
Caught In A Bad Romance

Will Lilac find herself? Will Lilac find love? Can her addiction be stopped? Will the void ever be filled?

Lostsoulx · Teenager
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2 Chs

Friday’s Events

She walked in to the office with a faint smile on her face.

"Good morning Lilac." said Chanel.

Lilac mumbled "morning" and headed straight to her own private office, she drew the blinds and sat down.

As she sat down to complete her tasks she drifted off in to her suffocating thoughts in her own mind. This is when Friday night's chain of events occurred. Lilac knew these thoughts were just in her head, she was having flashbacks, the feelings she felt at that moment in time were real and she was experiencing them all over again.

Lilac's body was shaking, tears rolled down her face and the pain she felt in her stomach was beyond control. Recent events which occurred hurt Lilac, it killed Lilac and it broke her.

Her darling lover was having an affair and she had no idea how she was going to confront him.

Going back to the events of Friday night, there stood Lilac in the freezing cold -1°C, looking through a glass window. Excited she was as she hadn't seen her love for a few days now. Unfortunately the excitement never lasted very long or should we say more than a few minutes as she arrived there. Lilac wishes her eyes never captured this moment.

As she looked through the window, her eyes unable to believe what she saw. There he lay on his king size bed, her lover Xavier on top of another girl, pants down, passionately kissing her body. The way he was making love to her, Lilac understood that this wasn't the first time he was doing this with the dirty blonde laying underneath his naked body.

At that moment her heart was shattered and confrontation wasn't an option right now.

Later that night, Xavier came over and was let in to the mansion by Julia, a maid in Lilac Silva's house.

He greeted and gave his warmest welcomes to Mr & Mrs Silva and headed up the stairs straight to Lilac's bedroom.

Lilac heard his voice and grabbed the blanket to cover her face as she pretended she was fast asleep. Xavier crept in to her bed and started kissing and biting Lilac's neck and as she urged him to stop, he asked "what's the matter?" "Nothing" she replied sadly.

"Let me make love to you babe" he said lovingly.

Lilac had refused the sex, but Xavier didn't stop until he got what he desired, he stripped Lilac naked and forced himself upon her.

Lilac was stiff, shocked & silent. Hurting, lost and so so broken. Twenty minutes after getting what he wanted he accused her of acting weird, so he dressed himself and kissed her goodbye.

Lilac lay there still and tense, raped by her cheating lover. She asked herself "could this be possible!?"

"He's my boyfriend, this is not ****." she told herself repeatedly. The poor girl was in shock, her body shut down and froze but she was baffled and unsure why she wasn't able to move. This was not like Lilac to feel so weak and powerless.

His love had been eating her personality away for months. He was a monster and all her friends knew it. She believed it to be love, but everyone else around her seen him for who he really was. Mentally he had tortured Lilac. Claiming he loved her, he gained power and abused her.

Lilac was in the circle and was unable to see it from a third persons perspective but her friends noticed certain things about him. Certain things which were strange and controlling.

The embarrassment she felt, from the horrific events which occurred she decided she would keep them to herself and not involve anyone such as family or friends. But how soon will they notice Lilac Silva is not the same confident, beautiful and lively girl she used to be?

She was trapped by this monster who moulded her in to someone she wasn't.

He demanded obedience, she felt as if he had to approve of every outfit she would wear and he would check her phone regularly. Xavier Sinclair was not the sweet and innocent man he was pretending to be in front of everyone else. Underneath his mask he had a dark, abusive side to him and he couldn't be trusted.