
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Underground mutation

The fur was attached to scarlet, like a blood-colored coat, looking strange and evil.

This is the correct way to open the symbiote.

Facing the Nightmare Spider, Zhao Xiong turned the slaughter into the symbiote's true fighting form.


The Nightmare Spider sensed the maliciousness of the prey in front of her, and couldn't help neighing. As a predatory mutant insect with a ferocious temperament, how could it be afraid, and after a while, it attacked again.


The black shadow is fast and has an amazing jumping power. Despite the huge size of the Nightmare Spider, it moves extremely fast. In the bloodthirsty state, it is a lot higher than before. Bursting under the trampling.

The giant spider appeared in front of Zhao Xiong in the blink of an eye.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A large amount of blood material poured out from Zhao Xiong's body, turned into a blade and slashed at the Nightmare Spider, trying to cause damage to it.

However, this is unlikely. The sharp weapon enough to cut off the power-type female Awakener Ya Jing can only leave shallow marks on the shell of the Nightmare Spider.

Although the insight technique analyzed that the Nightmare Spider's defense is slightly weaker, it must be known that this weaker is only compared with monsters of the same level, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to break through its defenses.

Facing the wielding sharp blade, the Nightmare Spider was unafraid and came to Zhao Xiong with the attack of slaughter, opened its sharp catching feet to suppress him, and then injected the venom into the body of its prey.

But before the Nightmare Spider's attack arrived, it was hit by the oncoming terrifying force, just like being hit head-on by a speeding locomotive.


Zhao Xiongren stood up and pushed the Nightmare Spider back. The Nightmare Spider couldn't withstand this enormous force, and could only keep going backwards.

The eight sturdy limbs fell into the ground, unable to stop the body, and carved several long ravines on the ground.

After retreating for nearly a hundred meters, the big spider barely resisted the push of the giant bear and barely stopped.

After stopping, the Nightmare Spider once again slashed over with its sharp catching feet.


Several streaks of blood rose out of thin air, and the shields they turned into tried to block them, but were easily split by the Nightmare Spider and dispersed as liquid.

The slaughter is still in the growth stage, and it is inevitable that it cannot resist the attack of the Nightmare Spider because it has only calamity-level combat power.

But the moment it dragged on bought Zhao Xiong time, enough for him to fight back, grabbing the jagged feet of the Nightmare Spider.

First hit!

The huge scarlet giant bear burst out, and the claws containing the power of thunder bombarded the Nightmare Spider directly.

This slap made the Nightmare Spider's movements stiff, and it fell into a short pause, like being dazed.


The next moment, the sharp big claws inserted into the Nightmare Spider's body, and the wild power exploded, and it forcibly tore a huge catching foot from it, and the body fluids splashed.


The Nightmare Spider, who had fallen into a coma, was awakened by the severe pain, immediately woke up, and let out an angry neigh, disregarding the damage to his body, he continued to launch violent attacks without fear of death, kept biting, and tried to attack Zhao Xiong with his fangs.

The venom glands of the Nightmare Spider are hidden in the sharp and huge fangs, which contain extremely poisonous. Even Zhao Xiong would not dare to take a casual bite.


A large amount of blood substance formed tentacles that spurted out of the giant bear, wrapped around the Nightmare Spider, and barely held it.

Before the Nightmare Spider could break free, the Scarlet Giant Bear opened its **** mouth and bit on one of its limbs.

Furious bite!

The terrifying bite force directly shattered this sturdy arthropod, and there was even a thunderous force that spread and wandered in the Nightmare Spider's body like gangrene, causing its wound to become scorched.

"Can't I bite when I'm old?"

Zhao Xiong grinned and spat out the broken shell in his mouth.

The Nightmare Spider was injured one after another, opened its mouthparts like a madman, struggled, and tore off the blood tentacles that were entangled in it.

But he still couldn't touch Zhao Xiong. In this short period of time, he took another bite and another limb was amputated. The Nightmare Spider's defense was low and could not withstand Zhao Xiong's onslaught.

The severe poison occupied a large part of the Nightmare Spider's combat power, but with the cooperation of the symbiote, it was very annoying if it couldn't bite Zhao Xiong.


A strand of sticky spider silk shot out directly from the silk gland in the abdomen of the nightmare spider, trying to trap Zhao Xiong with spider silk.

But let's not talk about whether the spider silk can trap Zhao Xiong, who is extremely powerful. Before the spider silk touched his body, the blood-red liquid that had just been torn off turned into a large number of tentacles again, blocking all the spider silk.

The slaughter was unscathed, and pure external force could not cause damage to the symbiote in liquid form.


The top of the tentacles formed a sharp blade, which spun rapidly like the blades of an electric fan, strangling all the spider silk spit out by the Nightmare Spider inch by inch, which was of no use at all.


Another bear's paw fell, and the surging force knocked the Nightmare Spider several dozen meters away.

The giant spider tumbled and landed on the spider web. The heavy weight crushed the surrounding spider web, causing the entire giant web to shake violently.


A large number of cocooned mummy corpses fell from the cobwebs, falling all over the place like rain.

"If you have any other moves, just use them."

The scarlet giant bear walked towards the Nightmare Spider, and dozens of tentacles turned into slaughter were waving around, like a demon with claws and claws, throwing away all the mummified corpses that fell above its head.

It looks extremely ferocious, like an ancient beast!


The Nightmare Spider barely got up from the ruins, the carapace cracked, and body fluids continued to overflow.

There is almost no suspense in this battle, and the winner can be declared.

However, this is not a duel, but a brutal hunt, which requires the death of one party to end the battle.

The injured Nightmare Spider stayed where he was.

Just when Zhao Xiong was about to go all out and kill this giant spider completely.

Suddenly, a mutation from the ground occurred!


Without anyone knowing, the power that spewed out from the depths of the ground had already reached his feet.

At the moment of breaking through the earth's crust, the brewing energy was released, and a terrifying shock erupted in the underground of the city!


The ground undulated, and the violent shaking began. This human city was destroyed like a pile of toy blocks for children.

The dust was flying, covering the sky and the sun, and the earth cracked open countless ferocious cracks, spreading in all directions, and the cracks were bottomless.


The building swayed like duckweed in the wind, and a large number of dilapidated buildings slanted down from the high-rise buildings, fell from high altitudes, and smashed to the ground one after another. Countless cars were smashed or fell into cracks.

A huge cobweb was also smashed full of holes, and soon it was devastated.


The ground under Zhao Xiong's feet was also cracking, and he immediately started to retreat. The ground was completely untenable like a soft cake.


The sky was spinning, and the building was about to collapse, as if the surrounding buildings were about to collapse, hitting him and burying him in it.

On the other hand, the huge Nightmare Spider was even more miserable. It had been severely injured and could hardly stand up in this earthquake. The stones poured down from above hit its body one after another, and its body fluids splashed and shaky.

Under the natural disasters, even powerful disaster-level creatures appear extremely insignificant, and they can only avoid it, but cannot fight against the might of the heavens!

"Damn, what happened to the big earthquake, even if the earth blows up, I have to kill you first!"

At this time, Zhao Xiong was still unwilling to give up. Under the terrible situation of the earth shaking and the gravel falling from the top, he still rushed towards the Nightmare Spider resolutely.