from you all. Keep your wits about you my dear friends. We live in dark, perilous times and it is important you take good care of yourself and your loved ones. Anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. Only together can we defeat the evil that wishes to destroy us all."

"What about Harry, Albus?" Molly Weasley questioned worriedly. She had one hand on her bosom while the other had a death grip on her husband, Arthur's, arm.

"Though we have yet to find him, I assure you, he will be fine. If there is one thing I know about young Harry, his resilience knows no bounds." Dumbledore chuckled causing Molly to deflate and offer the headmaster a thankful smile.

Eventually, the Order members began slowly trickling out until only a few remained.

Tonks watched the others warily as her old headmaster offered them seats at the long dining table as he sat at its head. Moody, Snape and Hagrid chose to stay standing towards the side whilst Arthur and Molly sat opposite her and Remus.

They were joined by her fellow Auror, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minerva McGonagall, Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. The newly recruited Veela sat to Tonks' left whilst Remus sat to her right.

Tonks realised pretty quickly that there was an odd sort of tension that had set in regarding the participants in the room.

The Metamorph watched oddly at how Molly was staring daggers at the sexy French Veela; occasionally sending looks of longing between herself and her son Bill, who instead, had eyes only for his French lover. It seemed to Tonks that Molly still held hope that she and Bill would somehow hook up and though Tonks held feelings for Remus, she couldn't blame Bill for choosing Fleur over herself. She'd probably do the same if she had swung that way!

Remus, who had sat next to her, was shifting around in his seat looking extremely uncomfortable for some bizarre reason. The man was never a truly nervous individual and seeing him squirming around baffled her.

Snape, the overgrown bat that he was, carried on sneering at everyone as if the expression was permanently etched on his pale face.

The man however did look especially tired.

'Trouble in paradise perhaps?' She thought with a mental grin. Though she wouldn't wish harm on anyone, Snape definitely was someone who deserved it for the comments he made about her Harry. The bitter man that he was.

Moody, she noticed however, was quietly conversing with Dumbledore. His prosthetic, electric blue eye spinning around wildly in its socket before it came to rest on her, whilst the old wizard Moody was speaking to, was communicating back to his close friend quietly, all without breaking eye contact with her of all people.

It was an odd dynamic which grating on her nerves not to mention, beginning to worry her as she started to think she slipped and revealed something important regarding Harry, even though she was quite positive she hadn't spoken a single word except to Remus.


Tonks' eyes widened as she quickly looked at the man next to her who stiffened when he felt nails digging in to his arm.

Remus turned his head at the young Metamorph who had a look of betrayal on her face which turned into anger and his heart twisted in his chest.

Tonks made to get up and quickly vacate the property before a voice interrupted her plan.


The way Dumbledore said her name made her cringe but this then gave way to irritation.

"Tonks." She corrected, gritting her teeth.

Dumbledore ignored her as he intertwined his fingers in front of his face.

"Where is Harry?"

At this point, all the remaining occupants had shifted their attention to the two as conversation around them stopped.

"I don't know."

Dumbledore sighed as he took off his half-spectacled glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Well its obvious the idiot girl is lying." Snape said. Cold black eyes regarded her with annoyance as Tonks sent a sneer that even Snape would be proud of, back at the man.

"Tonks…" Remus pleaded with a sigh, "Just tell them already."

"You took him? Again?!" Molly said with aghast. "After what happened last time?"

"I didn't take him. I just went along with him and nothing even happened!" Tonks exclaimed.

"The Dementors did! That's what!"

Tonks rolled her eyes, her hair colour changing from red to yellow as her frustration grew.

"I had nothing to do with the bloody Dementors! I wasn't even there! Besides, nothing of the sort happened when I took him the last time. All we did was go out for some pizza. Harry was going mental in that house! Not hearing from his friends, his headmaster or his Dad's best friend." She snarled at the end, looking directly at Remus who looked down into his lap in shame.

It was a low blow but he deserved it.

"The idiot brat's self-importance knows no bounds." Snape scoffed, "Just like his father."

Tonks' patience with the greasy haired man reached its boiling point as she drew her wand in an instant, pointing at the Potions Master who sneered in contempt at the woman.

"Stand down lass." Said Moody; his gruff voice not abating Tonks' anger at the ex-Death Eater as her hand shook in anger.

"It seems Potter's arrogance has rubbed off on you, you foolish girl. Put down your wand before you get hurt." Snape said as he slowly uncrossed his arms.

"Care to wager you greasy haired bat?"

Snape scowled.

"If you even believe for a second you can overpower me, you're more delusional than the boy you're protecting." He hissed, his wand shooting in to his hand though he did not raise his arm.

