
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Scouting Information

After stopping everyone, Chen Tian continued to add: "It was Xiong Da who saved me!"

Everyone was stunned.

"What's going on, explain clearly."

The bald middle-aged man at the head asked, preventing the others from shooting Zhao Xiong.

The middle-aged man is the head of the circus, his name is Zhou Yunguo. After a brief shock, he quickly realized that the scene here does not seem to be caused by a brown bear with a fierce look.

Instead, the **** corpse lying on the ground looked more like a monster.

"A monster attacked the monkeys..."

Chen Tian immediately explained what happened just now, the monkeys from the monkey cage were slaughtered, and the monsters heard the movement outside and hit the iron cage to escape and attack them.

When talking about Xu Xiaoya, Chen Tian paused, hiding the fact that the woman pushed him out in order to avoid the monster's pursuit, and also hiding the fact that Xu Xiaoya flew over inexplicably and knocked out the monster.

At this moment, Chen Tian's brain has calmed down, and he guessed who threw Xu Xiaoya back and saved himself.

In order to protect Xiong Da, it is best to skip it and omit this plot. Chen Tian continued to tell the process of how after the monster attacked Xu Xiaoya, he came to attack him again. Just when he was about to be attacked by the monster, Xiong Da protected him and the monster was hammered to death.

After listening to Chen Tian's explanation, the people in the group looked at each other in dismay. They didn't expect such a situation. Not only was Xiong Da not the murderer, but he saved mankind.

Are there really monsters?

Someone started peeking at the weird corpse next to Zhao Xiong, because it was blurred by the bear's paw, it was too far away to distinguish it.

Some people were worried about Xu Xiaoya's safety. She fell in a pool of blood, and there was no response when she called out her name.

It's just that no one dares to approach the past at this time. The huge iron-backed brown bear is too deterrent.

"A monster?"

Zhou Yunguo hesitated for a moment. Although he could not believe the reason immediately, he still made a correct judgment in the fastest time: "Xiao Chen, you should send Xiong Da back to the cage first. Xiaoya's life safety is the most important thing, you guys quickly called an ambulance and took Xiaoya to the hospital."

Chen Tian responded and walked to Zhao Xiong's side.

"Xiong Da, go back to the cage first, otherwise they won't dare to approach, thank you this time." Chen Tian's eyes were full of gratitude to Zhao Xiong.

He knew very well that if it wasn't for Xiong Da's attack, he would probably be dead by now.

A bunch of cowards.

Zhao Xiong scoffed and turned his head back to the iron cage.

He didn't take it seriously, anyway, this big iron cage was useless to him.

Immediately, Chen Tian put Xiong Er back in the cage. I have to say that although this silly bear looks stupid, he runs really fast whenever there is a situation.

The first time the monkey monster came out of the cage, Xiong Er ran away in a hurry. Now, seeing that there was nothing wrong, he walked back as if nothing was wrong.

After the big brown bear was put back into the cage, the people in the regiment let go of their dangling hearts and became busy. Some people called for an ambulance, and some went up to observe Xu Xiaoya's condition and the dead body of the monster.

It doesn't matter at this point, several people can't help but take a breath.

This thing really is a monster, even though the body was smeared with blood by the bear's paw, you can clearly see the twisted and deformed slender limbs, the sharp claws, and the exaggerated mouth that is cracked to the point of disgrace.

If this is not a monster, what is a monster!

Looking at the dense and fine teeth in the corpse's mouth, no one wants to be bitten by this thing, it's too scary.

Now people completely believe that this monster did it. The big brown bear saved everyone and killed this ghost.

Zhao Xiong was lying in the iron cage, watching the people outside busy with rescue, his heart was not fluctuating, Xu Xiaoya probably couldn't save it.

Suddenly I remembered the skill [Reconnaissance] I just obtained, so I decided to use it to see what effect it had.

His eyes locked on Chen Tian, ​​and use the skill.

{Name: Chen Tian

Race: human

Bloodline: Normal

Status: normal

Skills: Cooking, Animal Taming Skills

Combat Strength Assessment: 5~10

Threat Assessment: Very Low}

"Yo, this idiot who fights five scums can actually cook."

