
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
234 Chs


Just when the mourner was about to devour his own claws under the influence of desire and power, his eyes suddenly showed a hint of clarity. After all, he was a monster of the same level. He immediately forcibly stopped this move and broke free from the influence.

However, the Hungry Girl's attack was far more than that. In a short instant of sluggishness, several blood-red nails swelled up on the slender fingers of the girl's upper body, sharp as knives, and instantly slashed on the mourner.


The Undertaker reacted extremely quickly, barely avoiding the dangerous attack that nearly split himself in half, but a strong, scaly claw was directly cut off.

The Undertaker immediately backed away, away from here.


And the lower body of the starving daughter has changed. The bloated body is split open, and several pairs of beast pupils full of greed are opened, and the **** mouth is split open, like a huge animal head with a head and no body, ugly and cruel .

The **** mouth opened wide, the huge tongue rolled out, and the broken claws that had not yet landed went directly into its belly.

The pale head of the starving daughter's lower body seems to be the master who controls her body. She has no reason, only a terrible appetite. Surrounded by countless tendrils, it bites towards the mourner at an astonishingly fast speed.

The Undertaker kept backing away, avoiding the ferocious attacks of the beast's mouth one after another. Huge ghost claws poked out from the mist, trying to stop him, but they were devoured by tendrils that would eat everything in no time.

"What the **** are you!"

The mourner's voice was still cold, not like a living creature, it didn't seem to be in pain, there was no pain because of the lack of an arm, there wasn't even any bodily fluid coming out of the wound, and the incision was smooth.

Of course, this arm did not grow again. Not all monsters have the almost perverted self-healing ability of the Hungry Girl. No matter how they attack, they will quickly recover and self-heal in a very short period of time, making it difficult to kill.

However, the starving girl didn't seem to have any reason to speak, and she didn't answer. The bloated monster in her lower body made her move, and she kept attacking the mourners. The mourners had to fight and retreat.

Unknowingly, the surrounding fog became thicker, and the fog in the daytime could reach an astonishing level that people couldn't see their fingers, and the figure of the mourner gradually became blurred.

It's leaving!

Just like the short-lived battle with Zhao Xiong before, it has to use special skills to leave here, and does not want to continue to entangle with the irrational starving daughter.


Seeing the fog becoming more and more blurred, when the figure in the fog was about to disappear in place, suddenly a huge silver-white lightning struck down from the sky.

The thunder suddenly fell into the center of the fog, and an extremely dazzling electric light erupted. Countless intersecting thunder and lightning even spread and spread around the ground, sending out a violent explosion!

The brightness that was like 10,000 flash bombs exploded at the same time, the camp lost its color in an instant, leaving only a vast expanse of white.

After a while, the terrifying rumbling of thunder came out, making people feel panic and uneasy, as if the divine punishment from the gods.

The terrifying celestial phenomenon frightened everyone, some were frightened, and some showed ecstasy. Could it be that my sincere prayers were heard by the gods, and they descended divine thunder to destroy monsters!

When the thunder dissipated, a large empty space appeared in the middle of the gray fog. The ground around the huge black coffin was scorched black, and no grass grew. Only the mourners survived, and the figures of the rest of the funeral procession were all turned into flying ashes.

Although the mourner was not chopped to death, it was in a very bad state. With only one arm left, it was half-knelt on the ground, and its body was covered with terrifying scars from lightning bombardment. diffuse.

The traction force of the transfer was also interrupted, the skill failed, and he was unable to leave here.

However, there was still no liquid coming out of the mourner's wound, like a mummified corpse.

"you again."

The mourner's voice was slightly weak, and he looked in the exact opposite direction from the starving daughter.

His eyes penetrated through the fog, and he clearly saw the attacker.

"What do you mean it's me again, have you forgotten whose territory is here?"

In the fog, the ground trembled, and the silhouette of a huge beast like a mountain appeared, gradually appearing in the field of vision.

