
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Product Update: Feast!

Product update:

[Feast]: The ultimate skill from the Void Fear of the League of Legends world. Devouring an enemy greedily, dealing true damage, and if you kill an enemy unit with Feast, you will gain a stack of Feast, each increasing in size and granting health bonuses.

Note: The feast effect can be superimposed infinitely, there is a cooldown period after the release, and only 6 layers of feast effect can be obtained by swallowing ordinary creatures.

Value: ★★★★★★, exchange price: 12 golden soul stones (discounted price of 10 golden soul stones)

[Sacrifice Scroll]: A one-time consumable item. After use, an uncontrolled natural disaster will randomly erupt, causing damage to the world. The specific power is unknown, and the type of natural disaster that erupts shall prevail.

Value: ★★★★☆, exchange price: 6 golden soul stones (5 golden soul stones at a discounted price)

[Blood Source]: A stone that contains strange energy. According to legend, the creatures who choose to fuse it will get the power from the source of blood, but there is also a certain chance of unknown changes.

Value: ★★★★☆, exchange price: 5 golden soul stones (3 golden soul stones at a discounted price)

The next product update time: 29 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Continue to refresh: 1 golden soul stone.

Zhao Xiong stayed in Longyuan alone, browsing the product page.

After a few days of silence, the update time of the mysterious store has finally arrived, and the above three items are the products that appeared after the update.

The last round of products were the supernatural powers, heaven and earth, the best space imprint, and a thousand-year lifespan. At that time, Zhao Xiong bought the first two more useful products.

The magical powers of heaven and earth have brought Zhao Xiong a great increase in combat power. So far, no one has been able to completely force out his final combat power.

And the space imprint is naturally the first choice for going out. Zhao Xiong can throw huge prey and unnecessary things in it.

Only a thousand years of life remain on the shelf.

Seeing that the refresh time is coming soon, and the lifespan of a thousand years is still unable to find the use target, it is a pity to let it refresh, so Zhao Xiong thought about it and bought it, adding a thousand years of life to himself.

The lifespan of the immortal mad thunder is long and long. It is estimated that this thing will not be used, but it is a pity to waste it.

As for using it for others, Zhao Xiong is not so enthusiastic, and the creatures he encounters have no value for them to use.

For example, the old dragon king with a near-shouyuan, it is the creature that Zhao Xiong meets most needs this thousand years of life. If he knows that Zhao Xiong has such a good thing, he will definitely exchange it at all costs, just to survive.

But Zhao Xiong has no reason to use it. He is the enemy of the old dragon king. Even if the old dragon king is temporarily grateful, he will find trouble with Zhao Xiong after the lifespan crisis is resolved, or even kill him. His lifespan will definitely make him crazy. Want more life from him.

Greed is always unsatisfied, not to mention a guy like the old dragon king who is willing to transform into a creature from the underworld in order to survive, Zhao Xiong is too lazy to bother with it, and it is most appropriate to directly kill it and transform it into a soul stone.

What's more, Zhao Xiong didn't look down on the old Dragon King's combat power. It was the weakest rank in the Nightmare rank. It is estimated that the God of Merman is stronger than it when he is desperately trying.

Thoughts flashed, Zhao Xiong then looked at the updated product.


Zhao Xiong was very happy that he was able to refresh the big bug's big move.

Void Fear Cho'Gath, commonly known as the Big Bug, is the world of League of Legends, a terrifying creature from the void, driven by insatiable hunger, with a desire to devour all life.

It can devour other creatures by feasting, quickly transform substances into the growth of the body, make the body larger, and increase the mass and density of muscles. It can be said to be a very powerful skill.

And there is no limit to the feast. As long as you continue to devour hero units, you can continue to grow and eventually grow into a huge and incomparable behemoth of the void.

In the ultimate magic book mode in the League of Legends game, you can randomly obtain the ultimate skills of three heroes to choose from, and basically those who choose the "feast" have taken off.

It can be said that the big bug's big move, except for the big bug, can't be used by anyone.

In the face of the unlimited stacking skill of the Indestructible Grip with the talent, Zhao Xiong certainly did not hesitate and bought it directly.

Spending 10 golden soul stones, the 'feast' turned into a streamer and melted into Zhao Xiong's body.

In an instant, I felt a change in my physique.

Zhao Xiong was not surprised. The feast grows by devouring life, the body becomes larger, and the biological structure that can quickly convert matter into its own matter is not just a simple skill mechanism, but the evolution of the flesh.

Devouring life through a feast is not only the growth of the body, but also the process of improving the strength of the physical body, which will become more powerful.

In a short time, Zhao Xiong's body changes ended, and it was perfectly integrated with the feast.

Zhao Xiong can't wait to use the big bug's big move to stack the body shape. Fortunately, his patience has improved a lot now, so he can bear it for the time being and continue to look at the following two products.

The Calamity Scroll, literally understood, can be regarded as a Mage's Forbidden Curse Scroll, which will create a disaster after use.

It's just that the disaster scroll is random, and its power is not stable. It may cause natural disasters that destroy the world, and there may be minor disasters that are not painful or itchy. This can only depend on the character.

Zhao Xiong doesn't need this thing for the time being. His strength has not yet encountered an unstoppable enemy, so he doesn't need to try his luck through the scroll.

What's more, the random natural disaster weakness is good to say, if the natural disaster is too terrifying, and the planet is directly blown up, it will be really funny. Zhao Xiong doesn't want to float in space, and currently he does not have the strength to cross the void.

However, there are no absolutes in the world, and it may not be necessary to use it one day. Hang the scroll in the store first, and talk about it when you use it later.

As for the last product, Zhao Xiong was a little puzzled. What is this blood source? It actually involves the source of blood, which seems to bring strange changes to the user.

However, the value of this thing is only four and a half stars. Zhao Xiong doesn't need to take the risk to use it for himself, but he thinks it will be used for slaughter.

Slaughter is a symbiote from a different space, with a liquid body composed of the same blood, which is quite compatible with the source of blood.

Moreover, the massacre has not existed for a long time, and the fierce level with only a few thousand combat power can hardly help Zhao Xiong. Even if Zhao Xiong's power is released, he is afraid of killing it first.

It is possible to use this blood source to enhance the combat power of Slaughter. Although I don't know what changes will occur after using it, it is unknown whether it is good or bad for Slaughter, but it is better than leaving Slaughter in such an embarrassing situation. Many, can survive only depends on the good fortune of massacre.