
Catapokalips: Black Cat's Survival Story in a Post Apocalyptic World!

All of humanity had perished. Exited. Ended. Extinct. With the animal kingdom reshuffled, it was up to what was left of Planet Earth's lifeforms to do what was next. This was the beginning of a tale born from the ashes of a dead civilization. When the cinders were alight once more, a new age would certainly come. Reawakened. Sentience began to spread... like a sickness. Whether the fire of civilization could sustain it, no one knew, but time would tell. ***** There was a black housecat who was loved. His name was Zed. And. It had been 500 years since the Fall, and Zed had been stubborn in his old ways. Every time he was put at the precipice of despair and on the verge of giving up, he would always find a way to rise once more... just so that he could continue on his stubborn ways... to go roam the world endlessly until he found a human, his next precious human. So when he found a journal of a dead doctor who had claimed that all of humanity was destined for extinction and that said human was the last of his species, Zed was indignant The cat could not accept that reality. Surely, out there. a human still lived. But he knew at the back of his mind, it was next to impossible for any human to have survived until now. It had been 500 years. And. Zed had seen things. Once more, the cat set to travel... this time to not just continue his search for his next precious person, but also to attempt whether what the dead doctor had claimed to be true.

Alfir · sci-fi
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Driver's License

Zed brushed on the legs of the undead while running for the door. It certainly caught their attention as they lumbered after him. The cat took his sweet time, herding the rotten undead, and when all of them were outside, he was already playing tag with various undead!

He was fearless, and with his lithe grace, he as easily evaded them, as if he was just toying around them,

Turning round and round among the gaps where the undead walked, he swerved left and right with exhaustion never crossing his mind. The highway had narrow pathways in that it would be difficult for the herd to track Zed. It didn't take long for the undead to entangle, stumble, and stop in their tracks. 

Zed took this opportunity to return to the now-empty bus. He forcefully closed the door, by putting weight in his bulk. The dead had lost him and was in utter chaos. One undead saw him, but he didn't mind anymore. He simply went into hiding. With his stealth, the undead that saw him soon gave up as its muddle-headed self could not even begin to comprehend where the cat could have gone.


It was too easy for the black-furred quadruped. He retraced his steps and returned to the roof of the bus via the same shattered window. He latched on the upper side of the window and began his another session of mountain climbing, and when he had returned to the top, he saw Bill waiting from the other side.


The dog called to him

Zed glanced at the poor mutt who was obviously flabbergasted by his stunt. That was the correct reaction! Worship this cat for eternity! Before his egotistical thoughts invaded his brain to the point it had rotten, Zd called to the dog. "Come here... Toss my bag first!"

Bill complied. He picked up the bag with his snout and went in circles. Finally, when enough momentum was generated, he threw it with all of his might.

Dogs, and quadrupeds to be general were not built to throw stuff, but Bill had enough training. He had enough share of circumstances when he needed to throw something or someone. Though a bag was challenging, he would be able to manage, and he did. The bag went into an arch and landed just right on the bus. "WOOF!" He cheered.

"Good," Zed compliments. "Now, you come here."

This time, Bill hesitated. he watched the few undead still lumbering in his vicinity. he watched the few tumbled undead rise with difficulty. Zed the cat surely made chaos among their horde.

"Come here, we have no time!" Zed shouted, clearly a little bit pissed. "The bus had food below and water. We needed to haul them and eat them. Many undead remained strung up, and a few were away, so we had to move!"

Bill didn't understand, but he followed the cat's words nonetheless. He retreated a few distances away to have enough space for him to un... and then he ran, generating every bit of effort on his quadruped legs, and then he leaped. He lacked the agility the cat had, so he had to make this one jump.

Thankfully, it appeared he had enough strength to make the jump. he barely reached the edge of the rooftop of the bus. If not for Zed stretching a rope he found from his bag, Bill would have definitely not made that jump.

The cat dragged the dog to the bus with little effort. There was hidden strength to Zed's small frame that Bill could not fathom.

"What now?" Bill looked around, and he still felt trapped.

Zed replied in a hurry. "We would eat. Follow me. Bring that bag."

