

There’s a legend about this Cathedral…That if you sing a song known in tale, as you pass Cathedral by - you might be asked to give 5 ro... To save another soul... It was great to win the trust and acceptance of the most notorious Magister in the best Academic town. Becoming his student. Days of observing, learning and enjoying the odd perks of the mentor were decently fun. As days went by, things started to feel off. And that Cathedral. A little short obsession of the mentor. Small thing, that was unsaid was dragged out by the accident, that really made her worry, heart thumping in her ears. Then life once again took a sudden turn - seemingly becoming even better in the new set up... Until the music sounded in her ears, until the actors faded in the mad world, until she ended up on the street in tears.

ArcDreamer · Urban
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8 Chs


...piano music playing, keyboards reciting a lonely melody…

"There's a legend about this Cathedral…" - A ghostly voice calls out to reader.

...piano melody softly playing…

"That if you sing a song known in tale, as you pass Cathedral by - you might be asked to give 5 ro."

...melody playing…

"It's told that if someone is out the window, asking you for these 5 ro - give them."

...keyboards reciting the melody…

"It might not be much of worth to you. But that might save another soul. Those 5 ro."

...piano keeps playing into the distance…

Running against the puddles, splashing sounds. She's out the breath, gasping as she turns around seeking for that couple that gave her 5 ro, but they're nowhere to be seen.

Then she stops, as if nailed to the old rocky pavement. Suddenly she falls to the ground.

Her face in utter terror.

"Whaaaaa!!!" - She screams out loud, tears running down her cheeks. She clutches her body, as she weeps.

The memories come back flooding and realization hits her hard. Though she just escaped hell, she is no longer among living.

Rain falls down. The pitter-patter of the drops hit the pavement. The town seems at its pace. Late evening in summer.

The piano melody keeps on playing.

*Authors note - "ro" is a type currency in this story. "5 ro" are a bill by the size of 5 british pounds, but of thinner paper.