Zhao Xiong had been nearby for a while, but he didn't get close to the battle, because he had already found out who the other side was fighting with the Undertaker. He never expected that it was the rumored starving girl!

This thing eats everything, but it can't be regarded as an allied army.

Zhao Xiong really didn't expect it to come to the area of ​​Yangchuan City. As a terrifying creature that devoured the entire county, it was extremely dreadful.

After investigating with the insight technique, I found that this pale and bloated monster had a combat power of 15,000, and it was indeed very powerful.

Although I felt a familiar feeling in the starving daughter, I vaguely felt that she might be the daughter of the original sin, the second member of the blood council.

But I didn't dare to confirm it. After all, the image of the Hungry Girl is a bit different from that of the little Loli, and compared to the little Loli who can barely communicate, the monster on the list in front of me seems to be just a terrifying beast, who only knows greed. devours everything.

But then again, even if the Daughter of Hungry is really a little loli, it is not enough to make Zhao Xiong trust. The two have only met once in the parliament, or they are ideologically unfamiliar at all, and I am not sure if it will be Abandoning the Undertaker, turned his head and attacked himself.

Zhao Xiong has been waiting, hoping that the two monsters will be wounded, and then come out to make up for the head. However, the fighting strength of the starving daughter is a little fierce, and the mourners are defeated.

Seeing that the Undertaker was planning to use the transfer skill to leave, Zhao Xiong had to make a move, and if he didn't make a move, it would have to slip out of his eyes again.

Although it was a little different from what I expected, the Undertaker's transfer was interrupted in an instant, and he was unable to escape from here.

Under the premise that the Daughter of Hungry had consumed the great strength of the Undertaker, the charged thunder blasted a big hole in its chest, almost killing it.

"The Hungry Daughter!"


"Thunder Roar!"

Seeing the huge giant bear that appeared at the end, the survivors in the camp couldn't help but be frightened. Three monsters on the list would gather in front of this small camp. Could it be that there is something ordinary people don't know about here? Treasure, why can you attract such terrifying monsters, there are only three, and there are only a few monsters on the list in the entire Kaiyuan Dynasty!

Only Gu Xinglan remained silent, not even feeling shocked. He just quietly opened a small pot and poured the wine into his throat.

"I said before, this is not a place where you can come and leave when you want."

Zhao Xiong came over and stared at the mourner with cruel eyes: "I let you slip away last time. Don't even think about it this time."

"Just because you want to kill me?"

The gravely wounded mourner was bubbling with blue smoke, but he didn't have any fear, instead he let out a contemptuous cold laughter.

"If you have a hole card, use it as soon as possible, or it will be too late." Zhao Xiong raised his paw and pointed to the mourner's back.

The strong wind hit, and countless tendrils surrounded the pale and bloated Hungry Daughter and rushed towards the mourner from behind. It did not change its attack target, and still had a special liking for this monster that exuded the breath of death.

Stab it!

Countless tendrils wrapped around the mourner's body, and the huge mouth of blood opened to devour it.

But Zhao Xiong was just watching from the side, and he didn't have the idea of ​​going up to grab people's heads. The insight technique failed to detect all the skills possessed by the Undertaker. He believed that this guy would never die so easily, and there must be unused cards. .

Sure enough, before the starving daughter could eat the mourner, the mourner let out a sneer and lost his breath.

The deer head's body split open with countless cracks, turning into a pile of warm minced meat, detached from the entanglement of tendrils, and scattered on the ground.

This situation confuses the beast pupils on the lower body of the Hungry Daughter, and it seems that some do not understand why the captured prey suddenly loses all its breath.


As the mourner turned into minced flesh, the dozens of iron chains that were originally wrapped around it began to shrink and returned to the huge coffin.

Before anyone could think about it, the surroundings became inexplicably quiet, the temperature plummeted, and the strong breath of death appeared again.


One was penetrated by an iron chain, and an even more ferocious and huge claw came out from the huge black coffin: "Stupid, do you really think you can kill God?"