"Enough!" Dumbledore commanded. His magical aura rolled off him in waves as he stood up, effectively disarming the tense situation between the pair.

"This is not the time to be at each other's throats. I have warned you before Severus to control your tongue. If you cannot control yourself, go back to Hogwarts. We will speak when I return."

Snape gave one last hateful sneer at Tonks who gave him the finger before he marched out of the room, the door slamming shut with a bang behind him, causing the occupants to wince at the sound. Molly looked scandalised at the Metamorph as Tonks let out a huge length of swear words under her breath until she roughly sat down back on her chair, whilst Bill and Fleur grinned at her in mirth.

A silence came upon the room before it was broken.

"Is he safe?"

The question interrupted her warring thoughts as Tonks looked up at Dumbledore who had a worn-out expression on his face.

"Safer than he is with those animals you made him stay with." Tonks growled.

"Yes… I fear you are right Nymphadora. It seems the wards, well, the less more favourable wards I had erected over Harry's residence, has fallen."

Bill perked up at this as Tonks moaned loudly at her name.

"Taken apart?" The long-haired man asked with a questioning look at Dumbledore.

"No. They have been disbanded for quite some time now. It was only recently when they completely failed when Harry no longer called the Dursleys his home."

"Good riddance. They're awful little shits, that family. Where's the lad now Tonks?" Moody asked?

"He's staying with mum and me."

"Andromeda? It was her then who allowed him to go through the Alley to Gringotts unsupervised?" Molly questioned. There was a sort of tenseness in her voice that the occupants in the kitchen realised was trouble brewing.

"What, no! That was all him and me. That was… before he met mum, Molly." Tonks answered slowly.

Molly exploded as she jumped out of her seat.

"The pair of you could've been seen! Could've been caught by You-Know-Who and killed."

"Molly…" Arthur tried to no avail.

"You're supposed to be the adult, Nymphadora, how could you be so foolish, so completely idiotic that you would jeopardise his life like that?!"

"If you didn't hear what Dumbledore just said, the house was no longer safe for him Molly." Tonks scowled as she stood up and faced the smaller woman. "Harry wanted to get out and he would've gotten out one way or the other. At least I was with him and he didn't go by himself otherwise who knows what could've happened. He wanted independence, something nobody would give him so he went out and got it himself!"

"You should've brought him straight to us!" Molly retorted.

"Well too bad, he didn't want that and it's good that we didn't otherwise he wouldn't have learnt what he learnt!"

"And what did he learn exactly?"

"That's none of your damn business!" Tonks shouted; her chair scraping harshly on the wooden floor until it fell over backwards as she stormed towards the exit. She paused as she opened the door before looking back at Dumbledore who had a thoughtful expression on his wrinkled face as he eyed her with more than a little curiosity.

"Harry's safe and he won't be found. No one, not even you, knows where our house is. That's all that matters right?" She asked.

"How can you assure me that he's safe Nymphadora?" Dumbledore questioned.

The Metamorph clenched her jaw before she smirked at the old man as her hair turned red with mischief.

'Time to make their minds dance.'

"I personally can't but I know someone who can."

"And who is that someone?"

"Charlus Potter of course." She revealed with a large grin as Dumbledore and Minerva's eyes widened in shock and disbelief before she strolled out, ignoring Remus' calls for her to stop.


July 19 th , 1996

"Concentrate Hadrian. Control your emotions and let the magic flow through you."

Harry sighed before dropping his arms to his side.

It had been two weeks since Harry's talk with his grandparents and a lot had happened since then.

Harry no longer looked thin. Thanks to the daily potions that he had to take coupled with Winky's heavenly cooking, he had put on a healthy amount of weight that if Mrs Weasley had seen him now, even she would find it hard to find any fault with his size.

Charlus had put him on a guileless regiment of adequate sleep, adequate food and adequate training which involved catching up in the studies he was lacking in and also strengthening his body with regular but simple exercises.

There was never a moment he was not doing anything which suited Harry perfectly. Whether that be spell training with Tonks, whenever she had the time, to learning how to dance from Andromeda or learning the theory of Battle Magic from his grandfather Charlus… Harry was always busy and he was grateful for it.

Overtime, through a lot of talking with Dorea and Andromeda, he had finally managed to put behind the Sirius' passing and began to seriously focus on the future.

Through a letter from Griphook, his account manager at Gringotts, Harry had learnt that Potter Manor would become completely liveable within the next couple of days and after speaking to his grandparents who strongly suggested that he move there as soon as possible, he decided that, naturally, it would be the best course of action.