Bill dragged the bag and followed the cat who jumped from the shattered window and landed on his two feet. The dog was honestly scared of heights and he could not believe he just jumped from such a faraway distance, yet only now was he beginning to be scared of heights. "Woof!"

"Follow me," The cat demanded.

So Bill jumped with a bag in his snout. he landed on the softer couches. He watched his surroundings and saw the bus doors to be firmly closed. His worry of an undead coming through was subsided.

"Stop dilly-dallying. Those doors would not hold, trust me... Let's do what we were here for... Bring me the bag, and find things you could eat. Eat them on the spot, ya hear me?" Zed called to him.

Bill felt that being obedient to the cat was only natural. So he did. He found wrapped bread, and bit on it. he had difficulty opening it, but he managed. He proceeded to pierce the plastic Tupperware of something. It was moldy sandwich bread, and he ate it with a relish. He saw Zed busy packing food supplies. "Woof! Eat!" He dragged a pack of noodles he saw lying around to Zed.

Zed rejected his gesture. "No need. Focus on eating, and I'd focus on gathering supplies." The cat dragged his bag as he filled it with all sorts of items from edible and useable.

Since the cat said so, Bill let him be. Bill returned to the corner trying to find something... and he saw a bottle of clean water. He bit on it and drank on the water. He would not let the spilled water go either as he licked them clean.

Bump! Bump!

The walls of the bus resounded, and from behind its glassy panel was an undead bumping its head at the door. Small cracks began forming, and Zed immediately called it. "Bill, was it? We were breaking through. I'd lead the way, and you'd follow. Carry this for me."

Bill immediately took the bag and slung it on his back while biting its strap.

Zed led the way as he ran to a small vent that was the result of rusting. He didn't enter it immediately as the dog would not fit. Since it was used, it should be doable, so Zed smashed it over with his paws and put his weight to the test. It had cut him, but he didn't care as his wounds quickly healed in a matter of seconds.

"What!?" Bill saw the healing process and was flabbergasted.

"Follow me." Zed ran over the vent, and Bill followed. It was big enough that it didn't cause any injury to Bill.

The two ran with Zed leading the way. The black-furred quadruped seemed to know his way. This could be attributed to his prior feat of running around the undead and making them untangle and stumble upon one another.

They would not be escaping the undead horde anytime soon, however. "Dog, left from here. There was an RV, I thought that was what it was called. We'd hide there. It was spacious, covered windows, and had thick doors..."

Bill had no time to think anymore for himself as the cat was too fast, and he had no complaints over it as Zed had proven to be quite reliable. And so the two went left, and from there, they saw a white RV with a door conveniently open. Bill would not know if it was luck, or the cat was just that keen of an observant that in the short moment, he ran over the place, he easily discerned this new white RV.

They entered the van, and Zed shouted.  "Dog! Back off!"

An undead appeared from inside the RV, but Bill was undeterred as he ran off, sped up, and went ahead of Zed. He lunged at the rotten throat of the undead and ripped its life off. It stank, but to survive, he could only be ruthless. He pulled, and since undead like this were often frail, it only needed that tug for the head to get lopped off, thus killing the zombie effectively.

The lifeforms of Earth had become immune to the 'sickness' in a way they would not turn like the undead did, thus allowing many of the animal kingdoms to be able to use their natural weapons. For Bill, it was his fangs, so he went and used it. Bill went inside the RV ahead of Zed.

Zed followed just right behind and closed the RV's door.

The two quadrupeds inside the RV took their time to breathe, and soon calm had returned to him... To be more specific, calm had returned to Bill. Zed was not one bit unperturbed judging by the calm way he carried himself.

"Who were you?" Bill asked in his broken English. 

"Hmmm..." Zed looked around the RV with a critical eye. "Just a black cat..." He went and checked for the driver's seat. There were still keys on it. The cat had never tried driving a four-wheel before, but he had driven a yacht once already out of necessity so how difficult a car would be?

Frankly, Zed would not be able to drive a four-wheel given how far the accelerator was to him. But he was not alone this time. He had Bill who could step on the accelerator and help drive. "Meow..." He called to the dog as an idea stuck in his mind. "Would you know about a Driver's License?"