
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs


Lord Thunder Roar?

This strange name makes Zhao Xiong unable to get it right. Some people recognize him as normal, after all, he has already been exposed on the monster list.

But why he would call an adult and take the initiative to run over to ask for help, which made him very puzzled.

Since he can speak, this half-human, half-insect guy should be a human, or once a human.

The curious Zhao Xiong didn't do anything, and let it kneel and come to the front from a hundred meters away.

Looking at the behemoth with several floors in front of him, the half-human, half-insect mutant buried his head deeply on the ground and begged: "Lord Thunder Roar, I am Ma Weimin, the village chief of the nearby forest village, I beg you to save us!"

Soon Zhao Xiong learned what happened in their village from this mutant who called himself Ma Weimin.

Ma Weimin and the villagers were originally normal humans, but after the disaster, a terrible demon appeared near the village and asked the villagers to hold sacrifice rituals for it regularly, otherwise they would be cursed by it.

The villagers were afraid of the devil's means, so they could only submit and sacrifice according to the requirements, but as time went on, the requirements for sacrifice became higher, more frequent, and more evil.

And the sacrifices are also changing. At first, it was livestock, then evolved monsters outside, and then it was sacrificed with human life, until the villagers could not meet its needs and refused to sacrifice for the first time, and then a terrible curse came. to their heads.

The villagers began to mutate to varying degrees, such as Ma Weimin, who was half-human and half-insect.


This makes Zhao Xiong a little interested. Since it can curse people, this monster must at least have the strength of disaster level or above.

"But why did you find me? I'm a monster."

Why did this guy find him? Zhao Xiong still doesn't know. Does he look like a savior? The name given by the council is the bear of the world.

"You are not a monster! You are the patron saint sent by God to save mankind!"

Ma Weimin said emotionally: "A few days ago, in order to protect the camp of human survivors, you did not hesitate to fight the mourners. The deeds have been posted all over the Internet!"


Zhao Xiong suddenly had a question mark on his face, when did Lao Tzu fight the Undertaker in order to protect mankind.

After further questioning, I learned that it was the survivors of the Yangchuan City camp who uploaded the story of Zhao Xiong's killing of the Undertaker to the Internet, and the list of the strongest monsters has also been updated with Thunder Roar's record.

After the list is updated, in the eyes of humans, the arrival of Thunder Roar is to save people.

At that time, the mourners had already destroyed the camp and killed a lot of people. At this critical juncture, another monster on the list, the Hungry Girl, appeared. Not to mention those who had experienced it personally, even those who were onlookers could feel despair and believe that they were absolutely dead. .

After all, the Daughter of Hungry was known far and wide, and she was a man-eating monster that was even scarier than The Undertaker.

However, just as this human being was dying, the Thunder roar appeared.

Unlike the other two monsters, Thunder Roar has not actively attacked humans in known records.

It appeared at the time of crisis in the camp, killed the mourners, let the starving daughter flee, and in the eyes of the survivors, he was the one who protected the camp.

Then it left voluntarily and did not attack humans, which is the most powerful proof.

Many netizens fanatically believe that Thunder Roar is a patron saint who silently shelters mankind!

There are also many survivors who survived the attack who also believe this.

"Making up on your own is the most deadly."

Zhao Xiong did not expect that he would become popular on the Internet again. After all, after there were no humans around, he had lost access to the Internet.

"In order to protect us human beings, you did not hesitate to fight against the powerful Undertaker, and even beat off the starving daughter. Your actions have proved that you are righteous!"

Ma Weimin lost control of his emotions and knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes: "We are about to be cornered by that demon, it wants us to sacrifice our own children.

We are ready to fight to the death, but you appeared at this desperate time, to meet you here, this is God's blessing to me, I beg you to help us! ! "

Don't talk nonsense, who beat the starving daughter away.

Zhao Xiong was speechless. The rumors on the Internet were really not enough to believe. The girl who died of hunger was here, but she had more coffins and turned into a loli.

He really didn't expect that he had accidentally hit the savior in the eyes of mankind, obviously just wanted to take revenge on the soul stone.

"It's no use complimenting me."

Zhao Xiong decided to be too lazy to pay attention to these remarks. It is their business to think what human beings love. Unless they provide enough benefits, don't think about moral kidnappings such as patron saints.

"Where is the devil?"

However, Zhao Xiong is still very interested in the devil itself and wants to see it.

Ma Weimin said quickly: "It lives in the forest near the village, hidden in the depths of the forest, and we don't know the exact location, but today is the day of offering sacrifices, and it will appear."

Zhao Xiong didn't talk nonsense: "Take me to your village."

"That's great, Lord Thunder Roar, I'll show you the way!" Ma Weimin was ecstatic.

So Zhao Xiong and Little Loli took the road under its lead, and it didn't take long for a small village next to a large forest to appear in front of them.

"That's our village."

Ma Weimin pointed to the road ahead.

After a while, he came to the village.


The ground tremors caused by walking shocked everyone in the village.

The villagers ran out armed with various modified weapons, thinking that monsters were attacking the village.

But when they saw the huge giant bear, all the villagers were stunned, not knowing what to do for a while.

Zhao Xiong glanced at it, and all the people here turned into monsters.

There are vegetative people who are half-human and half-tree, with large flowers growing on their heads; there are also female lizardmen with lizard tails and scales on their bodies; villagers.

"Brothers and sisters! Look who is here! This is Lord Thunder Roar!"

Ma Weimin shouted excitedly: "We are saved, Lord Thunder Roar will help us destroy the devil!

We can survive, our children will not be sacrificed, and we can survive! "

Hearing Ma Weimin's cry, although these villagers did not have the violent mood swings like him, at least there was a hint of hope in their numb eyes.

"Why don't you run away?"

Zhao Xiong asked.

"You can't escape, everyone who escapes is dead."

Ma Weimin shook his head and said, "Our village has been cursed by demons. If you leave the village too far, you will die violently. The place where I met you before is the farthest distance."

"Okay, when will it come?"

"At night, but the demons no longer come in person. Some time ago, it recruited a messenger and it has been used to collect sacrifices, as long as you catch it, you can find out the whereabouts of the demons. "


Zhao Xiong nodded, stopped talking, found an open space, lay down on his huge body, and began to close his eyes and rest.

Little Loli wanted to play around, but seeing that he ignored her, she closed the coffin lid in a fit of anger and went to sleep.

Time flies, and night gradually falls.

Instead of returning to their homes, the oddly shaped villagers gathered together and waited nervously.

The forest at night is dark and inexplicable, like a huge mouth opened by a demon, which is particularly terrifying.


The surroundings became more gloomy and the temperature plummeted.

The villagers' bodies trembled inexplicably, and they clenched their weapons tightly, realizing that the demon's messenger was coming.


A head that had been soaked in water for a long time and became swollen and unrecognizable floated out of the dark forest.

As if torn from the neck, the cloudy and white pupils exude malice.

The head floated outside the village, stopped at the entrance of the village, and made a hoarse and cold voice: "Where's the sacrifice?"

However, to its surprise, these villagers did not respond, nor were they as frightened as usual, but stared at it with cold and hostile eyes.

"Okay, you guys, dare to disobey the master's order, it seems that you want to die..."


At this time, a heavy breathing sound came from the village, and the sound of the head stopped abruptly.

There was fear in the eyes of the unrecognizable head, as if recalling some unbearable memory.

"meet again."

In the darkness, a pair of silver-white huge bear eyes lit up.