Charlus had been adamantly reminding him how important it was to conduct the Mage Ritual. Only then could he begin to learn the practical side of Battle Magic fully and not just the theory as he was doing now as his body would be more adept in handling the magic and for that, he needed to move into Potter Manor.

The only issue was breaking that news to Andromeda.

Harry wanted her to come and live with him but he didn't know how to tell her.

"I don't know why you're worrying so much Hadrian. You know she'd never leave you alone now that your back in her life again." Dorea replied when he told her of his plight.

Harry sat down roughly on the grass and drank copious amount of water he conjured into a cup after his grandfather told him to take a break from training. Thanks to the wards, no nosy neighbours could see nor hear him therefore allowing Harry to practice his magic to his heart's content.

"Yeah but this is her home Gran. It's been her home for so many years now," Harry said with a sigh as he lay down on the soft grass. The sun had begun to set as the Moon took its residence in the sky. "It feels wrong to just tell her to abandon everything to come move in with me at Potter Manor…"

"You'll be fine! You're my grandson after all." Charlus remarked with a large grin as Harry gave him an unamused stare.

"Thanks Grampa. A fountain of knowledge you are." He replied sarcastically causing Dorea to giggle.

"Cheeky brat. If only I was alive…" Charlus muttered under his breath before he sobered up and gave Harry a calculating look.

"Dumbledore sent you the letter then?"

Harry nodded as he summoned the aforementioned letter with a swish of his wand, the piece of parchment zooming out his open window and into his outstretched hand. "Fawkes delivered it this morning. It basically said that he'll visit me the day after tomorrow."

The emerald eyed wizard was more than ticked off when Tonks came back on the day of the emergency order meeting with the news that Dumbledore knew where he was. After assuring Tonks that it wasn't her fault as she had apologised profusely, he had begun to prepare for the eventual meeting between him and Dumbledore.

Day after day had gone by until he realised the old man wasn't coming. According to Tonks, Dumbledore would send him a letter, letting him know when he would come by for a visit as he had decided to give Harry some space.

"Don't you worry your little head, son," Charlus said when he saw Harry frown after reading out the letter to his grandparents, "Your grandfather here has a plan for the old man. Just leave it to me."

"So, you say. Am I actually going to know what this plan really is?" Harry moaned as Hedwig flew down from a tree and took nest on top of his head after he had stood up.



"Me and Dumbledore go way back. You just focus on your training and just ignore him for now. We'll handle the Dumbledore business when he turns up." Charlus said with a negligent wave of his hand, almost swatting Dorea who huffed at him as Harry snorted at the couple.

A pop from his left announced Harry's excitable elf as Dobby tugged Harry on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Lady Andromeda told Dobby to tell Master Harry that dinner be ready, Master Harry!" Dobby beamed causing Harry to smile.

Dobby had an interesting personality but only a fool could deny that his energy wasn't infectious.

"On my way now Dobby."

Dobby bounced on the balls of his feat as he looked reverently at his Master before bowing and popping away with a crack.

"There's definitely a few screws loose with that one." Charlus muttered as Harry cast a spell on their portrait causing it to follow him as he trekked back in to the house with Hedwig still on his head.

"I think he's brilliant! Much better than Kreacher that's for certain."

"Your elf is crazy for you, Kreacher is insane for Walburga. I'd say they've got pretty similar personalities." Dorea said sagely before giggling when Charlus guffawed.

"Simply wonderful…" Harry muttered with a scowl as his grandparents' laughter followed after him.


"Nym not here yet?" Harry asked as he dug into his chicken with gusto. All that training he had been doing during the day had made him famished much to Winky's pleasure as she served him more helpings.

"She sent me a patronus when you were outside earlier. One of the guys that was doing the night shift today had been attacked during a mugging in Knockturn and so Nymphadora had taken his shift." Andromeda replied, daintily wiping her lips with a napkin.

Harry hummed.

"By herself?"

The woman opposite him smiled, "No. Shacklebolt will be with her. Don't you worry sweetie."

Harry let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding after the news. Ever since the return of Voldemort and the constant raids from his followers, Harry's worry over Tonks had quadrupled.

He knew she was capable… The bruises she had given him three days ago had still not healed but there was a nagging feeling in his head that would never go disappear when Tonks was away.

He was just thankful that she had someone capable like Shacklebolt with her at least.

"Ready for tomorrow Hadrian?" Andromeda asked after they had cleared the table and had taken a seat in the living room.

Harry had in his lap an Auror's Manual that Tonks had nicked from one of the new recruits and had given to him to read about.

She was apparently going to test him i.e. Hex him repeatedly and he retaliate as best he could.

