
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

What About Lao Tzu's Plug-in?

"Damn it, it's dangerous outside."

Chen Tian next to the iron cage brushed the video and frowned from time to time, while Zhao Xiong next to him was stunned.

While eating, he was also taking the opportunity to peek at this guy's mobile phone screen, which was a good opportunity to obtain information from the outside world.

If these news reports are true, then the changes brought about by the Blue Moon phenomenon are simply unimaginable, and monsters probably exist.

Besides, what the **** is this eldest prince?

What years are these, why does the royal family still exist?

It's a pity that Chen Tian won't explain this to him.

"I thought it was strong enough, but if it is really a collective evolution and monsters appear, my uncle's combat power is a bit underwhelming."

After eating, Zhao Xiong pinched a fish-bone with his bear claw to pick his teeth.

At first, I felt that I had exceeded the limit size of a normal brown bear. It could almost be compared with the extinct giant bears such as cave bears and short-tailed bears in ancient times. Can run amok in the primeval forest.

As a result, it was temporarily notified that this is a parallel world where spiritual energy is reviving, or in other words, weirdness is reviving.

Monsters are haunting!

Supernaturally weird!

In case of encountering those monsters with supernatural means, wouldn't it be a complete idiot, and the bear's paw might have to be served as a snack, which makes no sense.

Speaking of which, where is Lao Tzu's cheater?

Really an orphan.

Zhao Xiong's teeth were itchy.


When he was getting angry, he suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look.

Next to him, Chen Tian widened his eyes and looked shocked.

"What are you looking at?"

He opened his mouth and came, but unfortunately Chen Tian couldn't understand.

"Xiong Da, are you still the big stupid bear I raised? You even pick your teeth!"

Chen Tian originally scoffed at Blue Moon's remarks circulating on the Internet, and didn't think it was reliable, but this big brown bear, who was originally stupid, actually refreshed his three views one after another.

Not only has he grown so much in half a month, but also in terms of intelligence, his jaw dropped. This skillful action of picking teeth is too human-like.

"If you have nothing to do, go find a jail."

Zhao Xiong was speechless, he just picked his teeth. What's the fuss about him? My neighbor's dog even flushes the toilet after going to the toilet.

It's a pity that Chen Tian couldn't understand Zhao Xiong, so he circled around the big iron cage several times, "Tsk Tsk" amazed, with a fiery gaze that saw rare and exotic animals.

Zhao Xiong decided to ignore it.

After several unsuccessful attempts to communicate, Chen Tian could only leave in anguish.

Because of the rage during the performance last night, no one except Chen Tian came near here. After all, the murder of Simba, the lion-devouring lion, has just passed. Everyone witnessed the tragic death of the animal trainer and did not want to be the next one. Attacked by beasts.

At the end of the day, other animals have opened their cages to let the wind out, but Zhao Xiong's big iron cage was always locked and confined.

But Zhao Xiong didn't care, he was happy and peaceful, not to mention that he secretly tried to break the iron cage last night, and found that he could actually open it.

As long as he is willing, he can actually come out of the iron cage at any time without any difficulty.

I don't know if the people at the circus will be scared to death if they find out.

If someone offends Zhao Xiong, he may sleep until midnight and open his eyes to see a big brown bear squatting beside his bed.

When night falls, this closed city has no hustle and bustle of the past, it is extremely quiet, the bright neon lights are turned off, and only faint lights adorn the night.

As the night got darker, the whole city was shrouded in darkness.

This long night was actually not peaceful. With the recovery of the spiritual energy, Zhao Xiong's hearing was enhanced, and he heard many strange sounds that ordinary people could not perceive, but they were too far away. something sent out.

At night, something is moving, very active.

The other animals in the regiment also seemed to sense something and felt a little uneasy. Even beasts like lions and tigers were pacing back and forth in the iron cage, refusing to fall asleep.

It was only the silly bear who was slumbering heartlessly.

"Let it be."

Zhao Xiong shook his bear head and closed his eyes to sleep.


The next day, the sky was bright.

While the circus employees were still sleeping in, the animals had already started to make various noises.

A behemoth woke up from its sleep.

Turning over, the big iron cage creaked.

"Are you getting taller again?"

Zhao Xiong rubbed his sleepy eyes, and was completely awake.

The sturdy and sturdy hind legs have reached the edge of the cage, and I vaguely feel that my body has grown a circle, and it has already exceeded four meters. If it grows further, it will only take a few days for this big iron cage to fit.

After a comfortable excretion, Zhao Xiong, who was refreshed, began to think about where to stay in the future.

It's not a good thing to stay here all the time. If you keep growing like this, people will soon be aware of the threat, and maybe they will be killed.

Don't underestimate human beings. Although there are no real guns and live ammunition in the circus, there are still anesthesia guns. A large dose of anesthetic can be shot down, let alone bears and elephants. .

"Before these people set their sights on me, collect more information from the outside world, and then run away."

Zhao Xiong still remembered the strange sound he heard last night.

There are unknown things roaming in the night of the city, not only the man-eating lions, it is estimated that there are even more frightening things.

I don't know what changes will happen in the wild, but it is estimated that it will be more dangerous than the city.

He didn't forget the monkey in the monkey cage. Another day passed. The limbs of the strange monkey became longer and longer, and the proportions were exaggerated. It already looked like a monster. Only sparse hair was left on the bare skin. The monkeys hide away from it.

But the weird monkey always kept silent, without any strange behavior, but did not eat.

This guy was also influenced by Blue Moon.

"It's just that changes don't look like a good thing."

Zhao Xiong smacked his lips, wondering if he should remind these stupid humans.

Until now, no one has noticed the change of this strange monkey, which is really stupid.

After thinking about it, I still think it's fine, it's none of my business.

The closure of the city has officially started. This prosperous city has lost the hustle and bustle of yesterday. It is surprisingly quiet, and the noise of cars has been reduced a lot. There are only occasional sirens whistling on the streets.

The red sun was rising, and people got up one after another. Since they could only move in the group and couldn't go out, they chatted in groups of three or five, mostly talking about the closure of the city, and occasionally mentioning the escaped lion-eating lion.

People looked relaxed, thinking that the lock-down would end soon, and they didn't take it too seriously.

Life still has to be lived, the training should be trained as usual, and there should be no delay. The circus has to teach this craft to eat. People can't be idle, and animals can't be idle.

"Is the bear very hungry?"

Chen Tian came over with a pot of fish.

He knocked on the big iron cage.

Zhao Xiong still ignored him.

Chen Tian didn't care either, he placed the fish not far away and didn't feed it.

"If you want to eat today, you have to be obedient and train."

Chen Tian stepped forward and unlocked the big iron cage.

Zhao Xiong was a little surprised, this guy actually dared to let him out, wasn't he afraid that I would kill him here?

"What are you still doing, hurry up and train."

Chen Tian: "Don't pretend to be stupid, you know that your bear's brain is enlightened and you can understand what I say."

"Hey, come out."

He has been staying in a small iron cage, it is indeed a little restrained, it is time to come out and exercise.

Zhao Xiong immediately climbed out of the cage.

The huge body is thick and sturdy, covered with thick dark brown hair, shoulders bulge, forearms are muscular and powerful, full of explosive strength.

It has a huge and round head, and its mouth is open and closed, revealing sharp canine teeth. No one dares to use their arms to test its bite force.

At this time, Zhao Xiong was more than four meters long and nearly two meters tall. He didn't need anyone to stand up, so he was taller than Chen Tian. Such a behemoth gave people a great sense of oppression!