Zhao Xiong joked that he was not interested in Chen Tian and continued to cast skills on others.

{Name: ? ? ?

Race: human

Bloodline: Normal

Status: normal

Skill: Acrobatics

Combat Strength Assessment: 1~3

Threat Assessment: Very Low}

The object of this reconnaissance is a teenage girl.

Zhao Xiong thought about it, and soon understood why the name was a question mark, because he didn't know the name of the other party, and the skill was not magical enough to directly reveal the name of the other party.

As for the threat assessment, it should refer to the degree of threat of the reconnaissance target to him. In the absence of foreign objects such as firearms, it is of course impossible to cause harm to him with the strength of these two people.

After using the skill twice, he didn't feel that he had any consumption. So, Zhao Xiong continued to cast it, aiming at the corpse of the monkey monster that was beaten to death on the ground to see if the dead object could be detected.

The skill quickly responded, and dead objects can also be scouted, but the scouting information returned this time was very concise.

{A useless corpse whose evolution failed.}

Although concise, the information is useful.

Zhao Xiong noticed the blind spot.

This monkey monster is the product of evolutionary failure!

According to the information provided by the skill , the monkey's initial state was evolution. Due to unknown reasons, the evolution failed, and it mutated into a monster that only knew to kill without intelligence.

By the way, what state am I in now?

Zhao Xiong suddenly thought about whether the skill could be used on him and aimed directly at him. It really worked.

A line of information appeared before him.

{Name: Zhao Xiong

Race: Iron-backed brown bear

Bloodline: Normal

Status: Evolving

Skills: Acrobatics, Slap, Bite, Palm Push, Beast Intuition, Reconnaissance

Combat Strength Assessment: 80~150}

He really evolved, so he was able to grow from an ordinary brown bear with a body length of about three meters to more than four meters in just a few days.

And evolution hasn't stopped, it's still evolving.

It's just that the bloodline is very ordinary, nothing special, and the only few skills are a bit lame.

Not to mention [Acrobatic performance] and [Reconnaissance], he stared at several other skills, and soon a detailed introduction of the skills appeared in front of him.

Slap: A common attack method for bears.

Bite: A common attack method for bears.

Palm push: A common attack method for bears.

Beast Intuition: Originating from the instinct of beasts, it can sense potential danger.

"...These are all **** skills."

Zhao Xiong was speechless.

I don't want to say anything anymore. Even if you don't have the bloodline of the ancient beasts, at least you should set up a head office with the attributes of a beast-master. After all, it is a beast at the top of the food chain.

As a result, this **** skill, he is ashamed to say it out.

It was just a rant, but I didn't take it to heart. Anyway, I have a mysterious shop in hand, and I can even buy and sell [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and [Thor's Hammer].

As long as you have enough soul stones, you might be able to refresh the bloodlines of ancient beasts one day.

By the way, are there bears in the ancient beasts?

Zhao Xiong then scouted out other animals in the regiment to see if there were any lucky ones who evolved.

It's a pity that after the reconnaissance, the state of other animals is normal, and there is no sign of evolution.

"Captain, the hospital phone can't get through. All lines are busy."

"The official reporting line also couldn't get through."

"What can I do if I can't get in touch with the outside world, what are these people doing to eat, there will be fatalities here!"

While Zhao Xiong was having fun with his [Reconnaissance] skills, the humans were like ants on a hot pan, rushing around in circles.

Everyone reported to Zhou Yunguo one after another, looking anxious.

Whether it is the hospital or the official, they can't get through the phone, and they don't know what happened.

"How is Xiaoya's situation now?" Zhou Yunguo asked with a frown.

"The wound has been bandaged with a medical kit to barely stop the bleeding."

A staff member reported: "But it is not optimistic, it is possible at any time..."

The words are not finished, but everyone understands the meaning.

"Can't wait any longer."

Zhou Yunguo made a decisive decision: "Master Zhang, go drive, Xiao Wu, you make a simple stretcher and take Xiaoya to the hospital."

Under his command, it quickly became operational.

Carefully moved Xu Xiaoya onto the stretcher and carried it into the car. Master Zhang drove the car, accompanied by two members of the group, to the hospital.