
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Mythical Creature


A huge thunder slashed down in the air and exploded in the river.

Not long after, a nearly ten-meter-long crocodile floated up from the river with its belly turned over and died.

"Just keep things simple in the wild."

At this time, a larger bear walked to the river bank, stuck out its claws, and fished out the crocodile's body from the river.

After picking the head and peeling the skin to remove the internal organs, they began to eat directly raw, and the terrifying bite force easily shattered the flesh and bones of the crocodile.

The giant bear was naturally Zhao Xiong. After he left the zoo, he walked all the way. When he saw the river, he planned to clean it up. He killed the evil **** with twelve eyes before, and his body was covered with blood, and the original silver-white fur was stained with blood red.

But as soon as he arrived at the river, he found an evolved crocodile hiding under the water before he went down, so the crocodile was directly killed by the thunder and turned into food.

It seems that the zoo was not completely wiped out, and some animals like the four-armed giant ape and the evolved crocodile escaped and survived before the evil **** came.

Zhao Xiong's appetite is very large, and the crocodile ate all of it.

After eating, I washed it in the river water, and the fur finally returned to its original color, and the blood stained this section of the river water red.

The river water meanders into the distance. Fortunately, the blood loses its pollution after the evil spirit will be killed, and will not affect the creatures downstream.

After cleaning, Zhao Xiong felt refreshed, his silver-white hair was thick and thick, flashing with a faint thunder light, and he became majestic again.

After a short rest, Zhao Xiong opened the mysterious shop to check it out.

The products are still a few items left after the last purchase, and there is not much time left until the next refresh.

The rest of the products include the bloodline inheritance of 'Gorgeous Medusa', 'Sacred Covenant' and 'Shangyang'. As for the 82-year-old Sprite, it has been ignored for a long time.

Zhao Xiong thought about it, and spent a thousand soul stones to buy the sacred contract and put it in the inventory. This thing should be useful in the future.

Forget about Medusa, who is indistinguishable between us and the enemy. It seems that the income from buying this subordinate is not very good. If it is the previous 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' or the 'Queen of Blades', I will definitely buy it without hesitation.

Seeing the last Shangyang bloodline, Zhao Xiong hesitated for a while, but he also bought it, but he still didn't want to refresh the products with instant bargain prices.

"You have successfully purchased the 'Shangyang'. This bloodline inheritance cannot be put into the inventory. Do you want to integrate it immediately?"

"Friendly reminder: You do not have poultry blood, and the fusion success rate is 0. Please find a suitable target for fusion."

Well, forget this,

Zhao Xiong slapped his head with a big paw, forgetting that the special product of bloodline inheritance cannot be put into the inventory.

But in this barren mountain, where can I find a bird?


Coincidentally, just after thinking about this, a large gray-brown bird with a wingspan of three meters flew overhead.

Big Bird felt the terrifying aura emanating from Zhao Xiong's body, and was taken aback.

Zhao Xiong: "..."

Went forward and found that this was an evolved sparrow.

The gray-brown wings are like arrows, and the claws are sharp, which can easily tear apart the flesh of the prey.

Just you!

Zhao Xiong didn't want to waste the precious blood of the Shang sheep and stuffed it directly into the comatose sparrow.

As for whether the fusion is successful, it depends on its luck.

As the blood of the Shang sheep entered the body, the evolutionary sparrow suddenly opened its eyes, and a divine power penetrated.

The sparrow's body began to grow, and the original gray-brown, very inconspicuous feathers fell off and were replaced by gorgeous colorful feathers.

The tail feathers are long and slender, and a tuft of feather-like feathers are formed at the back of the head, which looks extremely luxurious, like the queen of a bird.

What's even more peculiar is that the two legs under the sparrow's body gradually merged together, turning into a slender and strong single claw, flashing a sharp cold light.

The fusion of Shang Yang's bloodlines went very smoothly, and the sparrow didn't realize the terrible pain Zhao Xiong suffered when he merged with the Indestructible Thunder.

I don't know how long it took, a divine bird with a body length of nearly ten meters, gorgeous feathers, and a claw under its belly was born.

Zhao Xiong looked at it with his insight technique, and Shang Yang's information immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: ? ? ?

Race: Merchant Sheep

Bloodline: Mythical Species

Status: Early stage of growth

Skills: Qinglin, Shangyang Dancing, Advanced Flying, ? ? ?

