
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Fantasie
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234 Chs

Mutants: Humanoids

The beginning of the catastrophe was a good thing for Zhao Xiong, who became a brown bear.

Obviously, a world where monsters are rampant is more conducive to the survival of non-human life. As a brown bear determined to become stronger, he will be targeted by humans sooner or later.

Although Zhao Xiong was once a human being, he would not foolishly think that he was still a member of the human race, nor would humans allow him to climb to the top of the food chain.

What's more, this is a country where the royal family exists.

"Huh? Something's approaching here."

Zhao Xiong stopped thinking and looked up in the direction of the gate.

With a keen sense of hearing, he sensed a strange sound coming from the outside, which did not belong to human beings.

That thing is approaching here.

And the people at the door were still immersed in a shocking atmosphere, ignorant of the danger they might face.


At this time, Chen Tian, ​​who was standing at the back of the crowd, felt that something hit the back of his head, and when he looked down, it was a chewed fish bone.

Looking back, he found that Zhao Xiong was looking at him through the iron cage.

"Big Xiong, you woke up!" Chen Tian walked over quickly.

Although something happened again in the regiment, he was still a little happy to see Zhao Xiong. After all, it was this big brown bear who knew human nature that saved his life.

"I came to see you just now, but you were still sleeping, so I didn't disturb you."

Chen Tian explained, "Thanks to you, otherwise I would have to be killed by that vicious woman."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said, "By the way, don't worry, I just said that you saved me, and I didn't tell the head about Xu Xiaoya in details. That would have a detrimental effect on you, don't you blame me?"

"And Xu Xiaoya was attacked by a monster on the way to the hospital, so it's unlikely that she will come back and tell the truth.

You know, there are probably monsters out there, and two of my other colleagues may have had an accident. "Speaking of this, Chen Tian's tone lowered again.

How can this guy talk so much.

Zhao Xiong was speechless.

He didn't have time to sympathize with Chen Tian, ​​so he directly pulled the 1.8-meter man to the cage with one paw.

Chen Tian was taken aback by Zhao Xiong's actions and quickly shut up.

The big brown bear pressed him, raised its paws and pointed to the outside of the gate, and then pointed to the monster corpse lying on the ground covered with a white cloth.

"What do you want to tell me?"

Looking at Zhao Xiong's direction, Chen Tian began to think about the meaning of this move.

"What does Xiong want to tell me?"

"Monster corpse...the gate..."

"Is there any connection between the two?"

Chen Tian had a hard time imagining the connection.

Zhao Xiong is not in a hurry. Anyway, I have brought it here. We can only see if Chen Tian's brain is working.

"No, it's not a corpse, it's a monster... Also, it seems that Xiong Da is not referring to the gate, but the outside of the gate..."

Chen Tian's brain flashed, and he suddenly took a deep breath: "You mean there are monsters outside the door?!"

After all, he's not too stupid.

Only then did Zhao Xiong let go of him.

Chen Tian's feet were soft, and he almost didn't sit on the ground, but he had been attacked by monsters and quickly stood firm.

"Leader, take everyone away from the door." He looked for Zhou Yunguo.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yunguo wondered.

"There are monsters outside, don't stay here, it's very dangerous." Chen Tian said directly.

Everyone was stunned for a while and looked at Chen Tian, ​​how come there are monsters again.

Zhou Yunguo was the leader in the end. Seeing Chen Tian's serious face, he knew that this was not the time to ask questions, so he stopped asking more questions, and immediately waved everyone into the room, away from the door.

Although everyone was dubious, they all immediately obeyed Zhou Yunguo and left here.

Soon the group of people withdrew from the gate, and Master Zhang escaped the fastest. He was already frightened by the monster, and now he heard a monster outside the door, how dare he stop.


As the last person entered the house, a figure appeared outside.

It was a huge humanoid creature, more than three meters high, which was a bit higher than the gate of the circus, and its appearance could be clearly seen.

The humanoid's eye sockets are deeply sunken, and its face is covered with a layer of bones, like a knight's visor, with sharp bone spurs all over its body, and a large bulge of hard bone behind it.

The humanoid stood outside the door, looking into the circus, as if looking at something.


Seeing this scene, everyone hiding in the house trembled involuntarily.

Nothing is more convincing than seeing it with your own eyes.

Some people lowered their breathing, while others slumped to the ground.

No one dared to scream, and there were idiots who couldn't help but almost scream, and others covered their mouths in time.

After all, Chen Tian reminded before that everyone was already a little mentally prepared for the appearance of monsters, so they reacted quickly, and they would not die like the characters in the brain-dead horror movies.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

However, although people didn't make a sound, the animals couldn't. When they encountered unknown danger, several dogs in the regiment began to bark nervously.


The humanoid creature covered with bone spurs began to try to push the door.

The giant claws covered with the exoskeleton clasped the top.

The faces of everyone changed greatly.


The next moment, the door flew out.

The humanoid came in, and the door could not block it.

The people hiding in the house were so frightened that they didn't dare to make a sound or move. Fortunately, the attention of the humanoid creatures was all attracted by the barking dogs.


This tall humanoid had an extremely dangerous aura, and several dogs were so frightened that they were paralyzed to the ground, unable to bark, and the large beasts such as lions and tigers in the cage not far away also smelled it. The danger is approaching, and the whole body is fried.

No one in the room dared to come out to stop it. This inhuman monster is very strong at first glance, and it is not something that people can clean up. Even a sedative gun may not work.

They feel that as long as it doesn't enter the house, they can do whatever they want.

Several dogs were so frightened that their feces and urine came out.

Just as the humanoid was about to start walking in, it suddenly stopped and turned to look at the big iron cage deep in the circus.

An extremely majestic giant brown bear is staring silently at it.

{Name: ? ? ?

Race: human

Bloodline: Mutant Species

Status: Mutation

Skill:? ? ?

Combat Strength Assessment: 190~360

Threat Assessment: High}

"This guy is actually a monster that has mutated from humans!"

Zhao Xiong threw a reconnaissance skill on the humanoid creature, and then he got the basic information of the other party.

Although this ghost looks like a humanoid, but seeing that it is three meters tall and covered with bone spurs and armor-like bone hard objects, Zhao Xiong really didn't think it was a human at the first time.

I'm afraid those people in the room can't believe that this guy is actually the product of human mutation.

"The evaluation of combat power is not low, it has caught up with Uncle Xiong."

Zhao Xiong grinned and grinned at the humanoid creature.

Pulling the iron cage that was in the way in front of you was easier than breaking a few toothpicks.

Stepping out of the cage, Zhao Xiong lost his restraints and stood up.


The roar of the bear.

The big brown bear man with a body length of more than four meters stood up and was five meters huge!