He sighed as he folded the corner of one of the pages before closing the book and placing it next him. "I guess… I guess I'm just not looking forward to seeing a few certain individuals tomorrow."

Andromeda patted the seat next to her and took his hand when he sat down, rubbing small circles over it with her thumb.

"I as well. It will be the first time I set foot in such a setting since I was about your age. It feels almost a life time ago now that I think about it."

"I'll be there. I won't let anything happen to you Andi." Harry said firmly as he placed his hand over hers.

Andromeda smiled warmly at him.

"I know sweetheart."

"Tomorrow will be your true introduction Hadrian." Andromeda continued, "You will not enter as a schoolboy but rather as a Lord of one of the most prestigious houses in this country. Respect is earned and for the more common folk, you already have earnt it but the people who will really test you are the ones you must worry about. Be very careful Hadrian. I will shield you as much as I can however, as a Lord, the responsibility and power you have will be on par with the people you see tomorrow. The difference between you and them, however, is that you have the power to back it up. You must be strong and commanding. Speak and control the room not as a fifteen-year-old but as a Lord of a Noble and Ancient House." Andromeda said firmly as her eyes sharpened.

"Just like you and my grandparents have been training me to do," Harry nodded before his emerald eyes glimmered, "I will not let you down Andi."

The woman let a graceful smile shape her lips as she brought him into a warm embrace; her hand running through his hair he had cut that reached just down to his ears.

"You make me so proud baby. So very proud."


"…I still can't believe I got ten OWLs! TEN!

I've still got a lot of work to do though, Harry. I won't lie to you and say I'm not upset that I didn't get an Outstanding for DADA… You should've seen me after I got my results aha!

I'm with Weasleys now. Ginny had sent a letter asking if I wanted to stay with them for the rest of the summer as the trip my parents and I were supposed to go on got cancelled. Mum and Dad had to go to an important conference in America so I would've been stuck at home.

I was hoping you'd come along and stay at the Weasleys too.

Sorry for not

I'm really sorry Harry for not checking up on you after the whole situation with the Ministry. and Sirius I just thought you wanted to some space to grieve which is why I hadn't sent any letters beforehand.

As for Ron, well, you don't need me to tell you his emotional range. I just rolled my eyes by the way!

I've been summoned to Sirius' Will Reading on the 25 th . If I don't see you before then, hopefully I'll see you there and maybe you'll spend the rest of the summer at the Weasleys with me and the others?

I'd like that.

Be safe Harry.

I miss you.

Love Hermione.


Harry sighed as he placed the letter he had received from Hermione back on his desk.

He hadn't mentioned any of what had transpired over the past two weeks. He honestly didn't feel the need to and so the conversation between the two of them had mostly been what she had gotten up to as she was still under the impression that he was still at the Dursleys which honestly surprised him considering he thought Mrs Weasley would've told Ron and Hermione already.

Dumbledore probably told her not to.

Harry went to go pick up a quill and begin his response before he paused.

Tomorrow. I'll respond to her tomorrow. He thought with a sigh as he yawned.

He was exhausted, something he felt every single day since his training began and so he decided to forego his response and instead walked over to his bed and got under his sheets.

The day of the gala had finally arrived and with it, brought many of the things he had been working towards, into reality.

Harry vowed that he'd never feel so powerless again, like he'd felt on that day when Sirius died and tomorrow was the day he proved it to everyone.

He was not Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, an unworthy title he received thanks to the sacrifice of his mother and father but rather, Harry Potter, Lord of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter, a title he had been worthy enough to inherit and grow in to.

He had learnt over the days to accept the Prophecy and embrace it rather than reject it. He knew he was the only one that could take down Voldemort and so thought the majority of Magical Britain.

Tomorrow, however, is when he'd show it to them.

"That's right, she'll be there tomorrow too." Harry mumbled as his eyelids drooped.

Long, blonde hair sashayed around him as jasmine and vanilla assaulted his nose as he burrowed into his blanket. Powerful, electric blue eyes stared up at him under half-lidded eyelids.

The image Harry had of her looked practically sinful; completely overpowering any notion of beauty that could be compared between her and Hermione. That sort of comparison was simply not fair.

It was like night and day.

That evening, for the first time, Harry dreamt of a familiar, blonde-haired woman instead of a brown, bushy haired woman, cavorting in his arms.

Electric blue eyes locked onto emerald green, as they danced under the twinkling stars and the soft trickle of snow.

Eyes, only for one another.


D & H finally reunite at the Summer Gala on the next episode of Cavorting with Death :))

Let me know what you guys think of the story so far!!

Rokakkucreators' thoughts