Combat Strength Assessment: 850

Threat Assessment: Very Low

Weakness analysis: partial to the spell system, weak physical defense, and poor self-healing ability.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Zhao Xiong was very satisfied.

This little sparrow has just completed the fusion of bloodlines, and has a strength close to the disaster level. The bloodline of the beast is indeed very high.

After becoming a business sheep, the sparrow actually changed his temperament, no longer afraid of Zhao Xiong, standing proudly, combing his colorful feathers, without even looking at him.

The noble bloodline of the divine bird makes it very proud.


However, in the next second, Shang Yang's head was pinched by a huge claw.

The creature that attacked it was Zhao Xiong.

The Shang sheep chirped loudly, and the water by the river was pulled up, but to no avail.


Looking at the Shang sheep struggling desperately in his claws, Zhao Xiong broke its neck mercilessly, which was easier than killing a poultry by an ordinary person.

Shang Yang stopped moving, and his breath gradually dissipated.

Although it is a divine beast, it has no immortality, not to mention that it has just merged bloodlines and has not yet grown up. In Zhao Xiong's eyes, it is just scum.

A series of soul stones floated on Shang Yang's body.

"1800 soul stones have been collected, and you currently own 19910 soul stones."

"The quality of the mythical species is high. Before reaching the disaster level, the number of soul stones is even higher than that of ordinary disaster level monsters."

Zhao Xiong praised, and carried the Shang Yang's body to the river for cleaning.

The growth period of the blood of the divine beast is extremely long. After the original failure, Zhao Xiong felt that there was no need to bother to train another subordinate.

This guy looks very arrogant, but it's better to turn into a soul stone.

300 soul stones bought the bloodline of Shangyang, let the sparrow fuse successfully and then killed it, backhand made 1500, this transaction should be said or not, it is quite cost-effective.

"I didn't have enough crocodile meat just now, but this meat is still delicious!"

Pulling out the colorful feathers from the Shang sheep, Zhao Xiong couldn't help but sigh, the meat quality of the mythical species is different, there is no miscellaneous smell, and it is full of sweet meat fragrance.

Taking advantage of the time of eating, the wealthy Zhao Xiong spent soul stones to refresh the mysterious shop again. Anyway, he now has nearly 20,000 soul stones, only 100 soul stones.

Maybe I can buy some more good things to make my strength even higher.

"What the **** is this?"

However, when the product was refreshed, Zhao Xiong believed that the 100 soul stones were definitely the most unworthy expense in this life.

The refreshed things are all garbage, and none of them can come in handy.

When he couldn't help but want to continue to refresh, he found that the price of refreshes had changed ~www.mtlnovel.com~ actually increased to 1000 soul stones once, a full tenfold increase.

This has to be refreshed again, doesn't it require ten thousand soul stones! ?

Zhao Xiong stopped angrily. Rich people don't make it like this. It's better to wait for the products to be refreshed normally. Anyway, it's coming soon.

Soon all the Shang mutton was eaten, and the blood power contained in the flesh was also absorbed, and it was not wasted at all.

After eating and drinking, he continued on the road along the river bank, but unfortunately he did not find any trace of the prey after walking for a long time.

It wasn't until he saw factories appearing in front of him that Zhao Xiong stopped, only to realize that he actually followed the river bank to the area where the human camp was located.

I didn't take it too seriously, but I just thought with some wicked taste that if a fierce monster of my own appeared near the camp for no reason, it would scare them to death.


At this time, Zhao Xiong raised his huge bear head, looked into the distance, and sniffed the air with his nose, which was quite surprising.

Unexpectedly, in the direction of the human camp, there are actually two monsters with different breaths fighting.

The aura is very powerful, definitely fierce!

This made Zhao Xiong very puzzled, when did so many fierce monsters come to this small place in Yangchuan City.

"It's it."

And the two sides at war also interested him.

One party's aura was inexplicably familiar, but I couldn't remember where I saw it, while the other party was very familiar. Zhao Xiong had a fight with it not long ago.


Tsk tsk, Zhao Xiong sneered.

You're not too timid, you actually dare to make trouble on Lao Tzu's territory.


The giant bear immediately stepped on the ground and rushed over there.

Today, no matter who is fighting The Undertaker, I must help out the mad thunder!